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Chicago Heroin v. No Touching of the Hair or Face

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Me too. I'm on day four. The first two days the subs did virtually nothing. I had crazy restless legs and other symptoms. I'm finally feeling a little better.
No restless legs for me. I had a little prep kit. I had a nice little cocktail of nortriptyline, lyrica, temazipam and clonadine saved up for a rainy day. Even still living HELL!!!
4:30!!! quitting time...never thought I'd make it. How come 8 hours sober feels like about 27?
Hey Baby, where u been? It's all good? Seems like almost all the "oldtimers" from earlier this year have been quiet.
Good to see you posting.

Ugh my life has been a shit storm. Lol. I've barely been online, pretty much just to go on Facebook and check my Gmail. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon though && I'll be able to get on here more. ;)
I just got to Chicago less than a year ago. I went from raw to subs in my old city then to nothing up here. I copped once on foot but it took forever and ended up having to use a crackhead to go to the dudes I passed like 5 times and wouldnt acknowledge me. Been thinking there has to be a better way, any advice?
never again will i go on them nasty subs!.. i kinda know i'm playing with fire since i been chipping about once a week/10days .. but never more then 2 bags when i do use.. guess i been controlling my use to where i dont get really dope sic, and able to function with out them.. part of me wishes i just could quit having these damn urges to use.

chefman how you been doing.. still fighting the battle? being clean?
Didnt do good this week at all,but im back on track so im gonna try,thanks for asking!
Looks like I'm gonna try the vivitrol shot for about 6 months.. If after that time, cravings, etc, don't go away.. then fuck it, probably gonna go back to dope/hop on methadone (Last resort). Always said I'd have to stop some day.. looks like that time is rapidly approaching.
Guy - Best of luck on that. I know nothing about the shot. Hope it's what you're looking for. I know the subs help me a lot, but recently I still find myself copping 2-3x week, so it's on and off, subs and dope. It is what it is, man, i just love going to to get it, picking up, the rush, doing that first one, then on to the rest of the day.....I get tired of that grind, I chill out for a while, but the craving comes back...I think that's similar to what you're talking about.
This weekend is an off time, cause I told myself I'd be straight the whole holiday weekend, be present for everything the family wants to do, play with the kids and all, whatever, we really got nothing planned....and I'm already trying to figure out how to get out of the house tomorrow morning to go pick up some blows for the day.

That heroin is a muthafucker, right?

Best of luck to all you guys (and girls) out there trying to get straight.
North side does you girl know about you using? Like can she tell or do you keep the dose low so that you don't look fucked up? I understand if you don't want to answer it. My woman used to tell me that I was on methadone/subs long enough and didn't need it anymore and that shit pisses me off. Then a week later she wants me to get us some oxy. She really has no clue on what addiction is.
Well I'm jumping back on the wagon tomorrow.I did my last bags a couple hours ago. Picked up my subs yesterday. I'm dreading this!! Restless legs are the worst!! I can do this, I can do this...
Looks like I'm gonna try the vivitrol shot for about 6 months.. If after that time, cravings, etc, don't go away.. then fuck it, probably gonna go back to dope/hop on methadone (Last resort). Always said I'd have to stop some day.. looks like that time is rapidly approaching.

That shot wont do anything for your cravings. I recomend starting with the 30 day shot no reason to go crazy.
Good news, I succeeded on foot for the second time, unfortunately had to use someone again, but hey whatever works. I'll post about quality soon, but idk how relevant it will be considering this is only the second time in about a year so I'm sure my tolerance is waaaaaay down.
Quality is good. I only did one foil, and I'm nodding pretty good, although as I previously said my tolerance is waaaay down. I'm happy though!
Well I'm jumping back on the wagon tomorrow.I did my last bags a couple hours ago. Picked up my subs yesterday. I'm dreading this!! Restless legs are the worst!! I can do this, I can do this...

if you can, like if your job doesnt drop you randomly for whatever reason, then smoke some weed to help with the WDs. when im sick and feeling like shit not wanting to do anything, weed is the only thing that can somewhat satisfy me. smoking a little weed is whats gonna hepl you et threw the hard parts of the wd AND YOU MORE THEN LIKELY WILL laugh while doing it..thers nothing worse then waking up ass early, sick and cant fall back to sleep but smoke a bowl and if it doedsnt put you back to sleep it wil at least make take your mind off of feeling like shit and thats all you can reall ask for. especially people who use subs and claim they dont work, they work just fine. its just youre expecting somesort of buzz or something and thats not what it will do, but add a little bud to it and then it will definetly help.

i always said if i had to choose4 one drug to use for the rest of my life and after choosing the one drug, i can never go back and without a doubt i wuld choose weed over anything else everytime. weed to me isnt a drug, its a way of life. i cant understand how alcohol is perfectly legal but marijuana isnt, it makes no sense. Illinois just passed its medical marijuana law but you have to basically be dieing if cancer for them to let you use it medically, they arent gonna allow you to grow it yourself and yet there will only be one dispensary per county or smetjhing stupid like that and yet colorado and washington are gonna allow it to be sold and used like alcohol is, hell even less strict then alcohol xause they are saying above the age of 18, not 21.

the one thing that might change all this is the fact that the giovernment said it will not interfer and come after people if under state law marijuana is legal even though federally it is still illegal. so people and states who are reluctant to pass mmj are gonna have a pass from the feds and with the feds doing this, why not fully legalize, tax and create some jobs off of it?...heres the link from yesterday http://abcnews.go.com/US/marijuana-ruling-signal-end-prohibition-pot/story?id=20118755&page=2 ..what i dont like is why they wont just come on out and legalize it. its well know obama was a huge pothead growing up in hawaii and i really dont doubt that he doesnt step into some private office and fires up a blunt cause hes stressing over syria and plus he has to turn his lights on "oval office kush" is real picky to grown and you got to take care of it cause normally its an outdoor strain in hawaii, so growing it indoors isnt the best for it

i have 2 monster plants this year and i can tell imma end up with damn neatr a qp off of the one plant. the cola alone i wouldnt doubt is gonna end up being a OZ by itself but every ince or 2 you an see the buds already growing and with the plant being 7ft tall already with out the cola, its gonna end up being almost 8ft vy the time i pull it. the other plant doesnt look as nice and big cause its a month ot so younger thyen he other but it should be just as good. the one big guy though i cant believe how big it is and how much bud its gonna give me. as long as i can take care of it and fry and cure it the right way, i doubt i will have to buy any weed for a good 6months if not more. i just wish i had more growing, this will be the one and only time i dont sprout the seeds and ,ale sure they are good before putting them in the ground cause i didnt do it this year and had to have thrown at least 50seeds out there and only 2 came up. so im starting to ssave seeds right now for next year and come this time next year i hope to have 15-20plants and not just 2. now the only thibng is i dont know hat the quality will be cause really the seeds are just a mix of everything, regs, dank, kush every and any seed i got/found over a couple months, so who knows how good it will be, plus they are growing outsideso theres not much i can really do aside from watering it and maybe thrwoiugn the bat guano on it
Calling heroin deaths a regional epidemic, authorities Wednesday announced charges against 31 people accused of peddling the drug for a massive distribution network in Cook and DuPage counties.

DuPage State's Attorney Bob Berlin said the charges stem from an extensive investigation that began in February and involved numerous law enforcement agencies and more than 17 court-authorized wiretaps.The case comes as fatal heroin overdoses have skyrocketed locally, with 70 in DuPage since January 2012 alone, according to Berlin.

"We have a heroin epidemic in this county," he said. "(The) charges send a message to those drug dealers who are peddling ... the poison that is killing the citizens of this county. It sends a message that those drug dealers will be caught, they will be arrested, they will be charged, and they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

At the "top of the pyramid," Berlin said, was Andres Garcia, 26, of Chicago, who is accused of using "lieutenants" and "runners" to supply kilograms of raw, uncut heroin to suburban customers. Prosecutors said the operation generated $2,500 to $3,000 a day.

The investigation began after authorities executed a search warrant in Carol Stream, seized more than 20 grams of heroin and obtained information about a widespread drug ring.

Altogether, 31 people from Cook and DuPage counties have been charged. At least 26 had been taken into custody as of Wednesday, authorities said.

The case is the first to be prosecuted in DuPage under the state's new Street Gang and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) law.

Jack Riley, special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration's Chicago office, said the alleged drug ring was "clearly the work of surrogates of the Mexican cartels," which provide 80 percent to 90 percent of the heroin trafficked throughout the Midwest.

"This is the new face of organized crime — don't kid yourself," said Riley, whose office was involved in the investigation.

"This is the way we're going to do business from this point forward," he said. "We're going to go after organizations, from the people putting it on the street, from the people transporting it, all the way down to the source of supply — wherever that takes us."

Twenty-two defendants, including Garcia, appeared in bond court Wednesday on various charges ranging from heroin possession to racketeering and unlawful criminal drug conspiracy.

Judge Elizabeth Sexton set bails of $75,000 to $1.5 million.

Investigators from the DuPage Metropolitan Enforcement Group and more than a dozen police agencies including Addison, Glen Ellyn, Lombard and Naperville "spent thousands of hours listening to phone calls, conducting surveillance, executing traffic stops and also interviewing numerous people" throughout the six-month investigation, Berlin said.

Berlin described the alleged drug ring as "very methodical."

He said the group, consisting mostly of Chicago residents, brought heroin into the suburbs and sold it to suburban users in the city.

"Unfortunately, I think this is the tip of the iceberg," he said. "We busted a huge organization, but others are out there."

Berlin, who said the investigation is ongoing and more arrests are possible, attributed the climb in heroin deaths to the drug being "10 times more powerful" and addictive than it was decades ago.

Riley had a message for those still dealing: "You better be looking over your shoulder, because we're coming," he said.

All of the defendants are scheduled to appear before Judge Robert Kleeman in September.
I agree with what chinky says about chronic, especially if you've already got subs. Subs always worked great for me (except the extended wd's from them) but sometimes you want a bit of a buzz, and smoking definitely takesttakesthe edge off/helps you sleep, eat etc. It also helped me come off the boxes almost with ease. It's got a way of masking your brains need for dope, and it's helped me stay off it fpr almost (with the exception of me doing dope twice.) Weed for me is an amazing cure all, and my favorite drug for sure.
And there will be 60 dispensaries for the entire state and each will have to be approved by the state. The current program is a 4 year pilot program, and yes, it's looking pretty grim for someone looking to get their card and doesn't have some life threatening ailment. The only good news is that they left it open to add more ailments as they see fit, so hopefully they will add chronic pain to the list since that is a massive catch all category, and would improve your chances of getting a card at least 10 fold.
Calling heroin deaths a regional epidemic, authorities Wednesday announced charges against 31 people accused of peddling the drug for a massive distribution network in Cook and DuPage counties.

DuPage State's Attorney Bob Berlin said the charges stem from an extensive investigation that began in February and involved numerous law enforcement agencies and more than 17 court-authorized wiretaps.The case comes as fatal heroin overdoses have skyrocketed locally, with 70 in DuPage since January 2012 alone, according to Berlin.

"We have a heroin epidemic in this county," he said. "(The) charges send a message to those drug dealers who are peddling ... the poison that is killing the citizens of this county. It sends a message that those drug dealers will be caught, they will be arrested, they will be charged, and they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

At the "top of the pyramid," Berlin said, was Andres Garcia, 26, of Chicago, who is accused of using "lieutenants" and "runners" to supply kilograms of raw, uncut heroin to suburban customers. Prosecutors said the operation generated $2,500 to $3,000 a day.

The investigation began after authorities executed a search warrant in Carol Stream, seized more than 20 grams of heroin and obtained information about a widespread drug ring.

Altogether, 31 people from Cook and DuPage counties have been charged. At least 26 had been taken into custody as of Wednesday, authorities said.

The case is the first to be prosecuted in DuPage under the state's new Street Gang and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) law.

Jack Riley, special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration's Chicago office, said the alleged drug ring was "clearly the work of surrogates of the Mexican cartels," which provide 80 percent to 90 percent of the heroin trafficked throughout the Midwest.

"This is the new face of organized crime — don't kid yourself," said Riley, whose office was involved in the investigation.

"This is the way we're going to do business from this point forward," he said. "We're going to go after organizations, from the people putting it on the street, from the people transporting it, all the way down to the source of supply — wherever that takes us."

Twenty-two defendants, including Garcia, appeared in bond court Wednesday on various charges ranging from heroin possession to racketeering and unlawful criminal drug conspiracy.

Judge Elizabeth Sexton set bails of $75,000 to $1.5 million.

Investigators from the DuPage Metropolitan Enforcement Group and more than a dozen police agencies including Addison, Glen Ellyn, Lombard and Naperville "spent thousands of hours listening to phone calls, conducting surveillance, executing traffic stops and also interviewing numerous people" throughout the six-month investigation, Berlin said.

Berlin described the alleged drug ring as "very methodical."

He said the group, consisting mostly of Chicago residents, brought heroin into the suburbs and sold it to suburban users in the city.

"Unfortunately, I think this is the tip of the iceberg," he said. "We busted a huge organization, but others are out there."

Berlin, who said the investigation is ongoing and more arrests are possible, attributed the climb in heroin deaths to the drug being "10 times more powerful" and addictive than it was decades ago.

Riley had a message for those still dealing: "You better be looking over your shoulder, because we're coming," he said.

All of the defendants are scheduled to appear before Judge Robert Kleeman in September.

He was just a mid level player. 2500-3000 a day isn't that much really. and to only find 20 grams at the raid is just sad for an investigation using that much time and resources. Nothing will change new players will step up and itll be business as usual
Shit i New dirtbag middle man dealers who made more $ then that and they were nobodys. Big bust my ass!!
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