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Why is meth use looked down upon?

Fersho I gotta look into gettin a new toothbrush hah but I try to use mouth wash after I smoke been when I'm out and about with friends i don't use mouth wash or brush and I do drink lots of water but I forget at times and that's when my mouth gets dry nd then I down a whole bottle of water haha
Fersho I gotta look into gettin a new toothbrush hah but I try to use mouth wash after I smoke been when I'm out and about with friends i don't use mouth wash or brush and I do drink lots of water but I forget at times and that's when my mouth gets dry nd then I down a whole bottle of water haha

Step ur dental hygiene game up son two notches, and you got this. And I prob shouldn't be talking. I get enough sleep, don't smoke amphs, and don't brush enough like a hippie.
As for the coke users...I think that's a matter of circumstance. I don't think the vast majority of people will end up in as horrible of a situation with coke simply because it's way too damn fucking expensive. Also it's shitty and why anyone would want a coke high that lasts 45 minutes at most before you feel like shit over a somewhat less euphoric but more consistent speed high that lasts 4-5 hours before it makes you feel like shit is beyond me. Someone could offer me a drug that produces the greatest feeling in the world, but if it lasted for 10 seconds I wouldn't waste my money on it. That's what coke seems like to me, and it would be fine if you could buy a shitload and keep doing it to keep the high going but the price makes that a stupid decision unless you're loaded.
You obviously havent tried fire Cocaine. The stuff where you can still eat and sleep perfectly after doing it for 5 hours straight.
meth is fucking awesome. too much of a GOOD thing can become a real fucking BAD thing. With great power comes great responsibility. The way amphetamines expand your mind in the beg is beautiful, but ppl just tend to fuck up the best things. Everyone has thier free agency to do as they plz. I've been casually using meth since i was 17 and im nearly 27. never had to go to rehab. Never craved to bad, or had a freakout. I am extreme ADHD though. I think the smoking, IV ROA is the worst part of it. If ppl weighed out clean meth and swallowed it in capsules it wouldn't be NEARLY as destructive. my two cents
If they hit rock bottom they at least have something to fall back on - they have kratom they can easily purchase online, they can get subs or methadone if they can go to a clinic...with meth addicts, I've never seen the equivalent of that. When you finally make that last crash, you crash fucking hard. End of story.

Modafinil does work to a degree, apparently: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02437.x/abstract

I think the smoking, IV ROA is the worst part of it. If ppl weighed out clean meth and swallowed it in capsules it wouldn't be NEARLY as destructive. my two cents

This man speaks the truth! Meth does get a lot if its bad rap from the common RoAs and lack of reliable dosing. If all the hardcore tweekers stuck to popping desoxyn pills, I doubt you'd see anywhere near as many lives ruined.
Someone could offer me a drug that produces the greatest feeling in the world, but if it lasted for 10 seconds I wouldn't waste my money on it.

Heroin becomes very similar to that once you're dependant, it's those 10 seconds of relief that really keep me going back though.
here we go - here comes the my cock is better than yours game
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I want to sway my dick around too - we have the most expensive and least pure coke IN THE WORLD.

Beat that, Americans!
I want to sway my dick around too - we have the most expensive and least pure coke IN THE WORLD.

Beat that, Americans!

well u prob got some cheap shwag all around I'm guessing. there's a bright side.
Meth is looked down on as worse than crack, I'd imagine because a few redoses of crack costs half your pay-check and lasts close to 3 hours.
Whereas a few redoses of meth is uber cheap because it's so fucking potent, and given the half-life, those few re-doses lasts for days leading to sleep deprivational psychosis which is not a pretty thing at all (I've experienced SDP several times, both with and without stimulants, and it's absolutely life shattering).
If crack lasted for 6-8 hours a hit and was 1/10th of the price you can imagine the havoc.
If shwag is pot, I don't think it's cheap if you're comparing it to global prices, but it is usually poor quality compared to the US or Canada. I don't smoke weed, though.
If shwag is pot, I don't think it's cheap if you're comparing it to global prices, but it is usually poor quality compared to the US or Canada. I don't smoke weed, though.

wtf are you from Russia or something? j/k don't answer that..

Whatever country it is, you can't catch a break.
It's no secret if you look at my post history. I'm from a big island down under.
It's no secret if you look at my post history. I'm from a big island down under.

Ah gotcha. Yea it's an importing nightmare there from what I hear... tho I guess it's perfect if you've got the dough.