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I hate waiting for the postman.

It drives me bloody CRAZY sitting looking out the window, practically twitching waiting.
I'm with you man! However, the difference between UK cities interms of scoring off randoms is like night and day. When I lived in Brighton all i had to do was open my front door to get guys approaching me! K, pills, speed. If that failed, just stroll down to the sea front.

In contrast, when i lived in southampton, the only time I recall scoring off a random involved approaching 5 or 6 street guys sat on a park bench while pretending to be a britonian desperate to get me a £20 bag - just to keep the clucks at bay etc.. "You got phone money?" "Course mate" = done deal! Awful lot of effort even if i do say so myself. Shit was funny looking back though. You're alright so long as they don't think you're a cop. Make sure you have alcohol on your breath and that you speak in proper english, (ie."so you been on the pipe?" = did you smoke any crack along with the alcohol and gear that you took last night). The walk to the phone box with one of the guys is not the time for clamming up or going silent. Could turn real nasty on a hair pin.

Lucky! I find it IMPOSSIBLE to find anyone to buy off.
I live in Newcastle...people think it's exactly the kind of town where it'd be really easy to score drugs but nope :(
As I thought. That whole story sounds like utter arsewater though really.
Had to send some shoes back to High&Mighty (big feet) and they send a courier to your house for free pickup. He arrived a couple days before I expected (great service) so I hadn't packaged the shoe box up. He patiently waited at the door for about 5 minutes while I scrambled around for something to wrap the box in. Ended up sticking it in a bin bag and going mental with duct tape to keep it together, with the address written on a ripped piece of A4. He chuckled at the shoddy work and wished me a good day :)

edit: I've read that over and realised it was a very dull story... One day I'll have a cracking post-related story to tell.
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They were UK based selling class As through a credit card processor. Surprising they lasted so long. Woulda liked to know which of their host of shit branded stuff was 4-mmc though.

Someone should set up a website, deposit £20 and it'll deliver you some cheap tat once a week, feel like a kid at Christmas whenever something lands on the door mat. Even if it's something shit and boring.
Nice, postie's just been (tardy fucker) and delivered my hash for the weekend. I wouldn't be surprised if a significant proportion of the RM's revenue comes from the delivery of dodgy substances these days. Anyone have any idea how much this might be?
Since when are posties allowed to intercept mail? :sus:

Yeah they can't do that shit. They may want to - whenever i go down to the centre to pick up a missed pack the guy there's like "feels a bit light this one" or some bullshit, I'm like " yeah, it does doesn't it, wonder what's inside myself, guess i won't know until I get it home and open it will I?". This guy's alright though, I know him from school through my brother so he's more just messing around. Generally I find that all they care about is how easy it is for them to deliver signed-for mail. 99% of the time I'm there at the door within 20 secs, "sign" the illegible machine with the stupid little pen and we're done. Saves them fucking around writing up a note and all that wank. Occasionally I have had postmen in the past that I considered a liability - police wise etc... That's why I always start off cautious whenever i get a new postman. No small talk, all business and even the slightest hint that he's getting inquisitive about what he's delivering and I give em my best psycho "burn your house down" stare, then they get message. So rarely though have i ever had to resort to that kind of shit - plus we get quite a nice turnover rate. New posties every 6 months to a year where i live.

I do know people who have stolen drugs out of the mail before though, postal workers. I wasn't best pleased with them put it that way - how can you steal from your own? But anyway, this was in america and I was staying with a mate of a mate who worked for UPS. He actually ripped an ounce of bud out of a package in the week while i was staying with him and I'm ashamed to say I smoked some of it, which i shouldn't have done but what's done is done. A different scenario though from what we're talking about, since this was an illegal drug.

The postal worker explained to me exactly how he did it though. Since it was illegal the guy would be showing nerves as he approached the counter, and, since it was illegal, he would decline insurance or anything that tied his name to it. That's how he made the decision whether to break open the mail or not. He said this was very difficult to do without allerting attention because of time constraints - mentioned something about a rotation system that gave you a tiny window, especially since you didn't wanna make it look like it was broken into. As far as i know, there were two other guys there in on it too because I was there when they split it after work.

Like i said, I wasn't happy with it myself to put it mildly, but I didn't even know the guy myself. My mate who i knew him through didn't smoke at the time and just ignored the whole thing. He would never do something like that himself. He's like my brother, easily the closest friend I have on this planet - spoke to him just this morning in fact. Don't see him often at all since he's state side and i'm technically banned from entering the U.S right now(don't ask) but he's a million miles away from the crowd he was hanging with back when he was 20. As I am too, thank god. I operate a strict no theft policy when it comes to anyone in my circle. In fact, I had to sack a bloody good drummer about 2 weeks ago for short changing my local corner shop, and then lieing to me about it afterwards. Naturally I reimbursed them out of my own pocket and assured them he would not be setting foot in there again - not with me anyway. And not on his own either if he has any sense. Unfortunately he doesn't so maybe he will make it to his fifth arrest inside 12 months afterall. If he was young it would be different but he's 35. More to the point, if he'd done in the other shop I go to we'rd probably have had our heads kicked in.
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yer im sat here now wishing it was tomorrow morning would not be bothered but my tracker is not showing up like it normally would with package was posted at so and so at so and so time instead its the normal if its first class it could take 1 or 2 days to up date plus he sent me a tracker before taking my payment hopefully its just me being a paranoid bugger . trouble is i won't know till monday if it does not turn up in the morning .

its just with the wmf and plantlabz busts i'm hoping mines not pulling a fast one
Yeah I usually pay £2 and chance it but I got so much work to do over the weekend and need that MPA on my doormat 2mo like george best needed a third liver - hence I forked out for the sat gauranteed delivery.

Plantlabz got busted? Having sampled their k mex myself I'm not surprised to be honest. Fuck only knows what that mixture contains - you can hole out like a mother fucker I'm telling you. But you'll need a sick bucket on hand as soon as you come out of it. Weird weird product. But effective, I can't deny them that.
anyone know how safe PO boxes are? Seeing as i cant get stuff deliviered to my door (living with my parents) im hoping a six month po box might be a worthy investment.
Safe enough, but I think PO boxes generally look a bit suspicious. And some sellers won't post to them for that reason.
^ hard times. I technically still live with my parents, or one of them. My mum does make periodic attempts to establish rules but I generally just tell her to fuck off. I think she knows deep down that at 29 I'm a lost cause. Plus its kinda hard to tell me what to do. I get kicked out about 4 or 5 times a year but I sort of just don't go anywhere and it fizzles itself out. The only time she had success was when she threatened to have me sectioned. I had been on half a gram of mexxy a day for a good six months, plus I had loaded up on some really quality acid down in Brighton and was on about my fifth day without sleep - really milking the acid over the 72 hours with healthy doses of mpa and mexxy. Anyway, I got the fear and fled to an unknown dress. Only trouble was I had no money or anything and ended up having to take a room "for free" with some 40 year old skank and her son. It was fucking weird having a room downstairs next to her 17 yr old son which I would sort of slink back to at like 7 in the morning after staying up all all night knobbing his mum and doing loads of speed. She did handle her drugs pretty well but the mexxy sent her fucking wrong. She was nuts anyway, a total last resort. After a week I couldn't take it anymore and ended up barricading myself into the room downstairs with my amp and bit of rope. Packed all my shit up into 3 bin bags and escaped outside the back window at like 8 in the morning when she had fallen asleep. By then the mum, my mum, had forgotten about the sectioning stuff and I sort of just went back to living at home again.

This doesn't help you though, we need a solution. I don't know fuck all about P.O boxes. Have you got any mates at uni? Halls of residence all have mail boxes, though in my days back at uni there was non of this signed for business - just another 50 pack of tramadols from spain. Anyone thats living by themselves could just order it to their house. Are you going on holiday with mates or staying at a location other than your house for a decent amount of time. I once ordered £120 of controlled pharmaceuticals - ambiens, tramadols, fucking carisoprodols and all, a big fuck off parcel lets just say, to some random address where I happened to be on a week long training course. Imagination is the key, and if that fails just throw caution to the wind and deal with it as it unfolds. Be first to the door when the postie arrives therefore obscuring the vision of your parents. Wear a top or something where you can conceal a pre prepared fake piece of mail - addressed to you containing some typed up nonsense that looks like an application form. As you sign, slip the package with the drugs down your trouser leg or under your waste band or whatever while you pull out the fake mail from your pocket. Dish out everybodies mail and then open up your application to join the european behaviour and evolution society or whatever the fuck.

Always remember, where their is hunger and a sincere enough commitment to obtaining drugs there is a way.
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only read first page, but just wanted to echo the special delivery advice. costs a bit.. but quite aside from the prioritised transit and almost-guaranteed morning receipt-of-goods and associated insurance.. its extremely satisfying being able to track its progress via rm's website. i thought it (tracking mechanism) would be sketchy and ridden with bugs, but was very happy with how it worked out. nothing quite like anxiously-awaking at 6am, typing in your number and being greeted with a polite "your item has been dispatched from the sorting office and should be delivered shortly" - message

..takes sticky-fingered cunts like mailmonkey right out of the equation too ;):D
My mates at Uni are not up for taking packages for me. Btw is it still possible to order carisopradol from spain or what?
I did have a order of 200 vallies dissapear once. Im guessing they were a little obviously packaged or something.
this thread is full of win

Don't want to go down there and end up making a pantomime out of forgetting my wallet if I'm asked

haha can totally sympathise with/picture that =D

also, what is it with posties and shorts? one of mine in the past had them on WITHOUT FAIL, during that awful winter a few years back. dude mustve had balls of stone.... or wouldve felt that way by the time he finished, id imagine