The Suicide Support Thread

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I feel so fucked up. Ever since my experience last Saturday from my bad "trip" I've had unexplained anxiety attacks that come on for no fcking reason. I started having one at work today and just wanted to crawl under my desk. Monday I left early because the anxiety was so strong. I feel like I'm never going to get better unless I heavily rely on medication and I don't want that. I'm sick of fucking drugs. The only real way to stop my anxiety/addiction/this nightmare is to end it...soon.
^I"m really sorry to hear that. :( It sounds awful.

Sometimes focusing on just breathing helps. <3
I feel so fucked up. Ever since my experience last Saturday from my bad "trip" I've had unexplained anxiety attacks that come on for no fcking reason. I started having one at work today and just wanted to crawl under my desk. Monday I left early because the anxiety was so strong. I feel like I'm never going to get better unless I heavily rely on medication and I don't want that. I'm sick of fucking drugs. The only real way to stop my anxiety/addiction/this nightmare is to end it...soon.

Hi rx_prn I'm sorry to hear about your anxiety attacks. I think the bad trip from last Saturday is the perfect example of why you shouldn't be using drugs in your state of mind (especially not psychedelics). Keep hope and realise that we are constantly changing and there is hope for a better tomorrow. Please take care.
rx, please remember that your emotions/anxiety do have a habit of changing. I have no doubt that this will be similar and you'll be feeling better soon. Please keep strong, keep your chin up, and know that I'm here (as always) if you need someone to talk to. <3
Hi guys I hope everyone is well and getting through their day.

rx how is the anxiety going since you had that bad trip? I hope you're well!
I could sure use some positive words right now. Read my blog to see what I mean :-(

Severely etarded I'm so sorry about your dog and general situation of being kicked out, shitty ex, etc. Please don't consider going to the beach and doing that. I have a dog and when he gets sick I get really worried but remember that you probably made that dogs life really special and happy. To speak frankly, fuck your ex girlfriend if she's not there for you after that she seems to be a pretty shitty person. Everyone says cliched shit like this but things are constantly changing and there will be a better tomorrow. Do you have a job? Have you been making any plans to find a new place to stay? Please take care and remember you are much loved on these forums.
I could sure use some positive words right now. Read my blog to see what I mean :-(

Aw man, I'm sorry. Losing your dog, your friend, I know how that is. At this particular moment in time given everything else going on this last few days I understand the blow must be especially hard but you gotta hold on. I know exactly how it feels to find yourself in a dark place that only seems to have the one exit, I was there last week myself. It's hard to find reasons to keep going at times like this but that's precisely the time when you must hold on hardest. The reasons why you should keep going are there. You're just struggling to see them right now. They will come to you, or come back to you in the coming days and you will be glad you didn't act on your darkest impulses, I promise you. The world looks a very different place to me than it did just five days ago, I'm glad I am still in it. Please keep going, I think the same will be true for you.

Please lose the gun, just get it away from you, anywhere. And if you find yourself heading towards the beach, please, turn the car around and head for the ER room instead. Do whatever it takes, but please, make sure you're still with us tomorrow, OK? Keep talking to us in the meantime.

I could sure use some positive words right now. Read my blog to see what I mean :-(

Severely - the death of a pet (who sometimes is better than any friend you could have in the world) is especially hard. Especially when it comes on top of other difficulties in your life. I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling down right now.

As Sepher said, ditch the gun. They are the #1 worst thing to have in your possession when you're feeling so down. Please keep talking to us, we'll always be here when you need it.
best wishes to everyone. we have some tough days/weeks but there is always something gained from those times. we get stronger. grow wiser, and most of all become better people better suited to help the others following in similar experiences. the love and empathy we learn to share with others gained from our hardships is a priceless asset and for that, TDS troopers are some of the richest people in the world. I love all of you. you were all there for me, and now I am here with my newly gained strength to aid and assist all of you :)
@ sepher, Eric B, Re-distributed, C.H - thank you.

As for the gun.. It honestly helps me sleep. It's weird, it's kind of like a lock on a door or something for me right now. I can sleep in my car knowing I have a method of protection in case someone tries to wake me up and take it at gunpoint. I only have liabilityon my car paid through july, and it's a pretty nice car 2010 ford fusion SEL paid off. It's the only home I have right now. I just sleep better knowing it's there for protection. As for it being a threat to my life, I don't think it's any more threatening than my Rx to 120x 10 mg norcos and 90 valium. with a CWE I could easily OD on that. I still got my pill crusher, just need half a bottle of icey cold water and a filter. I have been cutting back on my norcos too, so my tolerance is back down almost to baseline. I was taking 7 to get the same buzz I get from 2 now.

I'm gonna keep hanging on for now, mainly because so many people care. I've been in a hole for 4 months now, and nothing seems to improve it. I used to be on SSRI's as a teenager, zoloft, prozac, paxil, effexor... that shit's all garbage IMO. The only thing that helps me is cannabis, and I can't afford it. It would be nice to have a plant growing... Maybe I just need to move to colorado. But IDK how to grow it from my car, LOL! I mean even a closet would work, but I don't think I got enough room in the trunk.

The beach here is so beautiful. It seems like the perfect place to spend my last moments. The gun seems like an escape, but it's too violent and personally I couldn't make someone else have to find that mess. I've made enough messes in my life, I don't need to make one more final one. I had this great plan to take like 50-60 mg valium, 8 of my norcos, drink a shitload of beer then when I got sleepy go outside when it was 25 degrees and the wind was blowing hard, and sleep outside. The day to do that was the night of christmas day, conditions were perfect. 25 degrees with 30 mph winds. I had been binging amphetamines and not eating, my muscles had no glycogen at all, not even fat. A few hours in that underdressed would have been perfect. But for some reason I didn't. Maybe it was because I still had my apartment, and a dog that needed me to take care of her.

The last time was in January, I took 8 norcos and a couple valium, drank an entire 12 pack of beer in like 2 hours, and I called my dad and asked if he knows how I can get mental treatment.. he didn't. So I just went to sleep thinking I'll probably stop breathing from opiates and that much alcohol all at once, but I woke up to pee a few hours later, somewhat disappointed knowing the alcohol and opiates were wearing off the peak, meaning I was going to be OK. My liver sure did hurt, but had I not been taking milk thistle supplements I'm sure it would have been a lot worse for my liver (12 beers[fast] + 2600 mg acetaminophen)
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Severly etarded I'm really glad you decided against that and are holding on. Pimpin' car by the way! Once you get yourself out of this rut and have yourself a new apartment I'm positive you'll look back and be grateful you didn't do anything silly to endanger your life. Get yourself a Wu Tang Album, play it full blast with the windows down and just be all like "YO WHERE DA BITCHES AT MAYNE?".

Man I wish I could teleport you an ounce of buds from here. Fair call on keeping the gun for protection (especially as your living out of your car at the moment) but please be careful with the opiates, alcohol and benzo's. Don't even think about doing the cold water extraction man. So not worth it, you have a lot to live for and are loved by many. Would you consider getting a new dog? I'm sure you meant a lot to your last one and would make another dogs life very special. You sound like a great person and I really hope you get back on your feet. I find people who go through extreme hardship like you are amazing and am able to learn a lot from people like that. Try and keep your head up man because once you're on the other side of this tunnel you will have one hell of a story to tell. Please stay strong, one love!
@ sepher, Eric B, Re-distributed, C.H - thank you.

As for the gun.. It honestly helps me sleep.

I'm always here man. :)

I am not going to judge you for any decisions you make as you're an adult. I just remember when I was going through the most severe pain of my life, and during this point (2 to 3 years ago), and was suicidal. At this point I was living in a place where I had access to a gun. If I could go back in time I would have gotten it out of my possession because it just added to the horrible things I would think about when I would feel suicidal due to the severe pain.

You can always sell it to make some money, or you can lend it to a family member you trust like a parent. Just an idea man, but as I said it's your life and you can make your own decisions of course.

I'm really thankful to be alive myself after everything I have gone through recently and although I am still suffering from PTSD, I'm doing incredibly well despite all the obstacles I've had to overcome.
i'm over trying to kill myself i just wanna make something of my life

This is amazing to hear. This made me smile, flowers. <3

Do you have a plan? Or are you just gonna ride out whatever comes your way in life? %)
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