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Your Favorite Psychedelic, and why (Part 3)

What is your favorite psychedelic?

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I like nearly every psych I've tried, though I voted 2c-x for all around use.
there were so many times I've been to regular college parties tripping and drinking. It allows one the element of regular social behavior +awesome.
Halloween '10, holy shit....
everything else is cool, but the 2c-x's allow you to party with everyone else, better than everyone else, and without telling anyone else---so long as you can tolerate that burn in the nose....
Instantly clicked LSD though I have not tried every single thing on the list, I have had enough experiences with various psychedelics regardless to have some idea I'd say. It was the only thing that truly enlightened me for good, which is what I had been looking for. By enlightenment I mean awareness of so many things I was missing and could never have conceived otherwise, not permanent nirvana or anything of that sort. I can't say it changed my personality per se, but definitely did alter my thought process and perception for the better to this day. And I haven't had any in at least 2 or 3 years.
Smoked DMT.

I've tried: DMT, DPT, Shrooms, 4-AcO-DMT, 4-HO-MPT, 5-MeO-MiPT, 2C-C, 2C-I, 2C-T-2, DOC, Ketamine, Salvia, Nitrous.
N,N DMT, or LSD, because I've had the best experiences with those. 4-ACO-DMT comes in a close second though, because of one particularly intense life changing trip, plus the visuals were insane (very much like smoked DMT). I've tried DMT, LSD, mushrooms, 4-ACO-DMT, 2C-I, salvia, and DXM. DXM is the only psychedelic I don't really enjoy.
Ive been thinking about this a lot lately and im stuck. so here is a good answere,

Without a doubt the psychedelic whos effects I enjoy most is mescaline.
only problem is I dont particularly like the 12 hour duration, no time for that these days with the lifestyle I live/want. If there was a psychedelic that was basically mescaline with the duration cut to 5ish hours, it would be THE KING PSYCHEDELIC in my heart. Ive been messing around with 2c-D for this purpose but its just not like mesc :( (further testing with it soon though)

all that being said, mushrooms have around a 6 hour time cap, are less rare, high dose is no joke hard trippin and low dose can be very useful/fun.

so short reply is: mushrooms for the practical answere, and mescaline if im answering from the heart <3
2ce is my favorite i can be so far into my thoughts but yet still be intact mentally but extremely dissociated at the same time with very awesome constant colorful oevs and cevs, love the duration aswel

lsd was right under 2ce then id have to say methoxetamine, mushrooms

theres alot more rcs on my list i want to try though, 2cp and some 4-ho's have been on my list for a while now
Does MDx refer only to MDA or MDMA as well? I am assuming that MDMA is included and that's what I voted for.

The best thing I like about MDMA is that you can experience very psychedelic thoughts (self evaluation, self acceptance, appreciating the beauty of your existence) while having your ego intact. I'd like to note that most of the time, my rolls don't primarily focus on psychedelic thoughts - most of the time I feel really good, I am really social and I can totally get into the music. However, sometimes the psychedelic experience on MDMA can easily rival more traditional psychedelics like LSD.
So far my favourite psychedelic is 4-AcO-DMT.

The way in which it expands my consciousness leaves me speechless. So deep alteration of psyche. State that puts away boundaries of ego, space and time.
And it's body high is so nice...

I love it.

Second place goes for LSD - mainly for it being something that ties phenethylamines' recreational values with tryptamines' profoundness
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I thought this topic deserved reviving, since there were always some interesting opinions and reasoning in here, I always loved reading through :)

As I believe I may have already posted in here - I couldn't really say I ever have any favourite drug, each has its own use, and this is particularly true for psychedelics. That said, I would be stuck in a very unpleasant hole in my mind if it weren't for the therapeutic effects of 4-AcO-DMT :)
I'm changing my vote to 25i-NBOMe.

Some of the best parts of LSD x1000, and none of the bad.
2CB. Ketamine is my favourite drug, but I rarely use it to the K hole extent, more as a much better than alcohol substitute, and in those doses I don't reckon its too psychedelic. MDMA would come before 2CB but again I think its a different sort of drug. I loved acid for a while but didn't take it seriously enough and after a really bad night on it I won't be going back for a while. 2CB is fun and manageable for me.
LSD. It just change my life.
Greater detail: no load on the body, gorgeous visual distortion and I can feel the spirit of ergot.
LSD without flaws.
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I know it sounds silly, but I'm in love with 6-APB. It gives me everything I want.

LSD is spectacular, and when you hit the sweet spot ... Wow!
100 percent lsd. Other are all very special and amazing especially dmt and shrooms but they just lack that lsd touch if yous get me
100 percent lsd. Other are all very special and amazing especially dmt and shrooms but they just lack that lsd touch if yous get me

I never tried lsd because is impossible to know the blotter dose and i'm afraid with the length of the trip. Your comment awake some curiosity in me, what offer lsd that shrooms lack? ergoloids intrigues me...

seems like lsd ever wins this polls :/
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It was my first trip and I found out later the dose was twice what I thought it was. It was the perfect set and setting (alone, parents were there but asleep, and I had a swing and trampoline to work with on a 90ish degree summer night) I haven't come across it since, I feel like it's losing it's grasp. LSD is definitely next on the list, perhaps if I had more experiences with 2C-B I would have more opportunities to see any negatives from it. Something about being able to feel and visualize the bonds in water molecules splitting in a shower in reaallllllllllll time intrigues me. And the CEVs were the most brilliant I've come across.