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Your Favorite Psychedelic, and why (Part 3)

What is your favorite psychedelic?

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Ketamine (love and hate rel.)

^ This.

Though I love love love LSD, mushrooms, MDA and DMT.. I'll always love ket the most. For the strange hallucinations and experiences one has in a k-hole, and just how amazing it makes me feel. Oh, that and combining it with MDxx or hallucinogens is a truly amazing experience!

It solves my problems... for a short time, anyway ..
DXM... for now

DXM by far. The haze it puts you in. the floating sensation. 4 different types/levels of trips in one drug, 5 if you count sigma. Not to mention that the trip is like 3 trips in itself. The coming up is stimulating and exciting. The peak is disorienting yet pleasurable. The after glow is humbling and introspective. At least in my opinion, at this moment... ha. I'm so impulsive and manic that this answer would probably be another drug in a month or so. I've just been lovin DXM recently for some reason.
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LSD for sure. I haven't had it often, but it produced the most valuable trip and one of the most valuable experiences of my life.

25C gets an honorary mention.

I always take 20 mg and it 6 intense hours of visual and tactile sensation but I can be in public as well. The comedown is easy. Thank god for the science of tripping.
Moclobemide and mushrooms is pretty much the ultimate for me. It's like oral DMT only without the nausea and a peak that lasts 2-3 hours longer.
I'm sure I filled it out but years change don't they?

Favorites of all? Oh gosh. I think DMT and mescaline. I love both because they do not feel like drugs or intoxicants. They feel as natural as peeing or sleeping.

But I also love 5-MeO-DMT, 4-AcO-DMT, 2C-T-7, 2C-E, 2C-C, DPT, DiPT, LSD, and various others. Really, I like all the psychedelics I've tried except 2C-T-2 and 5-MeO-DiPT.

Every other one has its place.
Hmm, Tricky.

LSD is one of my most loved substances, purely for its change in cognition (itzbrutal) life itself is such a beautiful thing and acid showed me this, and for that it is my favourate x
I apparently voted for this one in the past, probably for either LSD or a 2C-X.

4-HO-MET would be my new choice. Stuff is truly amazing. Euphoric, not too much mindfuck, very visual, and you can sniff it, and redose and get back to the peak. No fear/anxiety. Not much for deep thought or anything, but as a recreational psychedelic, 4-HO-MET is a real standout.

It runs a bit long when taken orally, hard to sleep afterwards, but if insufflated, I can sleep 5 hours after the most recent bump without chemical aid.
Haven't done shrooms yet, but probably will within a week. I gotta say LSD for now though, it's always a fun trip in the right settings and made me appreciate much more of the little things in life
My vote went to LSD, simply because all the amazing times I've had on it greatly outnumber other drug experiences. I've had great times on the majority of all drugs I've taken, but LSD is king.
Just love my LSD. Of all of the psychedelic's I've tried it has the biggest reward for the least amount of side-effect. A nice clean trip that's easy on the body like tryptamines with all the happiness and feelings of well-being of PEA's. I sincerely regret not attempting 5+ hit trips before my town ran dry but c'est la vie. Some day :)
Favorite Psychedellic: lsd

its the cheapest (except for 2ce maybe) and cleanest and overall most efficient psychellic. i think the visuals and mental trip are the most pleasing on lsd. and rc's tend to make me hear disturbing noises. dmt and salvia are too intense and short lasting its like a psychellic injection. shrooms and mescaline are kind of a load on my body and they are more of "passenger" trips rather than "driver" trips like lsd.
My favorite psychedelic is LSA / morning glory seeds.


-the same headspace as LSD but slowwwed down to a pace that I can keep up with for useful integration
-amazing visuals but of visual character similar to a psilocybin / mescaline combo (very organic rounded fractals, tracers, extreme color saturation, absolute mindfucking pattern recognition effect)
-a very long trip, 8-12hrs in my experience
-tolerance seems to be far less of an issue than with other psychedelics, I trip just as hard every time (and I am not talking just phsyical tolerance, I mean even the mental aspect to it which is such a bitch to avoid with some drugs, some how each trip feels like the first time on it and no other drug is like that for me, I mean no other.)
-no confusion and erroneous delusional trains of thought that I get from LSD (not that those are bad! those are very fun!!!! but not when going for an introspective / life improvement trip!!! but they are super fun for recreation, apples and oranges :) )
-no egomania like I get from LSD
-euphoria is rivaled only by MDMA, and that part of the trip is crazy it doesn't really kick in till 5-6hrs after ingestion and its waves of it that are almost exhausting yet recharging and energizing at the same time ( crazy combo :) ) and lasts for a few hours from that point

Now that being said I absolutely fucking love LSD and its my number 1 choice for recreation (festivals, concerts etc...)

But LSA / morning glorys have given me by far the deepest trips in a shamanistic / therapeutic / mind manifesting sense

I love shrooms too. God I love shrooms they really get me in touch with my primal / physical side vs. my spiritual and mental side.

Very hard to pick a "favorite" psychedelic.

Peace and love.

Note: A typical morning glory trip for me consists of 15-20g of Heavenly Blue variety, no extraction either chewed up or crushed up into gel caps.

I think most people miss out of the diamond in the rough that is LSA because
1) they don't take enough
2) they can't take enough because of side effects (you have to be in really amazing shape physically to handle them)
---- I get zero nausea, and zero body-load but I also workout and do cardio 5x a week live off a near perfect diet.

More Notes LOL:
--- I highly highly highly highly recommend doing some cardio a week prior to any morning glory trip, you really need to have your cardio-vasuclar system top notch to avoid the systemic vaso-constriction and possible muscle cramps.
--- Drinking ginger / mint tea with the seeds effectively eliminates all nausea for me. The 3hr come up is still unpleasant though, in a weird anxiety provoking way but that passes and then you are headed to planet bliss
--- Fasting for approx 6-8 hours, preferably 12-24 helps so much to avoid nausea too. And trip harder :)
--- Make sure you know the seeds you are eating are fresh, and Heavenly Blues
--- Regardless of any nausea or not, or even body load, even with out those the come up is going to be unpleasant for 3 hours in such an abstract way... it sucks really I hate it but the trip is ALWAYS worth it. Just the price you gotta pay I suppose.

^that isn't me being a pretentious cunt or anything, I'm not some super athlete or fitness guru but IF I plan on tripping on MG I make damn sure I prepare my body a week or two ahead of time. Makes all the difference, in fact I would suggest staying the hell away from MG seeds unless you do so, they are such a double edge sword.

PM me if you want any info about my experience or methods with MG seeds. I think they are an absolute hidden gem in the world of psychedelics and I COMPLETELY understand why so many have had bad experiences with them. But trust me that can be avoided you just need to really put alot of effort into them. If that's not worth it to you than for YOUR sake stay away they can make you sick to your stomach worse than any other drug.

I will try to form my advise in a "harm reduction" aspect rather than a "take this do that" aspect to respect the board rules. I hate to come off as pretentious with this stuff but through trial and error I have really figured out how to get the best bang for your buck with it.

***** inb4 "you must have never had good acid" listen I've taken ungodly amounts of acid too many times in my life and trust me I fucking love it, but LSA's via morning glory's are a true diamond in the rough in the world of psychedlics, all I really want is for other to get to experience it the way I have, peace and love.
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Why is LSD the best is what I really wonder?

For me, its the "Painting" or "Animated World" type of visuals that are my favorite. It's not Out of this World like DMT or Salvia or some of the RC Combos, but a modified world which is still recognizable enough to have fun imagining variations.
Why is LSD the best is what I really wonder?

For me, its the "Painting" or "Animated World" type of visuals that are my favorite. It's not Out of this World like DMT or Salvia or some of the RC Combos, but a modified world which is still recognizable enough to have fun imagining variations.

I completely agree with that.

I would rather see an extremely altered / accentuated yet "real" field of view than live in a hyperspace day dream.

Just my personal preference.

And the reason LSD is the king of psychedelics is that it is for lack of a better word... perfect.

The body buzz is off the charts amazingly awesome vs. a bad body load, the dosage size is mindboggling small I mean wtf ug? You can put it on tiny quater inch by quarter inch paper and yet its so powerful??? I mean dayum its like the universe is saying "hey this is meant for you!!!!" Also LSD brings a sense of fearlessnes and confidence with it, I am talking about reasonable dosages... unlike shrooms which can go dark and deep way to hard for new comers.

I think LSD is just super awesome for opening peoples doors for the first time. So happy, so reassuring, so POSITIVE!

Really its an awesome drug.

I just said in my post above LSA / morning glory is my favorite drug... but I would have to amend that.

My favorite drug is LSD because its amazing.

But my favorite trip is LSA / morning glorys... if you can understand that

I could never introduce a friend into the world of psychedelics with LSA / morning glory, they would be miserable and have a terrible experience. But I can introduce newcomers by the way of LSD and be 99% guaranteed they are going to absolutely fucking love everything about it and have an amazing time, and grow!

And to me isn't that what this is all about? Exploring and finding new ways to perceive and enjoy life! I really can't think of much more reason for these amazing compounds to exist as they do for us.

God bless LSD.
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I chose mushrooms because they are like an old friend and you know how they act but at the same time you never know whats going to happen. I love the mind F*ck I get from mushrooms too, lots of memories, lots of thinking that usually helps me by putting things in perspective
Change my vote to Mescaline (containing cacti), for T. Bridgesii gave me the most awe inspiring and mind opening experience of my life, thus far. 50 grams of dried outer flesh, ground and added to orange juice, over the course of about an hour and a half. It left me with no nausea and I tripped for a good 36 hours, and it still wasn't enough... Just beautiful.
Probably 2c-e or 4-ho-MPT , It's pretty hard to choose because they are so amazing in different ways.

2c-d is really great, as is 4-AcO-DMT... Decisions, Decisions =D