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RCs 4-MEC (4-Methylethcathinone) Megathread (v1)

i would like to know if 4-mec is more dopaminergic or serotonergic ? i use methylone one a month, and 4-mec every week, so cross tolerance between Methylone and 4-mec ?

I don't know if its more serotonergic or dopaminergic, but it's less serotonergic than methylone.
Has anyone else experienced blackouts on this RC?

I've experienced near-blacking out from high doses of methylone, like periods where I went deaf and or blind. Literally.

But I realize your question was in reference to 4-MEC (not methylone)
After going through 500mg of 4-MEC in about 2 weeks, I'd give it a 7/10 as an RC, 10 being MXE or 2c-e and 0 by bromo-dragonfly or something. It's fairly unremarkable. If on a friday night I had no molly or coke and I had the chance to get my hands on it for a good price or I was offered some, I would put it in my nose happily. But it's really nothing that special.
4-MEC IV is really wierd in my opinion. It gives a crazy fucking rush that isn't all that pleasant, my eyes start twitching uncontrollably. I also found that I blacked out.

I could be confusing this with another research stimulant but I'm pretty sure it was this one.
Would you care to tell the dosage? It sounds to me like an overdose, and I want to try IV-ing this too.
The massive post on page 3 was written some time ago and I first found it in a bluelight archive (4-mec page), it was well written but the author later posted in that thread that his dose was cut with MPDV (i think thats the abbr.) MPDV being a heavy stimulant even stronger than street meth, now banned. This was what gave the 4-mec the extra speedy roll like sensations. FYI :)
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*MDPV but same diff ;)

btw instead of double posting in the future it would be awesome if you just used the edit function to add to an older post where appropriate/in other words try try try, try as you might, try not to double post. thankyouthatisall
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Its not like mdma or coke. It does make you horny but nowhere near meth horniness. Thats a bad comparison for this substance and iv 4-mec ia very nasty. I know it can give you infections if you snort it why IV it?! I always found this to be like a mellow speed with a nice nice headspace. Not like coke or mdma though.
Its not like mdma or coke. It does make you horny but nowhere near meth horniness. Thats a bad comparison for this substance and iv 4-mec ia very nasty. I know it can give you infections if you snort it why IV it?! I always found this to be like a mellow speed with a nice nice headspace. Not like coke or mdma though.
This sounds very biased, how do you know 4-mec is more likely to give you infections? That has more to do with your current immunity system, how does snorting 4-mec give infection..?
It is sedating in a way yea. My comment is Not biased, look in older posts. I got a nasty infection from snorting this stuff, and I mean Nasty.

Its not illegal. Its legal as of right now. IV is not safe. Research Chemicals are really sketchy to IV unless you have had your product tested and know the purity is very High up there. Some Chemicals are not meant for IV and I can tell you MEC is not worth the hassle.
My experience with IV 4-MEC was horrible. It was very intense (but not in a good way like IV coke or MDPV). I'm talking about involuntary eye movement, a sense of dread, and a lot of stimulation followed by weird periods where I'd black out.
My experience with IV 4-MEC was horrible. It was very intense (but not in a good way like IV coke or MDPV). I'm talking about involuntary eye movement, a sense of dread, and a lot of stimulation followed by weird periods where I'd black out.
Dosage...? :\