• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Odd things you think only you do vs. WAIT, YOU TOO?

^ You've never done that when I'm around. Then again, I probably don't hear it... >_>

Glad you like the gong. Did you find a place for it?

I don't do it when other people are around, LOL. It's a weird quirk that you'll probably eventually witness. :p

I found a place for it, but I have nothing to hang it with ATM. Well, I might. But school work comes first, so Sunday it'll be hung. The first place I found for it was awesome (on the bean's crate), but she's petrified of it. Poor thing! LOL
Sometimes, I like to keep asking people questions, just to see if they'll give me any sort of an interesting answer.

Also, I highly enjoy walking by a co-worker who will say "Hi. How are you?" and just nodding very lightly with a nice smile on my face and judging their reaction on not giving a spoken response as they walk by.
Pee in the shower...? I can't help it, I don't have to go before i get in, but as soon as that warm water hits, i can't control it. Is that gross?
Me too. :|

I am always thinking about and calculating how much time I have til whatever is next.
Usually these co-ordinate with when I need to be responsible.
I'm the same - I always calculate how long it will take me to do task x or get to location y, and I always always overestimate 'just in case'. I can't STAND being late or going off schedule.

I sit facing the door/entrance whenever I'm in public (like at a restaurant)...

...Whenever I have soup, I eat/sip/whatever from the outer edges always and work my way into the center gradually. If it is a stew or something, the same thing applies.

I'm observant for no particular reason when I'm with people. I like to note how many times they might use one word in a conversation if that word pops out at me. Or if they make any repetitive motions I note that too.

I always do everything in a specific order in the shower.
Yes yes YES on all of the above.

Also, I can't sleep until I have made my bed perfectly. I often have to make it with Busty passed out inside it. Haha. :D
When static makes all my hair stuck to my head I freak out get a claustrophobic feeling and panick, I spirnt to the nearest bathrooom and get some water in there asap so it stops

Used to have a constant compulsion to have my arm hairs point directly sideways so I would always rubb them in the right direction. Going the opposite way was just horrible torture for some odd reason
Speaking of restaurants (and this is purely because of having a disability):

When I go to restaurants with friends and we sit in a booth, I don't care which side of the booth I'm sitting on, but I have to sit on the left side of the person I'm sharing that side of the booth with. My right ear's my good ear.

So this probably IS just me, unless someone else posting in this thread has hearing impairment which is worse in the left ear.
My dude cannot stand it if the bed is not made, he is a space cadet in other ways but not that one.

I cannot go to sleep with any unfinished work, or without brushing my teeth.
I MUST be dressed to go to sleep even if it's a T-shirt or small nightie. I can't sleep naked.
I like to sleep with socks on. I've planted my ass on wood and laminate floors this way.
I won't own a microwave or be anywhere near one. And yep, I can tell.
^Tinfoil hat? I'm sure it would be amusing if I used my skills to make one. I made a little one for the cat as a joke. I simply prefer not to eat microwaved food. My opinion stands as to myself (and the cat). More food for you! Besides, neither fully deflects non-ionizing radiation. A basic look at physics would say it's a bad idea for you to ruin a fine Faraday cage (my only use for a microwave oven) by or through an ultimately ineffective method for heating food evenly. You're more likely to sicken yourself through food poisoning.

Also, aluminum is not the same as tin.
When ever I am not sitting down or in motion I stand like a flamingo. Meaning i stand on one leg with my other leg bent and my other foot rested on the standing leg. Its very similar to the tree pose in yoga only i just do what ever with my hands. I do this like anytime im washing dishes, or cooking, or if Im at work where i cant just sit around, i take up this stance.
^Tinfoil hat? I'm sure it would be amusing if I used my skills to make one. I made a little one for the cat as a joke. I simply prefer not to eat microwaved food. My opinion stands as to myself (and the cat). More food for you! Besides, neither fully deflects non-ionizing radiation. A basic look at physics would say it's a bad idea for you to ruin a fine Faraday cage (my only use for a microwave oven) by or through an ultimately ineffective method for heating food evenly. You're more likely to sicken yourself through food poisoning.
I hear ya on the microwaves--I haven't used one in years and it's amazing how much better food tastes. :)
I sleep with two pillows, but I only use one of them; the other one is always lying lengthwise to my right (*always* my right) near my head, like an imaginary lover. If I wake up in the middle of the night and it's on the floor, I pick it up and put it back where it belongs.
I lose things. Keys, chapstick, bank card, bra, left slipper, lighter, toothpaste cap, etc.

When I find a thing I'm looking for, I say "Thank You."

I say "thank you" out loud, to God, every time I find what I'm looking for.

I don't know when I started doing that, and I have never thought that much about it until I read the first four pages of this thread.

Me too, whenever something good happens I'll thank the Universe for having arranged itself in my favor.

Now that I type that out, I'm feeling strong anxiety about sending it in as it now seems...insane. Oh well :)
I hear ya on the microwaves--I haven't used one in years and it's amazing how much better food tastes. :)

Thank you! I am glad not to be the only one, and it's not because I dislike aluminum foil.

I'm not sure if anyone else does this. I put post-it notes on books because it drives me batty to see page corners turned down.

I use aluminum (again, not tin) foil for a simple packet cooking method or to reheat leftovers that aren't better cooked in a pan.

I also lose things and then thank the Universe when I find them.

I can't fall asleep unless I have a pet, a stuffed animal, or a person beside me. A pillow will work in a pinch.
I sleep with two pillows, but I only use one of them; the other one is always lying lengthwise to my right (*always* my right) near my head, like an imaginary lover. If I wake up in the middle of the night and it's on the floor, I pick it up and put it back where it belongs.

My boyfriend does something similar. He sleeps with one pillow under his head, then holds a second one in his arms all night, like a little cuddle buddy. Whichever way he tosses and turns, the pillow goes with him.

I also have a girlfriend who can't sleep in a bed with another person without having a "middle pillow" between her and the other person, functioning as a divider or something.

Both of these things drive me insane when I'm sleeping with either of them.

+1 on:
- Shower routine. It's just got to be the same. Shampoo, wash face, wash body, acne wash on my chest, shave whatever, conditioner.
- Compulsively checking the alarm on my phone. I don't have issues with my iPhone like I did with my Blackberry, but I am constantly worried that my alarm accidentally got turned off.
- Talking to myself. Sometimes it's a little mumble under my breath, sometimes it's a full blown conversation. The best is when my boyfriend goes "Huh?" or "What did you say" and I reply with "Oh, I'm just talking to myself".
Whenever I'm near a nail salon, I like walking in there and breathing in all the vapors through my nose. I love the smell of nail polish.
+1 on the cuddle pillow. August this year will mark 7 years of arguments about fair use of bed space with my (now) husband due to my addiction to the cuddle pillow.
I shave sections of my legs in the shower. 1 day will be both knees, the next might be both thighs, etc. NEVER the entire leg.

When I give myself a pedicure, I use the cuticle clipper on calloused parts of my feet and actually remove skin in sections (it doesn't bleed).

I always smell brand new books. I flip through the pages and sometimes stick my nose down in between the pages and take a big whiff. I love newly printed/paper smell.

I've made up a language for myself and my 8 month old. Example:

"Ah DEE DEE DEE!!" (high pitched squeak voice) means 'Don't do that.'
"Ahhhhh Schmoop!" means 'Open wide'
"beebeebee" (high pitched) noise I make while cuddling with him
"Pooptie-Loop!" means 'Don't make that face'
I've made up a language for myself and my 8 month old. Example:

"Ah DEE DEE DEE!!" (high pitched squeak voice) means 'Don't do that.'
"Ahhhhh Schmoop!" means 'Open wide'
"beebeebee" (high pitched) noise I make while cuddling with him
"Pooptie-Loop!" means 'Don't make that face'
That is awesome. Once the child begins to learn English, you should maintain use of these other phrases--It's pretty cool having grown up hearing another word and thinking it's English until one day you use it and no one has any idea what you're talking about. (I grew up hearing Polish interchanged with English, and for years though words like gah-stop-oh and co-cha-tee were English words.)
I've been trying to think of the weird things I do for the past week, and I'm still struggling to think of anything. I know I am weird, so there has to be something...

I do spin a lighter around using my thumb and point finger periodically through the day. When I was at uni, it was actually helpful in that it would keep my hands busy so I could attempt to focus on the professor (I have ADHD). I started doing it as it was a cool little trick that I saw my weed dealer do, and it ended up becoming something I haven't stopped.

I also sleep with sleep with a pillow in my arms like many here.