• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Odd things you think only you do vs. WAIT, YOU TOO?

Think how puny I am in the grand scheme of things
being intrinsicly (sp?) motivated for connecting with people, morals and ethics
Simplify complex/chaotic things to their basic structures or essence
Translating complicated things to everyday logic
Hear what hidden emotions people have when they are talking
Listen to obscure electronic music
Think in other languages that aren't native

I can probably think of a dozen more but i'm a bit lazy now
I talk to myself and don't even realize I'm doing it, the most prolific time is when I'm on the bus on the way home from work(as this is when some good citizen has pointed it out). It has been a tad embarrassing on a number of occasions.
i have to kiss my stuffed manatee laary good night and good morning and tuck him in when i leave.

i get really excited sometimes when i'm walking, so excited i grit my teeth, and this is for no reason, and just start laughing or i talk in me and my sister's language so i'll say like "dugs r qewllll" or "oh mah tines" or "fuck hewmans" just to myself. i used to think this was embarrassing but it's funny and it makes me happy.

i get eggs from a farmer and always save the cutest ones that are blue or spotted or weirdly shaped for last so i can look at them all week.

if i walk under a tree (any variety of sufficient height including palms) and it's nice outside i have to look up at the sky through the branches.

i take off my shoes and all of my clothes when i come, even if it's a midday break.

i hate tv and refuse to look at it. if i'm in the same room i will face the wall or sit behind the couch on the floor so i'm not looking at it.

i hate having cotton or cotton materials like clothes in my mouth. it touching my teeth is like fingernails on a chalkboard but tactile.

when i'm running i must hit certain plants like giving them a high five but then i feel guilty and end up hitting more plants of the same type since they were left out.

i vividly imagine having sex with random people i see, even if they're not attractive.
*My Mom jokes that I must have been Jewish in a past life, because I always thumb through books from back-to-front. I frequently even skim stories and articles from back-to-front.

^I do this too!
Also, In college I had an awful habit of writing Bibliographies from Z-A, I would
compulsively do it all the time.

LOL..I do all of these as well.

  • I have to sleep with pillows on both sides of me (which annoys my girlfriend :))
  • Dim light motivates me more than bright light
  • I have tiger blood


I hate bright light also! I avoid going into Supermarkets after dark because of the Flourescent lighting.

-I also find it difficult to sleep in a bed with nothing hanging on the wall over the headboard

- have a habit of leaving a little bit of something in the end of Food/Liquid containers, I hate finishing them off. I hate things being empty. I cant stand the Fridge being bare!

- have names for my houseplants.
I also compliment them and stroke them(Obviously when no one is around,I know it sounds batshit insane 8))

I have a need to 'name' things, give them their own identity.
When I was a kid I had Biro's I used to give names to and I would 'assign' various Theme Tunes to each one. I would use only one for each specific day of the week. I was very O.C. as a kid. Thankfully, I grew out of it!
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I think we should change the threads title to "weird things we do", as I share some of your oddities ;)
When bathing, I regulate waters temp using feet
the most comfortable place i can ever be in inside my car by myself.
I agree with this completely... so hopefully it doesn't make us odd ;)

- I have to use 2 pieces of cheese on my sandwiches (what kind/how many slices of lunchmeat isn't as important), and both mustard and mayo... if I only have one slice of cheese, or if I'm out of mustard or mayo... no sandwich.

- I practiced kissing on my hand way after I had my first kiss
I sit facing the door/entrance whenever I'm in public (like at a restaurant, fast food place, etc etc).

I check to see if the person I'm talking to/meeting has a wedding/engagement ring.

I collect pictures of glass figurine chickens online and save them to a special folder.

I do the same ^ for pictures of owls of all kinds.

Whenever I have soup, I eat/sip/whatever from the outer edges always and work my way into the center gradually. If it is a stew or something, the same thing applies.

I'm observant for no particular reason when I'm with people. I like to note how many times they might use one word in a conversation if that word pops out at me. Or if they make any repetitive motions I note that too.

I always do everything in a specific order in the shower. I also brush my teeth in a very specific way and have been doing that for years. I do it in sections... Like top front left region, top front right area, top front center, etc etc etc.

I own both boxers and briefs, but will not wear briefs to bed.

There are a few more, but I don't think they're very odd though.
keep old boxes of immodium in my truck so if im pulled over for speeding I can be like "I got to take a shit bra"
I talk to myself a lot. No I don't. Yes I do. Shh be queit, people are starting to stare.
^ I talk to myself a lot, also, but I'm (in)sane enough to know not to answer myself.

There is a fine line between looking like a genius talking to yourself and looking like a maniac talking to yourself.
sit down a relax in the shower for an hour or so

I rarely stand in the shower. I guess I do just to wash my hair and body, but thats such a small portion of the shower experience. I like to sit and relax 95% of it.
I turn pretty much everything off in my place before I leave, even if its just for an hour. I will unplug stuff if I'm not using it. I would never leave my hairdryer plugged into the wall or something. I also turn off the air conditioning, radio, etc in my car before I turn it off. I have no idea why I do that. I just do.
-theres a trash can in my pantry and when i try to throw something out i'll go quick and if it doesnt make it in the trash can I HAVE to pick it up and put it in the trash can or this thought where if i dont do it my entire family will die comes into my head so i always pick it up even though i know it wont happen.

-whenever i make a mistake typing i have to keep hitting backspace many times after there is nothing left.

-whenever something good happens to me i feel that something bad always has to happen next to even it out. or if i have 3 good things in a row 3 bad things in a row happen next.

-basically lots of stuff where if i dont do something my brain says then something bad will happen to me even tho deep down i know it wont but i still cant do anything about it
I lose things. Keys, chapstick, bank card, bra, left slipper, lighter, toothpaste cap, etc.

When I find a thing I'm looking for, I say "Thank You."

I say "thank you" out loud, to God, every time I find what I'm looking for.

I don't know when I started doing that, and I have never thought that much about it until I read the first four pages of this thread.
I turn pretty much everything off in my place before I leave, even if its just for an hour. I will unplug stuff if I'm not using it. I would never leave my hairdryer plugged into the wall or something. I also turn off the air conditioning, radio, etc in my car before I turn it off. I have no idea why I do that. I just do.
In the summer, even if I'm just leaving for a little while, I'll close most of the windows in my house. It's the first floor and someone could easily get into most of them. I too turn off all the lights and stuff. I don't unplug things but that's mainly 'cause the only things I leave plugged in are the modem and router, TV and PS3 (need to get these on a separate surge protector as the little red light from the PS3 wastes energy 8)), and a desk lamp. Everything else that's plugged in constantly (another two TVs, a few lamps, and some night lights) aren't up to me to leave unplugged, but they shouldn't be drawing that much if any energy.

One thing I find myself doing at times when I'm really tired, is playing with things that make noises... Like, at night when I erase the "new calls" on the landline, it makes a sound when you hit it up/down... I'll keep hitting it long after the "new calls" light is gone, making a little tune out of it. Lol, last night I toyed with the 12" gong I was trying to find a new spot for--I'd tap out a tune on it. I don't continue this odd behavior for long, thirty seconds tops, but I find it strange, lol--I chock it up to being tired and having ADD-like tendencies when I'm tired. :p
^ You've never done that when I'm around. Then again, I probably don't hear it... >_>

Glad you like the gong. Did you find a place for it?
I have had a 'happy song' since i was about 10 or 11. Whenever I think a dark or sad thought, my mind immediately starts singing "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys (I was given the Cocktail Soundtrack cassette for my 10th birthday =D). I still sing it to myself to this day whenever i start thinking about something sad. I know that it started due to some gnarly things that happened when i was young, but now, if my mind even thinks of going to a darker place, it's overtaken by the rhythm of a steel-drum band. ;)