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[Comparison Subthread] Acid vs. Mushrooms

We generally merge these kinds of threads with the appropriate Big & Dandy threads for the substance in question. However with new members we tend to leave them open for a bit, so I'll leave yours for now :)

However, for future reference, and also for more information regarding taking LSD for the first time, check out the LSD Subthread - First time LSD :)

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Shrooms are darker, gloomier, deeper, more mystical and ancient. LSD is lighter, more cheerful, modern and shallow, and a bit gentler.

Shrooms put me in a happy loving mood. LSD gives me pleasure waves down my spine.

Shrooms make me want to do things, talk to strangers. LSD makes me want to just sit and stare at the sky or take a walk, and talk to close friends.

That's how it is for me. For some people it might be the complete reverse. Psychedelics are incredibly individual. No amount of reading will prepare you for LSD. You might color your experience from your expectations of a drug if you read enough about it. Just drop some acid and see how it is for you.

Also, welcome to the boards!
Welcome :)

Actually it's like Jesusgreen said, we discuss matters like this in central threads, either the Big & Dandy one like he linked to but there are also subthreads, and on the matter of LSD vs. Mushrooms there is a whole special subthread for it and this one will be merged into it:


It is our practice to wait doing this before very fresh members reply so that they can check in and let us know they understand. What will sure be of much help to you is the Beginners FAQ in my link below and the Psychedelic Index that lists all common threads. So next time you have a question check the Psychedelic Index for the general topic and then see if there is a focus thread / subthread on the specific subject you would like to talk about.
The Beginners FAQ is not like something lame we want everyone to go through, it will explain how to use the PD forum and save you a lot of time if it works as intended.

If too much time passes you can expect this to be merged anyway since sometimes there are hit&run posters, but there will remain a link that forwards you to where we put it.

And you can always PM a mod with questions not answered in the FAQ or rules!
for me lsd isnt mind expanding I just saw and old guy death anyway I had laugh of my life on lsd I love visuals of it since shrooms dont give me any or just a little but shrooms are more mystic Ive seen future on shrooms and it was beautiful I think it happened already since time is an illusion...just a guess
Not sure how much I can add, but I find on mushrooms it's much easier to be compassionate toward myself and keep a cool head about negative issues that come up. It also causes much more intense visuals for a certain level of mindfuck than LSD does...
LSD is a gentler type of trip. Shrooms tend to make me bug out, and I never usually bug out on anything. Shrooms are darker, more evil. But just as fun!

LSD though has better visuals, but that's just preference. Also, a much lighter body load. Shrooms almost always make my stomach feel sick, LSD doesn't.

It's really all about preference. Both can be just as mind expanding and eye opening as each other. Though I would say LSD can be more fun with friends, whereas I would have a nicer time alone if I was on Shrooms.
LSD seems to draw focus towards the 'little world', your life, friends, family, lovers, whereas mushrooms can be much more 'big world', looking at society, the universe, environment; ideas on mushrooms are more categorical and less specific...

in general. Your mileage may vary.

I seem to get ego inflation on mushrooms, and I can be kind of a jerk, so I don't like them as much.
LSD seems to draw focus towards the 'little world', your life, friends, family, lovers, whereas mushrooms can be much more 'big world', looking at society, the universe, environment; ideas on mushrooms are more categorical and less specific...

in general. Your mileage may vary.

I seem to get ego inflation on mushrooms, and I can be kind of a jerk, so they're not really my favorite.

Odd, because I agree with everything you said...except in reverse. How you feel about Shrooms, I feel about LSD.

Mileage varies, heavily. It's different for every person.
From fair experience of the two, id like to begin from the beginning.

I place a piece of blotter on my tongue and taste the purity of the LSD, the less bitter the better, the purer. The LSD slips down my system and I feel the "tingles". The tingles are known to me to be the mood-setter, they set you into your trip. When they come, I feel nothing more than the "tingles", you'll know what im talking about when you drop it.
I eat around 6-7 dozens of mushies, they're dirty little pieces of shite, ill tell u that. Though, I don't think i'm in anyplace to be complaining about the taste, I've blended in quite well with it, or should I say it, me. A moment or two later I feel HAPPY, I feel connected, I feel everything in its right place. This is the onset.

After our introduction, LSD leads me away, in a rather strange manner. It creates layers around me, the best I can analyze as being something that was always there, but pointed out to me as a teacher to a child, LSD to me; new and rather refreshing. These layers form the basis of an unnecessarily crude, self-explanatory title: Chaos. Chaos is that part of every trip, that tries to make you lose all you once knew, a good thing to a Buddhist. What the fuck are you?
Shroomies leave me in my happy place and connects very well to my ego-less state, I love them, I just do. You feel energy as it were a part of you. Don't get scared if they show you a rather sinister time, It will pass. Look at the beauty behind the apparent darkness and you will find what you were always in search of.

I apologize, I dont feel like writing anymore.

Happy life.
Personally I like LSD better, its always a cleaner, happier, more focused trip, that's like double the duration of a mushie trip. Plus shrooms tend to "play mind games" & fuck with your thought process, rather than giving you the sweet intense patterned visuals that acid tends to bring. I wont even eat more than 2 grams of mushrooms tops anymore anyways. Last time I ate a full single I just about lost it, & that ended that for me. Plus acid is a sweet drug to take with a few close buddies & just get deep into conversation. Like said above shrooms just take me to dark dark places & its rather un-enjoyable. And with LSD 2 hits is usually perfect for a nice trip! In most cases much cheaper than buying an eighth of boomers. I do enjoy either one of them mixed with some mdxx, lol candy or flower flips rock my fuckin world! Hope this helped a little man.
While this will probably be merged with an already existing thread, I can't resist adding my two cents.

Shrooms are more "nature like" (there's a perfect word for it in Swedish, "naturnära"), you feel strongly connected to nature and Mother Earth. LSD is more cosmic, I feel more connected to the universe and the cosmos while on acid. Shrooms are also a bit more gloomy but they have such a natural feel in them you almost don't feel like you've taken anything intoxicating. Acid feels more...technical. It's not a bad thing, they're just different. LSD is more megalomaniac, brighter, huger, while shrooms are more comfy, smaller in scale but still very deep.

A strong LSD trip is more cathedral-like, the scale of everything is huge, while shrooms are more like sitting in a comfy warm house on a cold winter day.

Acid is also much more stimulating, while shrooms can be even slightly sedating. When you're peaking on LSD, the energy rushing through you is just something out of this world.
For me, shrooms fell weirder, more confusing, the trip is darker. LSD's more happy and euphoric, the trip is easier to control. If you like shrooms you'll LOVE LSD.
If people bother to read through this thread, it should quickly become clear that the difference between the LSD and mushroom experiences is highly subjective. So, if we want to isolate 'objective' differences, I would focus on the following:
- Duration: 6-12hrs for LSD, 3-8hrs for mushrooms
- Hangover/day after: mild to severe on LSD (depending on various factors), effectively non-existent for mushrooms

For these 2 reasons, I generally prefer mushrooms. That said, my first psychedelic experience was on LSD, and for that reason alone LSD will always have a special place in my heart. Again though, that is subjective
shrooms they are more sprtual for me...acid just made me crazy but i thn thats what it does
Glad you asked!
To me, shrooms (being straight from the earth) have an earthy tone, as in a whimsical energy flow which never ceases to mystify, whereas lsd takes on a more serious, psychological tone, with undercurrents of the physical breakdown of emotions and the death of the ego. Lsd will show you the boundaries of the human mind, as you find your abilities to expand in scope and depth. Mushrooms will literally yank you into a world of objectivity, where simply existing seems to be the answer to all the questions of the mind. The impact of shrooms will be completely different than acid, as lsd often takes a scientifically goofy tone when compared to the forceful rage of nature. The glory of shrooms is that the mind seems to level itself with the earth, finding balance, comfort, and divine appreciation. On the other hand, lsd will simply stretch and maximize your capacity to handle this glory.
Before anyone gets defensive, this is just my opinion, based on my experience....and god knows I've done plenty of both.

To exaggerate the comparison....

Shrooms = What the fuck..... wait i think i got it. Acid = Ah, now I understand. Wait, what the fuck?

Seriously though, I definitely prefer acid. It seems a lot more tangible, but thats just me.
Mushrooms are more useful for sorting out things in my life, especially relationships. At this point though I would not do mushrooms for recreational purposes. Acid is much more user friendly and generally fun to me.
LSD felt more modern, technological, makes me appreciate the fine design of buildings and makes me want to become an elegant person

mushrooms felt more tribal, animal, primal, raw, makes me want to rub dirt on my face and run around forests wailing !

but i can definitely see why people say they are similar, they both seem to produce feelings of freedom. but LSD is like mental freedom and mushrooms a physical or maybe an emotional freedom