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[Comparison Subthread] Acid vs. Mushrooms

i have had mushrooms twice and they personally didnt do anything for me, wasnt properly tripping either so problem must of been didnt consume enough, i have done acid numerous times now and it has been amazing, perfect in everyway, sometimes on the comeup it can b a little edgy but thats the fun of acid, its a tight-rope and u can fall off at anytime if u cant keep ur balence, but generally its great fun. cant wait to try a higher dose of mushrooms so i can compare the two :)
Different drugs certainly affect different people different ways, but being an older experienced tripper, former deadhead and what not, and having grown up on a cattle farm in Alabama, I have had lotsa experience with shrooms and acid. Dosed shrooms prob two to two hundred fifty times and acid prob 100-120 times (usually 3-10 hits each time, dots two or three "nuclear" gels two) and I have always found good cubensis shrooms to be very emotional, "spiritual" as in real connection with nature, and produce sloppy, drunk-like physical feeling. On a very strong shroom dose I can almost never walk right.

Good cid on the other hand I feel wide awake, like I could talk to anyone about anything, and the visuals are of a sharper more detailed quality. Still, mushrooms are my personal fav because I am never "hung over" the next day, even after staying up all night, and the connection with the natural environment is very, very real.

Even so,my most vivid hallucinogenic experience was a three minute "Green Gnosis" under Salvia. Yes I have smoked DMT many times, but salvia produced utter complete hallucination. Not to derail thread
acids cool and all, but it doesn't grow naturally in great abundance in the forest.
Mushrooms are less predictable, more spontaneous, more strange, I feel less in control, they feel more organic. I don't like the nausea I get from eating them.
On LSD I feel like I'm in charge and I'm the driver. It's more spacey and cleanly connected; there's a definite 'backbone' that remains throughout the trip. I feel slightly uncomfortable physically sometimes with higher doses of acid, but nothing I can't handle, and weed automatically cures that.

I slightly prefer acid - shrooms can be the more intense and I like them almost as much, but the lack of nausea and longer duration of acid does it for me.
I prefer acid. Its more energetic and euphoric. Plus I get stronger visuals from it. Shrooms are deeper and almost more intense for me, sometimes to the point of frightening me.
They are most definitely different.

I feel that when I want to drive and control the experience, stay sharp, LSD is the prime choice.
Shrooms are more chaotic. Interesting for when you want to surrender and let IT drive you around. Shrooms have inspired poetic words and imagery more often than acid, IME.
Acid vs. Shrooms

Please write in as much detail as possible.

Also, I was wondering, is it true that you're more likely to get a bad trip on shrooms?
Merged with comparison mega-thread, if you want to find ones like this that is possible by clicking the blue link at the top of PD for Psychedelic Index, then go to either the mushrooms or LSD thread and find this one in the listing. :)

For some people shrooms seem to produce bad trips easier, apparently that is because LSD is more lucid and rational instead of dreamy. Mushrooms can guide by very deep feelings / intense complex interaction of emotion... and not everyone is connected to those as well. It can make things more uncontrollable or at least appear that way. If you believe that you have no control over your own mind and the things that manifest in them, well than that futility by default becomes true. Control is a funny thing though because to get it you might have to surrender to it all first in order to become synchronized with deeper parts of yourself or at least that is how I feel it.

Others may have very good intuition and may not handle the intense complex trains of thought with acid as easily, it can be more clearheaded but also more clinical. Not cold per se but rather transparent, without a definite own character. As if it amplifies less selectively. People who rely more on their instincts and natural feelings can possibly become bewildered more easily by the analytical effects of the LSD. I cannot explain a whole lot about that and solving the issue because it comes so natural for me. I find mushrooms far more difficult and am a pretty rational person.

I don't want to tell this as established fact though, I am not sure how people would agree with me here... but I certainly have noticed that some are like me and some are the other way around... and the explanation above is the best I have for what I've seen in these years.
Merged with comparison mega-thread, if you want to find ones like this that is possible by clicking the blue link at the top of PD for Psychedelic Index, then go to either the mushrooms or LSD thread and find this one in the listing. :)

For some people shrooms seem to produce bad trips easier, apparently that is because LSD is more lucid and rational instead of dreamy. Mushrooms can guide by very deep feelings / intense complex interaction of emotion... and not everyone is connected to those as well. It can make things more uncontrollable or at least appear that way. If you believe that you have no control over your own mind and the things that manifest in them, well than that futility by default becomes true. Control is a funny thing though because to get it you might have to surrender to it all first in order to become synchronized with deeper parts of yourself or at least that is how I feel it.

Others may have very good intuition and may not handle the intense complex trains of thought with acid as easily, it can be more clearheaded but also more clinical. Not cold per se but rather transparent, without a definite own character. As if it amplifies less selectively. People who rely more on their instincts and natural feelings can possibly become bewildered more easily by the analytical effects of the LSD. I cannot explain a whole lot about that and solving the issue because it comes so natural for me. I find mushrooms far more difficult and am a pretty rational person.

I don't want to tell this as established fact though, I am not sure how people would agree with me here... but I certainly have noticed that some are like me and some are the other way around... and the explanation above is the best I have for what I've seen in these years.

Well put brother....Love your insight in your posts!
Just between you and me, shwagg...
:::leans in close:::
I think MGS was probably joking...;)
Who knows, maybe someone did drop acid on his head when he was a baby. And it absorbed through the skin, through the fontanelles right into his mind where some people consider a crown chakra to be, or whatever the hell it is that can cause some people to feel a fountain of energy to come out of the top of their heads when it really gets flowing...

yeahhh baby
In my experience acid was sooo much more intense than shrooms but maybe that was because I was tripping alone. Still tripping on acid was wayyyy more of a mindfuck than shrooms were.
I have to say it depends on mushrooms, Hawaiian mushrooms (homegrown) produced a VERY different trip to regular wild Subs. Id prefer acid over regular shrooms but those Hawaiians were amazing. Hugely intense first hour, followed by subsiding of all effects except visuals (And insane ones too) which took another 5 hours to fade.
LSD compared to Shrooms

Hello guys. I'm going to be using LSD for the first time soon. I've done shrooms before and was just wondering like what I should be expecting and how similar LSD is to shrooms. Any advice will be great!

Thanks ahead of time,
wow first i've seen somebody with a similar name. lol. second use the search engine. dont get me wrong, you're new, i did the same thing. just for future reference, use the search engine, this question pops up alot it seems like. I could tell you the answer to this only because ive read so many posts like this.

also, to me this question is pretty broad and differs from person to person. LSD and psilocin are different compounds and have different effects, some people will like one more than the other or both equally pretty much. there is no real answer. be safe, research, and become familiar with both substances and you will find your own answer. :)
wow first i've seen somebody with a similar name. lol. second use the search engine. dont get me wrong, you're new, i did the same thing. just for future reference, use the search engine, this question pops up alot it seems like. I could tell you the answer to this only because ive read so many posts like this.

also, to me this question is pretty broad and differs from person to person. LSD and psilocin are different compounds and have different effects, some people will like one more than the other or both equally pretty much. there is no real answer. be safe, research, and become familiar with both substances and you will find your own answer. :)

Wow lol. First for me too. That's pretty cool xD Anyways, I'll remember to search first and post after next time.

And I understand what your saying. I've just heard that they are pretty similar and was just wondering if there were distinctive differences or what. Thanks for the link, good reading. And I'll be able to answer this question on my own soon! Thanks for the help though!

-The OTHER ThaDoktor xD