Venting The Vent/Rant Thread Vs. You Silly KnuckleHeads Can Go Fly a Kite!!

I see that you have now deleted your message and I don't mean to be pry. But I do want to help. I can relate to things you have been dealing with and I just hope you get better, sometimes our lives is so cyclical. So think of this of just one of the so many phases we have to go through.

Wish you much peace!
Since she deleted her message it might be as good idea for any quotes of that message to be deleted also. I think she requested it in the last sentence too. Just a thought as many people like to vent and then take it back later.
It's nice to know that so many BL veterans are offering support though.
I wish I could say out loud how hypocrite you are and how that is affecting legitimate requests. I wish you'd understand you should act by the book sometimes rather than trying to make a sense of things based on what you feel. Your instincts are not as sharp as you might think. I thank God for having people back home to cancel your denials.
I've never stopped.

Years and years ago now when I was getting clean I felt that if that sobriety didn't stick and I started using again that I wouldn't be able to get away again. Maybe it was some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, but I started getting back again way back in summer. Not this past summer that was 8 months ago, but the SUMMER OF 2012! Since early summer 2012 I haven't had more than a full week away from heroin (and was on suboxone on the rare non-using day). Over these past several years I've only gone more than 4 days away twice! Haven't gone more than 3 days straight without using in at least 2 years.

I was always the type of person to save money and didn't impulse buy and would barely ever splurge. Considering I started working when I was 13 years old I just always had at least some money. I've been broke for a while now. Not just broke, but in debt and have lost several cool and sometimes sentimental items to pawn shops. Being this broke definitely effects your self-esteem and self-worth in a way that I hadn't fully understood until I found myself in that position.

I have no social life, don't go on Facebook or even want to see anyone I know. I don't have any real friends any more. They've all moved on, literally and figuratively. I'm the least successful of anyone that was in our group. I barely have any "drug friends". It's just me and time is going by. I'm a background character in my own life story.

When I had been starting to get bad again all those summers ago I hadn't really lost much yet. I missed hanging out with a friend before he was going to live in Massachusetts to start a new job. Kind of blew him off to get high instead. Wanted to call him so I could apologize. Wanted to make sure we were still cool and see if I could come up soon and check out bars/social scene in his new town. I never talked to him again though. He killed himself. As far as I know he killed himself thinking that I didn't care about him or didn't consider him a good friend. Had known him for 14 years at that point, met on the first day of 7th grade. He was one of the few friends that I thought I would always continue to see or at least talk to even when we were adults. I always had this dream of us coaching a track team together and becoming a powerhouse program.

I absolutely loved track and competitive running in general. I can't watch it anymore. I've tried, it actually hurts. Since I've never gotten clean since he died I have never finished processing his death. I'm sure there was a number of things that were going on in his life that he felt he couldn't continue. I just am always going to think that him thinking I didn't care may have been one of the nails in the coffin. It might have come among a flurry of other issues, and if I had just gone out and met him that night or called him sooner, it might have been enough for him to not go through it.

When I do occasionally have a few days on sub my sober mind returns. My sober mind thinks its 2012. I can't explain this clearly, but it feels like I had years stolen away from me. I missed the end of my 20s and am in my early 30s now and am every single thing I never wanted to be. Other than my dog I really only have drugs in my life at this point. It's really shitty to actually be a loser. Even if I do get clean I have to deal with feeling like I've been robbed of 5 years and I have to explain to people why I am where I am at this age.

I'm a drain on everyone around me. I honestly don't remember what it's like to not have to worry about getting sick if I don't have drugs or to have multiple nights in a row where I'm not dope sick. I can remember being younger and being happy. I can't remember the last time I was happy though. It's not just the depression, it's the total lack of pride, lack of confidence, lack of any self-worth or self-respect.

TLDR: It's not worth reading. I'm not looking for any replies and I don't want anyone to waste their time reading this, much less responding to it. Just needed to vent

hey man, hope youre doing ok. What you wrote is worth reading and its written very well, I think many many of us can relate but maybe cannot put it into words that well. Youre obviously not stupid and have a high degree of self awareness. We all get so freakin immersed in the sh+t we've dug ourselves into that we cannot see or feel like we can crawl out. IT always helped me to take a step back to see that the chain linking me to dope is shoddy and mostly just a trick.
And Ive never been one for subs, for me its few weeks taper on morphine sulphate IR (I hate just cutting myself off, no reason for it and that stuff slowly wakes me. Cause like youve very well described sobriety, It sucks so much facing all that. All the emotions, the mind racing and telling what a POS you are and how much youve missed all at once almost. It can be too much, its like waking up with a completely different mindset. And after MS IR pills,a week or two of Zoloft (very very low dosage) helps me get balanced.
To gain some distance I try to look at it more like im the main character in GTA and the world is my sandbox. I can do whatever I want, dope isnt a cloud over the whole city, its just a temporary situation I need to leave behind. Its not my faith, its not me, its mostly just a stupid mistake that I can cut out of my life in a flash If i choose to. But while on it, it can seem so big and like its never letting you go. But like things in life, its just a thing subjected to time and the moment you throw away, its swept away and behind you. And its up to you whether or not you pick it up again going forth.
Not sure what I want to say except dont be too depressed about it or even think about giving up. Most of us doing dope have seen people around us come and go, "progress", have kids, get divorced etc... Dont get too hung up on that.

I remember watching an interview with a really famous musician(on that thefix website), If l remember the name later and edit it, who spoke about H and his and people he knew experience with it. And what struck me interesting and its not from an ego standpoint, is how he described people on H. Mostly its two kinds. Those looking to just get trashed and its not just H,who dont really think about it or contemplate their situation much and then theres those who found something in it they were missing. How its usually the more intelligent, emotional people. And how its connected to this society we live in and how those people, the more sensitive ones, spiritual ones, the ones with more self awareness, usually higher IQ, artists, who see the world a little bit more for what it is and are seeking something more are the ones that get the heaviest into H. They cannot find a spiritual way out, its not whats offered today, its not what we as people are today or its very simplified. The see or feel the pointlessness of this kind of lifes we are leading,grasping for things,materialistic and fake societies. Kinda connected with the buddhist "life is suffering" (and I wholeheartedly suggest reading on buddhism). And for those, if they find a way out, they usually become the most evolved, intelligent, strong people he ever met.

Id suggest you that when youre ready to try to get out from where you are and shed that sh+t. You need a fresh perspective. Youre boxed in, too much of a cycle, you need to see how open life and choices are again, how open the world is, how much sh+t is out there. Bio-chemically you might be a little low for a while (which you can mellow out with either sth you find useful or what I said works for me) but just kick yourself a bit. Im sure you can get some cash somewhere, family, or just go crazy and look for a job somewhere far and warm and go. Even if its Barbados. Im telling you that such drastic changes work best cause being in a rut somewhere figuratively and literally is the worst feeling ever.
I remember watching an interview with a really famous musician(on that thefix website), If l remember the name later and edit it, who spoke about H and his and people he knew experience with it. And what struck me interesting and its not from an ego standpoint, is how he described people on H. Mostly its two kinds. Those looking to just get trashed and its not just H,who dont really think about it or contemplate their situation much and then theres those who found something in it they were missing. How its usually the more intelligent, emotional people. And how its connected to this society we live in and how those people, the more sensitive ones, spiritual ones, the ones with more self awareness, usually higher IQ, artists, who see the world a little bit more for what it is and are seeking something more are the ones that get the heaviest into H. They cannot find a spiritual way out, its not whats offered today, its not what we as people are today or its very simplified. The see or feel the pointlessness of this kind of lifes we are leading,grasping for things,materialistic and fake societies. Kinda connected with the buddhist "life is suffering" (and I wholeheartedly suggest reading on buddhism). And for those, if they find a way out, they usually become the most evolved, intelligent, strong people he ever met.

I have also seen this (mostly here on Bluelight and I am eternally grateful to those that open themselves up here and describe their experiences). I truly believe that humanity has gone so far astray from the very natural spiritual connection we are all born with that each individual then turns upon his/herself in an endless loop of self-judgment and self-destruction--whether you are chained to a drug or chained to the drug-like effects of obsessive consumerism really makes no difference, it is all part of the same modern pandemic. The fact is that the experience of life is immense and, as you so eloquently put, open. Personal pain, exacerbated by addiction, shrinks the world to a small personal, interior war without end and that is perhaps what is most insidious; a person in this situation is robbed of the vastness of life.

@ Carl, I have gotten to know you here through your posts for almost 6 years now. Never judge yourself in comparisons (society will certainly do that for you!). I know you to be a hardworking decent human being. The fact that you are isolated now is only a symptom of addiction--it does not mean anything about who you are, who you can be. But you do have a choice to make: stay or go. Stay means defining yourself by your addiction. It means the safety of fatalistic thinking ("If I don't try I can't fail") and the familiarity of a life that revolves around temporary oblivion. It means living in fear and self-loathing. But what does 'go' offer? It offers uncertainty and responsibility that can be terrifying. But it also offers possibility. I think if you continue to debase yourself in your own head that it will be next to impossible to leave where you find yourself now. It seems trivial but changing the language with which you perceive and describe yourself to yourself is critical for healing. That is one thing that I have found that must be done inside--it doesn't matter at all whether other people compliment you or criticize you--it comes back to what you believe about yourself. Most of us are not raised with the tools to love ourselves--quite the opposite. But those tools are out there. Buddhist philosophy (not the religion) is a tool that was helpful for me as well. In the west this is often called mindfulness. I hope you can find that little spark of hope and faith in yourself to make a change. <3
Our a/c went down, and so did our refrigerator. I was just about to take a nap now that my son is out. :\
1. I wish you would fall into that abyss where all the people I don't care enough about to want them to suffer should go. Now.
2. I wish we were strangers. Just complete strangers.
3. Why can't you be like the other cat? I don't want to take care of you, but I need to pay your owner back for help.
I wish life could be simple sometimes. I'm tired of complicated, I'm so tired now.
It's much simpler already. Resolving problems is the best way to feel better, at least for the moment. ;)
What do you mean?

When the levels of stress are increasing I feel like thinking as straightforward as possible, trying to prioritize things and making decisions towards solving every problem sooner rather than later.

That could be counterproductive as I am bringing work home to get ahead during the weekend. I am feeling better although my life needs to include quality- sometimes like talking to a dear friend. Thinking and focusing more on other people etc.

Thanks for asking! :)
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^^ This isn't to anyone above on this page. Just in case. I have no knowledge of previous pages. ;)

"I'm the only one who matters in any situation." -You

"Who?" -Me
My step-sister has cancer of the everywhere (brain,lungs/etc and spreading) and it sounds like its becoming increasingly more likely that she will pass away soon despite treatment.

She needs to hurry up and die, because she is making everyone miserable and unhappy.
But you are you thinking what is best for her? Does she want to die?
I'm sorry to hear things are pretty sad for you but I can only imagine how the other would be feeling about all that.
Death can be so scary and empty. We tend to get confused about things we wish, guilty because we wish them. Or we can just disconnect. Difficult spot.