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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy Methoxphenidine / MXP Thread - Part 2 - 'Foxphenny Methoxphenny'?


Bluelight Crew
Mar 12, 2007

The Methoxphenidine (2-MeO-Diphenidine) Thread
iupac = 1-(1-(2-methoxyphenyl)-2-phenylethyl)piperidine ; (±)-1-[1-(2-methoxyphenyl)-2-phenylethyl]piperidine; (R/S)-1-(1-(2-methoxyphenyl)-2-phenylethyl)piperidine


Link to the previous Big & Dandy thread


Warnings - MUST read before use:

- Long winded Duration: The duration of this compound should not underestimated, the effects last and linger very long. Durations of ~12-18 hours have been reported, and dosing higher or redosing may lead to significant increase in this duration. Before taking this drug, consider this and make sure you have nothing to do for the day(s) to come!
- Avoid Redosing: Redosing may be very risky as compounds like diphenidine and methoxphenidine can result in amnesia. This may lead to severely debilitated self control, perhaps on an even totally different level than addiction issues. Avoid it especially / at least if it is your first time.
- Careful dosage: Suggested starting doses are 50 mg, slowly building up to that and figuring out the dose-response curve instead of pushing the envelope! This means that effects may very suddenly get seriously / problematically strong at or above a certain dosage level.
- Unpredictability / inconsistency: methoxphenidine has shown a tendency to intoxicate users to different extents off of the same dosage level as previous dosages even in those tolerant to it and similar substances
- Stomach contents: methoxphenidine has shown a tendency to be metabolized very slowly and can greatly intoxicate someone who has not eaten properly while the same amount dosed on a full stomach may not hit as hard. It appears to be very fat-soluble, so it may get stuck in/to fatty food in your stomach or fatty tissues in your body before being released more slowly.
To be sure, assume it is like PCP type compounds that can linger in the body for days if not weeks!

*Your previous experience, even with other dissociatives, does not grant you control over potentially dangerous drugs like this one. Do NOT use it as if it were ketamine or MXE !

Compounds in this category of dissociatives, together with PCP & analogues have been known to not only cause amnesia, but also manic and psychotic behavior, far too often with disastrous result and injury to self and others! Be extremely careful.
Always weigh your doses with an accurate milligram scale - never eyeball!

[where we left off:]

I recommend starting at 70mg. 110mg is right down the rabbit hole for me. Higher doses made me panic and thought I was going to die. Give it at least an hour before considering redosing. Things get very very crazy at 110mg, and watch you alcohol consumption. Stick to a beer or two, no more. It's definitely a fascinating compound though. Just be careful people, it's a hell of a trip at the right dosage. Don't eyeball, get some sensitive scales. I recommend these:
Smart Weigh GEM20 High Precision Digital Milligram Scale 20 x 0.001g.

£20.00 from amazon. They are exellent.

Oh yeah, the above is oral dosage, mixed with juice or water, doesn't really matter. I heard juice with citric acid is good ie. orange juice, cranberry, lemon juice etc. It can be corrosive if you let the raw powder sit in your mouth, and snorting is pretty useless and gives a dull ache which lasts for ages.


After reading through much of the thread I was surprised at how many people have experienced long on-set times, ie. hours and hours. I have done MXP many times and the effects always started to kick in around 45 minutes, peaking within 1.5 hours. Please disregard my '1 hour' resdose time as it obviously affects people in drastically different ways. I would still suggest suggest sticking to more that 110 mg per night though, total. Perhaps this is due in part to the different vendor's suppliers, ie, the composition of the substance.

Tried this a few months ago, got as high as 120mg in a day, but as I am with most NMDA antagonists I find doses just slightly over threshold what I'm looking for (5-8mg with 3-meo-pcp) so with this 30mg rectally was a decent dose. I'm not ever trying to 'hole' or trip into the weird disassociated realm, I prefer to waltz around just sub-hypomania where you get some energy and motivation as well as notice the mild anti-depressant actions but without the pure mania this class of drugs can produce. Also taking it at these threshold doses allow you to not fuck up your sleep as NMDA antagonists are prone to do. Also, if you take these lower doses this class of drugs is a lot safer to mess with, I've never gotten close to the amnesia these things can produce, never blacked out. I have redosed but my redoses are always lower, and a lot of the time not even necessary.

50 mg, orally in orange juice was nice for first time. I also took about 100mg of 3-FPM, but I'm a stim guy. I was at home, alone. Come-up was rather swift, and I got excited about it in a good way. Took a walk to local tavern, where I know everyone. I was very chatty, with a big smile on my face. I've been sober two years (chronic alcoholic for 20), so didn't drink. Loved being around people, and was pretty bummed out when I was home alone again. I think that setting, mood, mindset is huge with this stuff. I'm sure everyone reacts differently at diff times, but I have some serious social anxiety issues, so it was interesting that I loved the socializing. Higher doses probably wouldn't produce that same effect, IMHO. A little fuzzy 12 hours later. Good experience. Will try again. BTW, there was a time when I used insane amounts of DXM on an almost daily basis. Didn't find MXP very similar to that.

What's with all the oral dosing?

I've just tried insufflating this stuff tonight. I managed to put myself in somewhat of a hole on it last week.

I feel nice, and music is enhanced, but I certainly don't feel very dissociated.

I guess that's why you lot are taking it orally.

I'm quite enjoying bluelight on this stuff, so I guess I'll have a browse through the thread.

It seems fairly stimulating, but I still don't feel like I really understand it yet.

So I've been insufflating 50-100mg~ lines of this over the past few days and the effects are negligible. However, I love what it does.

It presents a very clear headed, focused mood lift, and I find greater enjoyment in the things that I am doing.

In fact, I'd say that if anything, it mainly complements my current nootropic stack which I'm currently using to try and rectify my current issues with depression/anxiety/lack of motivation/fatigue.

I realise that I'm probably effectively wasting it this way (relatively speaking), so could anybody please elaborate on why it seems to be a case of oral > insufflation.

(for a lazy man)

Edit: Okay, I guess that basically, nasal bioavailability is low, so you might as well just take it orally, and I've just answered my own question, which was really obvious all along.

Carry on.
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There are a handful of people who claimed to have had some luck vaping methoxphenidine. I'm curious if vaporizing/smoking MXP HCl is effective (and/or if smoking the freebase might be?)

This ROA is valid and can lead to dangerous chronic redosing with diphenidine.

update: vaping mxp does not seem worthwhile vs diph. No effects whatsoever. YMMV. Likely due to tolerance/vendors/purity/other factors.
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Holy shit, I holed on this stuff last night. It was beautiful - profound as MXE a few years ago. I don't know how safe it is but I almost always have a few beers and cannabis when holing on dissociatives, it adds a lot to the experience. I dosed 80mg first and a few hours later 60mg more. Come up is so slow with this that it's hard to get it right, redosing isnt that good with MXP. It took almost 3 hours since the redose. Next time I'll take 100-130mg all at once.

I was horrified at first, thought I poisoned myself or something before it turned to very strong euphoria. Maybe the alcohol made me little nauseous or something. I rate dissociative holes more euphoric than MDMA easily. I cried a little too. It was more lucid than MXE, I didn't leave my body or anything, maybe higher doses will give OBEs. I'm just scared to up the dose with this since I've read so many hospitalizations with MXP.
Hospitalizations? From dissociative delirium / amnesia / fugue state type stuff, or health problems?

Felt poisoned as in: very nauseous and sick like when you have taken too much alcohol + K ?

I tried diphenidine once and didn't appreciate it, have acquired 500 mg of this at some point but I am kinda suspicious about all these Xphenidines
Erowid says: "There have been several deaths associated with its use."

I've read from other forums that people have had seizures from it too etc.

Yeah little nauseous and typical fear and anxiety doing unknown research chemical and typical dissociative mindfuck state when you just have to let go.
I just had my first experience with this today.
Took 85mg oral on an empty stomach. It was a very very subtle comeup, it wasn't until I realized that I had randomly walked all the way down to a lake to sit down to realize how dissociated I was.
Music was very interesting, I've read this is supposed to have music enhancement - only felt like music was becoming less complex and quicker.

I ended up walking a mile to a friend's house to hang out and smoke...one rip off of a bong...which put me into an incredibly euphoric (and, I think, slightly manic) state, where music became more beautiful than I have ever heard it on a dissociation. Dancing felt amazing.

About 8 hours later I insuff'd 40mg and smoked a bowl and it put me into a quite similar state as before.

I love this!
Can anybody reccomend an oral dose for a euphoric, stimulating and completely non-dissociated effect?

At what dose roughly does the dissociative weirdness take hold?
~50-80mg. Over 80mg and you start to get fucked up. I wouldn't take under 100mg now after a few trials though.
What about impairment? Of behavior / cognition / other functioning?

At what kind of doses should one expect what kind of impairments - am I correct to assume that impairment of all of those ^ functions is part of the territory, or is there a dose range like that 50-80 mg where you are dissociated but composed.
I feel that dissociative high is pretty much impairment no matter what dose you take, it makes me retarded in a way. I have this feeling that every time I do dissociatives, the whole night is kinda "crossed over" - I might as well make the best of it and aim for the hole. This is how every night usually ends when I take dissociatives, I redose until I'm holing even when it wasn't my primary goal. Some people seem to enjoy taking low doses and be functional but I don't use them that way and see little to no benefits with dosing like that. Well I've done lower doses on social situations or a festival settings and its lots of fun sure, but when I'm alone - hole is where the magic happens and what the hype is all about imo. Holes are comparable to high dose life changing psychedelic trips for me. They put things in perspective and they make me appreciate life more.

With MXP I don't get very much from dosing low, I enjoyed ~20mg (is that even low? I don't know, it was plenty in the beginning) MXE doses a lot though. But they almost always ended up me holing my ass off.
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I would love to hole again. But i flushed my mxe stash two years ago :/

I'm on medication atm so it wouldnt be an Option anyway but knowing i'll never be able to do mxe again is frustrating.

And I dont want to try the new arylcyclohexylamins.

Maybe i can aquire some ketamine someday.
The only dissos ive tried r mxp,dpd,epd and 3meo-pcmo. Mxp seemed to produce the warmest most enjoyable effects compared to others. Dpd felt similar to me but somehow scarier and not as pleasant. Trying epd was a mistake. Nothing pleasant really and at least a day long vertigo like feeling afterglow. 3meo-pcmo made me freak out and have demonic nightmares for for like 8hrs. But mxp was the first one i tried and loved. No point insufflating, just wasting it, tried vaping off foil with no effects either. But an oral dose of 80-120mg crystals crushed to powder and flushed down with water or anything really on empty stomack gives a very pleasant and warm buzz which takes a while to kick in. I have taken about 125mg orally around 4h ago with hardly any tolerance, (last time took any was maybe 3 months ago), i feel cossy and warm watching austin powers now in my bed under warm duvet. I can feel everything buzzing around, as if evrrythings vibrating including me. I cant wait to read this when it wears off cuz my mind is not working properly and i have no idea why and what am i doing now. Sry if its too long and boring but its my first kind if trip report or an attempt to describe how i feel. What do u guys think a joint of 5f-pb-22 incense add to mxp high?
Happy new year! My 1g shipment of MXP arrived a few days ago and I've tested it out today. I don't have a scale so I'm being a bit irresponsible by dosing, but I'm trying to figure out why I'm not feeling anything. I parachuted two dime-sized piles about four hours ago, on mostly empty stomach, and I ingested a larger pile sublingually over two hours ago. Still feeling absolutely nothing except hiccups. Visually, it looks like about a quarter of the material is gone, although I'm aware that's very unreliable.

Is there any cross-tolerance with DXM? On new year's eve, I tripped 1032 mg of DXM (with 1/2 tab of LSD). It's only been a day or so; has anyone reported DXM use diminishing MXP effects?

I also did a 2016mg DXM trip to celebrate the new year about two weeks ago, so I'm going to ease back on the DXM for the time being.
Hi, happy new year and welcome here :)

Don't use MXP without a scale, honestly.. if you read about diphenidine and analogues enough you have to conclude the massive risks involved with inaccurate / impatient use of these compounds.

Yes there is almost certainly cross-tolerance with other NMDA antagonist dissociatives like DXM, but it doesn't seem to work the same as with psychedelic tolerance. With dissociatives on the short term tolerance doesn't necessarily tend to abolish activity so quickly, while on the long term it can really stick around.

But it's possible this explains lack of effect.

I would be really careful to conclude anything from this and proceed based on faulty conclusions! Because if the dose-response curve is unforgiving and especially with your eyeballing you'd get yourself into a stronger reaction than you planned on, your behavior could become quite troublesome.

People have fucked up major things in their lives because of overdosing on novel dissociatives, so arrange every measure you can to avoid something like that from happening.
About a week ago I recieved less than 500mgs and managed to blow it all in two nights, with DXM brought in later. The first night I insuffed 80mg and only felt slight stimulation so I followed up an hour later with 80 oral and 30 oral two hours after that, with ~100-150mg DXM drinken after 5 hours total. The first doses threw me into a hole and since it was my first, it was slightly unnerving but fun overall. I had to go out like that to the bank and gas station (NOT driving) which was an adventure and a half, confusing but enlightening? The next night I took the rest of my bag in two oral doses, which was less extreme of course and followed up with 50 to 100mg DXM. I stayed up all both nights, and took too much DPH to sleep the following day but not enough for hallucinations. From there on sleep deprivation was probably messing with me but I managed to get naps the following days. (As you can probably tell, I'm still trying to piece the whole experience together. A few days ago I was NOT be able to remember what days these were). Over all, music appreciation, a complete lack of anxiety (minus the DPH), pure happiness makes this a positive experience for me. If I smoke a cig or get too warm/sweat, I can still feel hightened afterglow effects momentarily. However for my safety, next time I won't be dosing this high/redosing. I can't stand feeling like I've messed my brain up forever. Stay safe.
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There is nothing you can do, besides eat healthy, drink lots of water and isotonic drinks, sleep enough and maybe excercise.
Yeah I thought so, that's why I edited my post. It comes and goes in waves and I just have to ride it out, which I don't mind. I just happened to get sick recently which is making it feel harsh at times, but it's still fine.
Glad to hear you´re fine. You will recover for sure, just give it a few days. MXP can last a very long time, especially if you dose high, redose and/or take it a few days in a row. All the best for you :)
I have researched a gram of this stuff and I have to say it is a great dissociative. It's very similar to DXM but without the complete lose of balance and high dose. 130-150mg is just right for me to be pleasantly dissociated. It doesn't take hold of you as much as DXM or Ketamine, which is nice because it let's you think about and at least attempt to do things if you really need to. I plan on getting some more in the next couple of months.

My friend described it like "a high in the same place, but not the same as DXM"
I fucking absolutely love this drug. Towards the end of the last thread I mentioned that I was yet another person to botch a gram via attempted insufflation. It worked, but it wasted the majority of the methoxphenidine.

I'm yet to be anywhere near dissociated, but I've taken about 40-42mg today and found that to produce similar results to what must have been 100mg~ ish insufflated. I'd assumed that the only reason it was so good last time was because I had a benzo earlier in the day. Now I know it's just straight up methoxphenidine.

It alleviates depression and leaves me in a very clear headed, ever so slightly euphoric, very switched on state of mind. I feel like socialising and I'm having a mix for the first time in about six months.

I'm going to take it very easy with this stuff, but I'm definitely going to be using it (vary sparingly) as a substance to get me back on track.

For some reason I've been avoiding the dissociative analogues, and I've got no idea why, given that I love dissociatives.

I take it that the effects that I am receiving are roughly why many people loved low dose MXE so much.

Are there any other dissociatives worth trying which produce similar effects to the stimulating, motivating, focused euphoria of a low dose of this stuff?

For reference, I took it at at 3pm, it is now 22:22pm, and I still fell just as good.
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