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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: If 2020 Was the Dumpster, Can 2021 Be the Fire?

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im pretty tired couldn't sleep to much. Lived eons in that trip those shrooms are fucking potent as fuck. Spent hours just talking out loud to myself in pure gratitude to be alive because fuck man i truly thought i was gonna die the body load was fucking insanity. haha fuck man while it peaked i was just talking like fuck it all fuck it all i give up lord jesus have mercy on fuck psychedelics fuck mushrooms fuck it all i no longer care just beat me down and do whatever.
I haven’t had much disposable income since school, see alcoholism and no drive “for a real job” lol, so its Just a cheap mountain bike. It was a gift, it works and is in decent shape so I figured why not make the best of it until I can afford something nicer. But seeing how much I’ve been riding lately (even when I was drinking, though not when drunk of course lol) friends and family have mentioned pitching in for a nice (mountain) bike for my birthday. I’m pretty stoked.

There are lots of trails within a couple minute ride so it makes getting out easy (and there are even more within a short drive, if I can be bothered to attach the rack).

Buddy has a couple nice road bikes but the roads are so busy here I can’t say I really enjoy it. Besides I’d rather be in nature
The whole band, 100% as far as its purpose, goal, influence and unseen driving force

But the band pretty famously had a lot of internal fights, I doubt they had a unified secret message.

Unless all the drama over the years, which continues to this day, was orchestrated for appearances.

And as far as Gilmour being the origin of it, he didn't join the band til a few years after everyone else. And only played along with Syd on like a couple albums.
I guess if it was a legitimate "sell your soul to Satan" situation they wouldn't NEED to agree on the unified message after the initial ritual tho :-O

Really IMO if any of them have an evil bent it's Waters *shrugs*.

But naw man I think it might be delusions, careful bud.

Or at the very least, one of those things so hard to prove either way that you may as well just accept it for what it is and move on to spending your energy on something closer to home y'know?
holy shit has anybody tried sufi whirling while stonned its something else fuck it will take you into a crazy ass religious trance that shit is fucking legit

This looks pretty good...sure it will be disturbing tho.
Deff not the most cheerful stories in history.
Can you import Yopo seeds?
would be more risky with our bio security. 5 meo dmt is pretty cheap. Or i could risk it all and cure this country of meth by doing Hamilton's synthesis and produce shit ton of 5 meo. either the government legalizes it or i become the nick sands of 5 meo dmt this is my new spiritual mission i see now.

This stuff is delicious, love me some Apple Soda 🍎
would be more risky with our bio security. 5 meo dmt is pretty cheap. Or i could risk it all and cure this country of meth by doing Hamilton's synthesis and produce shit ton of 5 meo. either the government legalizes it or i become the nick sands of 5 meo dmt this is my new spiritual mission i see now.

Fully support this mission 100% and have had similar notions in the past that it's my destiny to spread as much psychedelics as I possibly can...
it's my destiny to spread as much psychedelics as I possibly can...
LOL this line of thinking lead me to so many bad places arguably topped by me getting zip tied and pistol whipped in a home invasion. I say "arguably" because there was boatloads of other unpleasantness and other highly dangerous situations. At least I didn't manage to Johnny Acidseed myself into federal prison, though, like some people.
Sadly it did cause me to end up in prison at one point but I came out stronger and wiser. Put the time in there to the best use I could and read countless books and worked out heavy. But when it's all said and done I don't regret any of it and would do it again as it was what I needed to grow as a person, sure I would have been happier with less time away but I survived it in any case. Could have been worse like you said and I'd gotten a lengthy bid in a Federal Prison. Putting people in jail over psychedelics is a crime against humanity, and in the future our ancestors will look back on those that did so with disgust in their hearts.
gonna force myself to get this data processed then ima smoke the fuck up and forgot about the world and float away. fuck man its so tempting to go and do meth my mates were so good to hang out with while they were on it. its fucked how we all ended up on stimulants very young then meth hit the country in the late 90s early 2000's and just been increasing ever since. I was the youngest one on amphetamines though at 14 and the only one who managed to get free as a adult.

Would love for a certain individual in my life to truly absorb this. Maybe they should click on the links I send them once in awhile and humble themselves. Cause the day you realize you don't have it all understood, is the day the true awakening begins. When we truly start actually learning and applying it, this is a lifelong process and we never stop evolving as people and growing. Just because you call yourself a liberal doesn't mean you have it all figured out, and im one of the most progressive people you will meet. But some people in my own faction blow my mind with their ignorant views on certain topics and think political stance somehow makes up for those short-sighted beliefs.
Guys, what I don't quite get about crypto is that if some cryptocurrency ever got adopted, as in it being the global reserve currency, that would be a disaster for many extremely powerful financial institutions right? With the dollar as the current reserve currency, that gives immense power to the US, and they have gone to extreme lengths to maintain global domination. I just cannot see it happening, it would have to coincide with the demise of the US, and possibly some other powerful countries.
If it's just another currency nothing much changes right? Am I missing something? Hard to find in depth info on this.
Yes Buzz I believe so, the US will fight against that happening tooth and nail. It's not something that will be taking place in the immediate future by any means. But I see it continuing to grow in importance and popularity for It's use in the ways It's currently being utilized. I think it will forever play a key role in the future black market of illegal drugs, and that alone makes it a powerful thing due to it being a multi-billion dollar a year business. But have it take over instead of fiat currency, that is a long way off and probably won't happen until we have a one world government as well.
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