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Horror Comedowns/day afters

THat is fucking full on. Only thing it is missing is Neil Diamond, Britney or Justin Timberlake.
I've often thought what it would be like to record the scattered ramblings and shit talk of the day after the night before. I think it would be incredibly interesting to listen to in a sober state so that the thoughts and feelings at the time could be recalled. I dont know bout everyone else but i generally cant remember much at all of the shit talk that goes on at a recovery gathering.
I think if I was going to record it though, the best idea would be to put the tape recorder somewhere outta sight so that peoples conversations aren't effected by it and so that you yourself may be able to forget about it and interact normally (well as scattered normal) in conversations etc.
Would surely be mega interesting.
Has anyone ever successfully taped a recovery?

Beech out
^This thread is brilliance. :)

Been a while since I sat and read a thread in its entirity, just cos' I couldn't stop.
Nice posts everyone. :D

Will add mine later.
My worst come down was a great meth, and ephedrine fuelled one.

After a very very long night of staring at the walls in all the locations my friends took me too that night. We ended up at a good friends house all staring at the walls together ... all in completely shitty foul moods, pissed of at ourselves for feeling that way, pissed of at our shitty night. Pissed off for taking the damn ephedrine.

Decided to leave my exciting bunch of friends at about 6am, so i went home and thought it would be nice to lie in my bed and listen to helicopters and random noises for a few hours .. before getting up to stare at the walls for another 10hrs or so.

Moral of my story as i'm sure most of you are aware anyway but i would just like to stress ... Ephedrine is a disgustingly horrible drug, and i wouldnt take it again even if you paid me.

That is all. :)
At a doof maybe a year back i was on liquid acid for maybe the second time only after only having paper tabs a few times. It was really strong and at the end of the doof i started getting really paranoid that no one wanted me there and they were making fun of me. I was actually crying at a doof. It was the one and only bad acid trip i had (or rather acid come down)

When i got home my dreads were talking to me and telling me things so i cut them all off because i thought "i didn't deserve them anymore" I cried for about three days afterwards because i looked like a stereotypical lesbian in cancer remission and it took me weeks even months before i felt ok about myself :( that was a really bad experience but i learnt alot about myself from cutting them off :)
The worst experience I had was when I took acid (tabs) for the first time at home about 5 years ago. My dad had died a few months before.

Took aaages to work then I had hours of laughing hysterically then crying alternately, stupidly stupidly looked at some photos of people close to me who had died (including my dad) - the photos freaked me out because people's faces were moving and looked like skulls. I was with a good friend who wasn't particularly supportive, was getting pissed of at me, probably because he was trying to enjoy his trip.

The next day I was on the worst downer of my life, was depressed and crying and it took me a few days to get over it. I couldn't go to work, didn't eat much and got into a whole head space about feeling guilty about not dealing with my dad being sick that well. I also couldn't look at those photos for a long time.

The moral of the story is, don't do any drugs, especially mind-bending ones, when you're experiencing some type of trauma or emotional situation. Also to have someone who will support you no matter what! Some people can't handle that I guess.

I've taken it a few times since and had the best time but it took me 2 years to try again.
^^ yeah i think i was going through some personal "issues" with myself at that time that happened to me....acid is not good if your not all together mentally :\
lol. My worst comedown was problay this morning. At like 3 am, in an abandoned house some mates and i had broken into, I decided to take some of this dogdy stuff that a mate makes up, (Main ingreadiants: Speed, Special K and ritalin) and all was sweet for the first few hours, but then I started to feel really shit, I started looking at all the bad things in my life and ended up rocking in a corner crying my eyes out, wishing I was dead. Took me 2 hours to get over it, even with my best friend being with me the whole time.
*yawn* im goona sleep now. Night folks.
My worse comedown lasted about 2 months. Damn pyschotic episodes. 6.5 strong pills would ahve been fine, but it was the half a gram of speed. I still can't touch speed to this day. Even half a point will make me pissed off and come down like a bitch for days.
one nye a few years ago had some powder then spent 3 days having withdrawl like symptons. Throwing up all the time and shaking hours on end.

i'd been partying all weekend and was getting to the nice chilled stage of a sunday when i decided to buy some watermelon from safeway. when i was walking around, a little confused, i had a terrible realization that i had to work..... in like, 2 hours! i was completely fucked and decided that the only thing i could do was block out the problem. so i didn't think about it, didn't call work, didn't do anything really... came home and my mum was like 'i can't believe how irresponsible you are! i've spoken to your boss 4 times already!'
it was so shit and to make matters even worse it was my sisters birthday that night. we had to go out for a family dinner and, like my mum says, i RUINED EVERYTHING. 8o
Very big night out on the pills, got back to this girls house about 8am. Here she is with her boyfriend in their kids pool. It was HOT, glary and I was buggered. Since they were gassed up the wazoo, they wouldnt let me sleep, so I had to sit and listen to them all day until about 3pm when they ran out of drugs and I got to sleep. I HATE when I'm not allowed to sleep. Half an hour does me, its not like I sleep for weeks.

My other horror story wasnt so bad for me, but for others.

I threw a huge party @ a 'local club' for my mates and I. We all got utterly trashed and left the club about 6. Got back to a friends place about 9 feeling not too bad. I tried to get a little sleep, then my brother arrives to take me to my sisters 14th birthday party. Needless to say, when I arrived, I was still smashed, and started drinking so mum would think I was drunk and not 'not drunk'. FINALLY the party ended about 3 and I knocked back some Xanex and Codeine and hit the hay. I was halarious as far as all my sisters friends and brother were concerned, but I think mum was slightly unimpressed. :p
meh... I got no sleep last night, not even a post-rave nap, having a nasty mda comedown and had to take my brother to the airport, tried to get out of it but he carried on like a pork chop, so I took him and fell asleep at the wheel for a few seconds, ran my car off the road and into a ditch.

Thankfully no damage to me or the car, but it made me cry :(

*crawls under a rock and dies*
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Nothing, this happened on the way to collect him from my grandmas... I was shit scared though, I had to pull myself together and make it another 15 minutes to her house, 40 minutes to the airport and 30 minutes home from the airport.

I forced myself to sing the whole way and had the aircon on "freezing" to try and keep me alert.
After the last Transmission at which I'd had too many pills I ducked out of the hotelroom me and a mate were in for some quick comedown bongs. However, I'd forgotten to fill my bong with water, so I walked around the Sydney CBD without shoes on for about half an hour trying to find somewhere to get bong water, which ended up being the Paddy's Markets toilets...

I filled the bong and then saw a couple of people pull up in a car. In my scattered state I decided that I should offer the strangers some bongs, which I did subtly by pulling my bong out of my backpack and going 'Hey do you guys want some cones?'

Lucky for me they were keen as anything for cones, so I jumped into the back of their car and we sped away. After introductions, I spilled a massive mix that I had cut beforehand all over the floor of this guys car. Not to worry I said, there's more at my hotelroom! So we waste some time while a good spot is saught to drop me off, I get out of the car and get lost, getting to the hotel about 10 minutes later. I grab the rest of my weed and realise that they had parked on the road opposite the hotel. I didn't remember to put on shoes.

I jump into the car and we smoke up while driving around the city, then I am dropped what I was told was near my hotel. At this state I was completely fucked off the aftereffects of pills and way too much weed, and the whole world seemed like a computer game. I have no idea how long it took to get to the hotelroom.

I call my friend to let me into the room and procede to inform him that I am 'completely fucking wasted' and that I haven't had a piss in twelve hours. He suggests that I take off my pants and sit on the toilet, and do some nangs to see if they make me piss. So I sat on the toilet and did a box of bulbs and still couldn't piss. So I freaked out and my friend helped my state of mind out by telling me I might have to get my bladder drained at the hospital.

Then eventually I managed to piss, after about 15 hours. It was brown. I think I remember this so clearly right now because I was stoned then and I'm stoned right now and memory is state dependent.

Or something.
ha! Yeah BREAKaBEAT wins the killer comedown award. Maybe along with the end of Bluelight you should make it the end of drugs too. ;)

Anyways, catch you around.
*sighs* My worst comedown is so bad, i don't even want to talk about it. The comedown only lasted for about 3 days and you could not tell where the comedown started and where the depression ended. I ended up depressed for about 2 months just because of one stupid night out and all the drama that came with it...
i hate smoking ice with a burning passion now.
did i miss something...what happened to breakabeat, she hasn't really gone has she???:(