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Horror Comedowns/day afters

^ Most of the time on Bluelight when someone says they're leaving they can't keep away.
Cup Eve last year...

My (now ex) boyfriend who doesn't own a mobile phone had an exam on Cup Day, so I thought I'd stay out of his way and go to Dave Seaman.
We had tentative plans for after his exam, so I called his place at about 9pm to see how he was going etc.
Anyway his mum says 'Oh he's out and said that he'd go to your house afterwards and stay there tonight'. He's a pretty vague dude so that is a realistic possibility. Anyway I give my mum a call and told her 'If he comes home tell him to call me'. He didn't call, so I assumed he'd realised I wasn't home, gotten to his place late, blah blah blah.

Dave Seaman was awesome. Afterwards I went to a friends house and continued the fun...

At about 2pm I call his place, thinking that he'd be home from his exam. And his mum says 'No he's not here, and he didn't come home last night' so I call my mum and she says 'No, he hasn't been here either'.
I wait a while longer and then I start to worry, because his exam was at 9am and he still hasn't shown up anywhere, or called, and he's not the type of guy who just disappears like that. Even my friend is starting to worry.
I ring all his friends and no one has seen him.
I call his mum (who, for the record, is a bit of a stress freak, which didn't make me any calmer) again and she decides to ring uni, to check that he was at his exam. After about an hour and a half she calls me back, and says that he wasn't at his exam.
So I get hysterical and call my parents and my dad meets me at boyfriends house, where we just don't know what to do. I'm imagining him dead in a gutter somewhere and other horrific things.
Dad and I head over to the uni in case by chance he's there, while his mum rings the police.

We get to uni at 8:30pm and I head to the library, where my boyfriend is happily packing up his books and getting ready to head home 8o


Turns out that he'd been at a friends place studying and did remember that I was going out, did go to his exam, but the dickhead administration staff made a mistake, and everything was fine.
Okay well after a party a year or so ago,we decided to drive there and home *big mistake in the first place i know* but usually my boyfriend drives home, because when he is straight...he is totally straight....anyway, *please no flaming, because we always avoid driving day after where possible :)*

ANYWAY.....a few hours after this party was over, we got a few hours sleep in the car just to make sure we were both totally okay...so i decided to drive this time just because my bf had gone a little harder than i had and i had been straight for at least 4+ hours. we are driving through the city and i feel like absolute crap as i had been sick most of the night, and just as i reach over to grab something i look up and i see a red light...i slam on the brakes to make a huge noise and skid to a halt....luckily it was a fairly quiet morning and there wasnt many people around but it sure gave me a good scare, and it didnt help that the main light was behind a tree branch...after that i vowed never ever to drive the day after again unless i had been totally rested and felt 100%

i am fairly sure that if it had been a normal day and i had have reached down at the exact same time i would have missed the lght as well, but it wasnt a nice thing to add to my feeling super shitty & gross "next day feeling"
hmm ive got a few.

An older guy befriended 3 mates and I at a club. Well, this guy was allright, but in my fucked up state I decide to give out my EXACT address and my phone number... After a while we got really weirded out by him, coz he was hitting on my friend and kept trying to convince us to get a lift home with him and go to North head to watch the sunrise. So we left at 5am without telling him and were at home smoking up at 7am when our door buzzes (apartment building). Immediately I knew who it was, so I didnt buzz them into the building. But 5 minutes later, there is a knock on the door and I look throught the peep-hole and this dude has broken into my apartment building. He is ringing my phone and I turn it off. My 4 friends and i sat silently in my bedroom for about 1/2 an hour hoping he would just leave. I was VERY paranoid for 3 days and refused to let anyone open the door if they didnt recognise the person through the peep-hole. He paid a visit a few months later and blamed his rude behaviour on the bikkie my friend gave him. Allright bloke afterall.

Getting lost at Homebush after an uncomfortably big night :p that place is confusing. anyone else?

Went to a party in the northwest, car broke down on way home, finally arrive back at friends house at redfern. I stopped taking drugs (except weed), because I had an exam at 9am the next day. Most people had a kinda bad morning, due to harsh pills and the hassle of breaking down. This one chick, who i hadnt met until she arrived with someone elses friends was unbearable. We told her to shutup, but she continously chewed our ears of with her inane drivel and annoying voice. It was indescribably horrible scattered experience and I eventually decided to leave at 12pm. I skated home from redfern and when I got back I was feeling sick and vommited from the physical exertion and my empty stomach. I was way too cracked out to study, but fortunately I managed to pass the exam.

Had 3 a's in 2 hours and came-down harshly while still out (that is an awful feeling - wanting to leave but your friends are still charging). Went back to a friends for a little while, chopped up a mix and realised we didnt have a lighter. Fuck it! i thought and went to catch a cab home. I rang one and waited outside, but it never showed. So I rang again and was put on hold for my last $6 of mobile credit. I tried again with $3 in a payphone and couldnt get through. I walked about 800m (carrying my large bag and work clothes on a hanger) to the nearest 'main' road and waited 35 minutes for a fucken taxi. I got home and was fucken wrecked.

Last years Christmas lunch with the family and relo's. 'nuff said.
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on the way back to melburp after tribadelic this year i had a major major fight with a realy close friend which started off with her deliting a photo off my digi cam i had just taken of her as a joke (had intended on deleting it straight away myself any way) it scaled down to a full on slanging match about how she had felt i had been threatening to her and negative towards her the whole party which wasnt true as i had been keeping out of her way as i felt she was being agressive and not all that friendly towards me and as a result felt i could not spend much tim ein our camp site

this also made it realy hard as i was ment to be staying with her for the next couple of days befor ei headed back to sydney had to make other plans

ended up hiding in a friends warehouse for the next 3 days lost in my own thoughts totaly freaking out

its still prity strained between us but we are talking again
Long time reader first time writing etc....

Anyway, coming home after an event this year, 3 pills followed by comedown bongs, driving home from my mates place (about 10 minutes from my house) get stopped on the most unsuspecting of roads at 4am by 6 police cars who were performing a mass vehicle stop & check. I think they were looking for someone, anyway, get out of the car in my fucked up state and had 7 cops standing infront of me throwing questions. I still had my wrist thingy on so they were suspicious of course. Kept geting questions thrown at me. Can you imagine trying to answer police questions after Dancing for 6 hours 3 pills and about 10 cones at 4am? I was losing everything, scattered started to strike big time, forgetting things etc, anyway, they let me go after searching me/my car and one of them said "Hey mate, watch out for cops on the way home" and i was like wtf? I wasnt sure what was going on, i was in quite a drugged up/coming down state, turn up to my place in a panic to find a Cop car sitting outside my house with two cops in it, bolted inside trying not to look at them, had a heavy smoke in my room while i watched them go around my car with mag lights. Couldnt sleep for hours, started to get paranoid; suspecting everyone or thinking someone dobbed me in for using or something; I was racking my brain for days jumping at everything..

Not again please!!

[edit: event details removed, please read the guidelines - 1234 :)]
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big friday night out drinking (5-6 shots bundy, 4 crownies, fair amount goon/cask wine) + roughly 5 cones, then work at 7 the next morning (3 hours sleep, I work at a bakery) - serving customers drunk to begin with, offering carry bags and wishing them a nice day etc., then running off to the toilet every 10mins to dry heave, shaking, looking pale, feeling like shit - i told my manager I'd had some bad thai food and had food poisoning, she bought it. god that sucked ass...had to work a six hour shift, didn't sober up completely until 2ish in the afternoon