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EADD Film Recommendations v5 - TBC

^ Not yet seen any of the Transformers films. Probably never will. I don't generally do big budget CGIfest "Summer Blockbusters" so could well be I was simply overestimating the genre even by assuming crapness to be a sureity.

I giuess im a bit bitter that carter had the chamce to be something different and turned out crap imo. But to each their own i think...

Obviously it could've been a lot, lot better than it was but - as you point out with Edge of Tommorow - you have to take these kinda things in their own context. Which is why John Carter is the better film on its own terms.
If anything edge of tomorrow reminded me of source code more, though that is the better movie by far

Transformers. Watched aged of extinction, what was oit the forth now? Still utter crap. I cannpt belive people keep paying to see that!!!! Want big robot action? Real steel was a better movie for that
Not seen Source Code (I don't think).

For big robot fighting, Robot Jox ftmfw =D

(pootoob sez it's okay to ignore copywrong on this one so it's okay for the rest of us i presume :p)
I heartily recommend Source Code. Intelligent filmmaking. Same director as Moon. Which is also great scifi btw
Had mixed opinions of Moon. Interesting film and nicely done but a tad dull and somewhat predictable. As far as low-budget indie sci-fi goes it's one of the better examples of recent years all the same.

Side note: Said director is David Bowie's boychild. Gets bonus points for that alone.
Since we re on the subject of lowbudget scifi - Upstream Color. Now theres a movie that i feel was overrated.
Each to his own - i really like that film (but realise most people won't - bit like my music taste) - i love the feeling that there's more to discover in a film and that it's not served up on a plate in hollywood format; and i just loved the visual and sound (drugs help) - on the other hand i found source code a bit predictable and derivative (though still enjoyable). And i agree that john carter was crap as a sci fi film (like the gravity on mars is less than the moon?); but accepting it was a disney adventure film which i could shove on when there's kids about, it was ok.


This week's films: I'd avoided Snowpiercer as i'm not too fond of post apocalyptic films (cos they're often stuffed with cliches, and it's just cheap to find a bit of desert and do some steampunk or whatever). Gave it a watch after a recommendation on here (ta) - was quite good as allegory or straight story. Tilda swinton's evil northener was a cool character, as was the chronol-sniffing hacker geezer (i recognise him from somewhere) - you need to stick the subtitles when when he's talking though as their not hardcoded in downloads.

Then watched Extraterrestrial. I'm running out of sci fi, so i have to include sci-fi/horror like this. This was a pretty bad evil alien abductions/murder story with unnecesarrily nasty aliens (with ridculous extra spiky anal probe). If just looking for a straightforward slashy monster horror, it might be alright; but in scifi terms the aliens are poor with almost no mystery, just evil - which misses the point of chucking aliens in (eg The Box). As i said if looking for a 'cabin in the woods' type horror (in the generic sense, not like the film with that name) - this is probably as good as many. (bear in mind the film might have redeemed itself in the 15 minutes i fell aseep for in the middle - but i came back to the spiky anal probe...)

In a similar vein but much better - Honeymoon. This was a similar subject of cabin in the woods and aliens, but a much better film (ymmv - remember i like upstream colour (this is much more accesible though)); less slashy more personal, quite low budget and indie, nicely built characters.

I recognised the british male actor in honeymoon from another film i might of mentioned in here: The Disappeared. This is a british creepy horror about a boy who lives on a council estate whose brother was abducted, and who starts to have ghostly/psychic experiences. I liked this film - really good acting and some gritty realism (for a ghost story that is).
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hehe at first i didnt think one was supposed to understand what the hacker in snowpiercer was supposed to be saying... still, surprised the moivie didnt get a wider release. i would have watched it in the cinema had it come by...

the thing about some movies is they strive to be cryptic and the opposite of explainable. i dont mind that, as long as there is a feeling that something is still to be delivered to the audience, not a message necessarily, but even just a sensation, a feeling, an impression. Holy motors was also difficult to follow, but it left me satisfied that i had seen something worthy of being watched. but for all the critical approval of Alpeis i still thought it was crap and pretentious.
Ive watched Source Code twice now, thought it was OK, it was a good concept, some bits didnt quite make sense to me though, i guess you have to 'suspend disbelief' with that sort of thing.

I watched In The Valley of Elah for the first last night, Tommy Jones trying to find out the truth about his sons death who was in the military. Dunno if it was just me, but i didnt enjoy it much, it had all the right ingredients for being a classic, it just didnt quite hit the spot for me w/e reason imo. Iirc its the only Tommy Jones film ive watched that i havent been completely engrossed by.
@kingme - I should get round to finishing holy motors (i find it difficult when there's too much subtitles cos how i'm usually watching the film). Yeah i struggled along most of the way through snowpiercer thinking we weren't supposed to know what hacker man was saying (i skipped back a bit then); i did the same with the dawn of planet of the apes (had to go back to the start).

I'm with you on liking purposefully obtuse films, but still wanting to be engaged by them in some way (like my music; i don't like any old avant-garde shit - it's still got to make some effort to be liked). I just felt really engaged by upstream colour personally - often my opinion of films are heavily affected by set and setting though, so in some ways saying how i feel about a film is sort of a spoiler. (as is knowing a film is critically acclaimed often)
I find it reassuring to see a film plastered with Oscars and Awards, its very rare that i wont enjoy such a film, i find it almost like a guarentee that its going to be an exceptionally good film. As you would expect. But i try to keep my expectations low anyway, as my own personal taste doesnt allways chime whith those who dish out the Oscars and other awards.
I'm sort of the opposite - for me it has to be really extra good to counteract how much film industry people and professional critics like it - my iconoclastic genes i guess ('i sees an icon, i has to clast it')
im in the middle about awards. I love it when a movie I appreciate gets the recognition of others, but I wont hold a lack of critic approval against giving a chance to a more obscure film.
however, with the internet and the multitude of views and opinions out there, a good metacritic or tomato score helps weed out the truly terrible. i never enjoyed a movie under 40% iirc
Shambles cant believe youd choose John Carter over the edge of tomorrow. The plot wasnt that original but it made the action move forward easily. Carter was too disney and heavy on exposition...

If anything edge of tomorrow reminded me of source code more, though that is the better movie by far

I agree with you wholeheartedly on all of that.

We watched The Selfish Giant recently. It's about two impoverished boys who get up to capers stealing scrap metal, etc., in the north of England. Quite moving & funny at the same time.

I'm not big on awards - especially the Oscars - as they tend to represent industry politics and circle-jerkery more than actual quality. My opinion and all that.

My big-budget Hollywood entertainment this evening (see - I do try) was Guardians of the Galaxy. Seems its getting good reports from most and thought it was alright myself. Nowt amazing but I suspect that's mostly due to watching on a small screen. There's not really enough about it underneath the special effects and they just don't quite carry it on a small screen. That's more a technical problem on my side than a critcism as such though cos the whole point of big-budget, special FX-laden blockbusters is to look really whizzy so you don't have to dwell on the other stuff. Watch it on a big screen and I'm sure it's a lot more satisfying and was watchable enough even on a teensy monitor. Did sag quite a bit in the middle and fizzle a bit at the end but would find that more forgivable if I could've seen all the pretty whizzy things whizzing about all pretty like as they're prone to do given space to do so.
Watched the first part of Ghost Rider with Nicholas Cage and Idris Elba last night. There is very little substance to the film, but a lot of style, and the visual and sound effects following a few hits of noids made it appear quite spectacular. Definately not a film for engaging your brain with, but one to gawp at the amazing visuals.

Zombieland (2009) will be broadcast on film 4 sometime over the next few days. This looks far more promising; stars Woody Harrelson for one thing, and got a score of 90% on rottentomatoes.com. Certainly looking forward to this one.

I remember the director's cut of ghost rider being better than the original cut for what it's worth.

Also zombieland was a hoot. Funny adventure movie. Harrelson was hilarious
Agreed, decent film that

Lol at the bill Murray bit, springs to mind when i think about that film
The Drop was well reviewed on one cinema release show, but poorly reviewed on another.

It's the final film James Gandolfini appeared in before he died, i have to see it for that reason alone. It seems to be familiar organised crime territory for JG from what i could gather, i wouldnt mind betting that it'd be well worth seeing.