Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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The kid amari that make youtube video doesnt convince me on the delay of the recovery. He is saying 5-7 months but he looks very sedated in his video
How does recovery feels like what do you recover in first and do you feel like preinvega ?I read that emotions were not as strong as before.
Y'all talking about wanting to get high or drunk, and I just want to be able to go out during the day or to do some shopping, lol. I know these drugs are bad for all of us, but if you have anxiety and OCD even before this, then when on it, stuff is gonna just turn really bad.
hey bro i'm mentally ill to begin with. it's not the meds doing it to me. i feel how you guys feel without the meds doing it and there's no end in sight. that's why i wanna get high and drunk. it helped A lot 'cause i'm med resistant. you'll be fine in a year. i won't lol. i'll still get ruthlessly attacked by my own brain without rest, be suicidal, hopless, and unable to get out of bed and get a job, constantly having people fuck with me and tryna fight me, telling me they could kill me when all i wanna do is chill with my friends, social anxiety up the yin yang, probably a personality disorder now that i'm under constant the stress that makes me wanna blow my fucking brains out, can't even be the outgoing fun guy i was and i have to deal with old friends wanting to see me for being that guy and i just can't be that anymore. lemme talk about how bad i wanna get high and drunk lol
Where did you read that, alcool doesnt make anything except reinforce my akastasia and my blank mind
i read somewhere that invega is soluble by ethanol. and with this one med i'd get hella weak and shakey when i drank. then it became like that for a few days and i went to the hospital. couldn't even roll a fucking cig or open a pack of ramen lol.
Its like we are stuck in The Maze like the moovie and we are fichting wicked.
Remember Wicked is good
I constantly read this forum even though I can barely understand what you guys are even saying because of how bad invega cognitively impaired the fuck out of me.
A whole generation sacrified in the name of what life is supposed to last 70 years who care about guys that think they ve been choosen by God to accomplish great things
Y'all talking about wanting to get high or drunk, and I just want to be able to go out during the day or to do some shopping, lol. I know these drugs are bad for all of us, but if you have anxiety and OCD even before this, then when on it, stuff is gonna just turn really bad.
I wanna go shopping or out while high
Man its not fair to u to threaten suicide ive been suicidal for 4 months straight off the shot but i am now slowly slowly not feeling that way 6 months in go talk to a therapist or ur girlfriend about that shit
Have you seen improvements? Do yu have thoughts ?
Hey guys just be careful about posting personal info publicly. I won't edit it out - but generally that's what PMs are for.

God speed!
When I googled Invega Trinza half life "median half-life of 84 to 95 days when injected into the deltoid muscle and a median half-life of 118 to 139 days when injected into the gluteal muscle. " Fuck my life i got my shot in the glute no wonder why my dopamine is still being blocked.
LOL i was on this crap too. only for 4 months tho, so coming off was fine. right after telling the doc im going off, i flew to Cambodia and binged on heroin and opiates and valium for a month. Good times.
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