• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

changing metabolism of nutmeg= different metabolites & effects?

I know this thread is years old, but after reading through the pages, my curiosity has been sparked.

I have tried nutmeg three times before with little to no results. I'm trying it out now and included the black pepper. If anyone cares, I'll report back later.
I know this thread is years old, but after reading through the pages, my curiosity has been sparked.

I have tried nutmeg three times before with little to no results. I'm trying it out now and included the black pepper. If anyone cares, I'll report back later.
I care.

This thread hits the nail on the head...
this thread was really interesting I'd love to see some more experience reports if people have tried this.

I drank approximately 10g of generic preground nutmeg and approximately 1 of generic preground back pepper,
this was my first attempt so I decided to go with a low dose. I drank both in water (will use milk next time, 10g of nutmeg in water made me quite nauseous).

about 3 hours later I was p cooked, felt a lot like weed but more clear and very little to no anxiety! I can't smoke without sketching so this was very enjoyable to me.

I didn't get any visuals, but I did do a quite low dose. the hopeful dude in me likes to think that I saw the beginning of visuals, I plan to try a higher dose in the near future.
edit: I did get geometric patterns forming when mixed with nitrous oxide.

less than a dollar for a day baked and not sketchy was a success in my eyes anyway tho :D
also the hangover was pretty much non existent.
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^ if you were pleasantly effected at that dose I wouldn't go much higher. It can get pretty uncomfortable and last multiple days with a shitty hangovers type effect. I've never done nutmeg but I've read enough to know this is truthful. Increasing your dose slightly may lead to a better experience but all the effects you described sounded positive and the fact u didn't get a hangover means that probably is a good dose for you. Be careful and remember this stuff can be toxic . Peace
I agree, tried this combo, with beef and potatoes, and had a completely different experience than nutmeg alone, TR later.
When You mister & ppl like you (and me as welly well) will start to please stop bitching no offence the Messiah (perfection, anarchopeace, a tiny peace of brighter World we had back few decades ago multiplied endless & universalized, etc, you call) Will come. OR, I haven't took inuff & am lack of humor, or both.

Why in the mid of a dedicated thread ?
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Can someone way smater than me explain how this may affect the nutmeg experience; https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-642-22144-6_184

I think the only ways how black pepper could affect the nutmeg high are enzyme inhibition, increased BBB penetration (because of P-glycoprotein inhibition) or the terpene compounds of BP synergizing with the nutmeg compounds.

Combining small doses of nutmeg, rosemary and black pepper seemed to produce a less hallucinogenic and more relaxed high than nutmeg only (did this a few days ago). All of those spices contain alpha-pinene which is a benzo-like sedative, but the more toxic components are different in each (safrole in nutmeg, eucalyptol in rosemary).
I've read that this is true for alcohol, if I'm understanding right, that the effect/mechanism varies on concentration, and we can infer it does based on other minor psychoactives that are present in the varying forms of a drink.