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The Main 5-MAPB Thread

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I don't doubt it's a good combination. I just suspect that the dissociatives might bind competitively to SERT, precluding the empathogens from releasing large amounts of serotonin.
Never found the APBS to mix well with dissocatives. tried it a few times and thought itd be a nice combo but wasnt. speed and MDMA does nicely though
Me and friends had a great time with 50mg 5-MAPB. It took 2 hours to kick in and left us in a state very similar to MDMA.
~1 hour after the peak we mixed in some 4-ho-met (17mg) and, although the trip was overall very nice, I had the impression that, as soon as the 4-ho-met peaked (1h later), I started to comedown from the 5-MAPB.
Don't know if one thing is related to the other but I felt the magic of the MAPB going away in waves while still having nice visuals from the 4-ho-met. What makes me think this is because I remember captainkratom saying he felt like 5-APB and 4-ho-met would each other`s effect, and that seemed to be true at the moment.
The comedown was somewhat smooth, however, and after those waves were gone I was left in a very good mood! Surprisingly, while peaking I felt that 50mg was just enough to feel very good, but I don't know if this too can be the cause to what seemed to be a somewhat short duration.
Maybe next time I will try 5-MAPB on its own and see how the comedown goes.
What you guys think?
I got a batch of 5mapb, and I feel the effects at low doses: it's pretty obvious to me even at 30-50mg and I've added that to DOC or 4-aco-met now with good results.

However, my friends who I've given it to have felt nothing at these lower doses, and felt only mild and brief effects from more "normal" dosages in the 100mg range. My guess is that the stuff I have just isn't all that strong--but I'm particularly sensitive to it.

It's a nice chemical though. Good entactogenic rush, very pro-social. At least in the context that I've used it (adding it to other experiences) I can only describe it with glowing results.
So I do have a question.

As a general rule, I've heard that it's best to wait anywhere between 2 weeks and 6 months between MDMA experiences, depending on who you talk to.

5-mapb is generally thought to work in a similar way as MDMA, to my understanding, but I suppose I can make no assumptions in this regard.

I myself felt effects at relatively low doses of the substance--30 mg on Thursday and then 50mg on Saturday, if my memory serves me correctly. However my friends did not feel very much from higher doses--40mg on Thursday and then 90mg on Saturday.

So this is my question...
If no effects are felt, does this indicate that it's "safe" to use again, at a larger dosage, without waiting the generally suggested period before dosing again? IE. would it be advisable for my friends to try again next weekend, at a higher dosage, to see if they can get results?

Alternatively, if effects are felt at low doses, does this mean that, in the individual who feels them, significant neurotoxicity is occurring at those doses? IE. If I can get an effect from 50mg on one weekend, is it advisable for me to take 50mg again the next weekend (rather than taking 100+mg in a single weekend, then waiting a longer time). In other words, is the potential for neurotoxicity/side effects mediated more by the frequency of use, or by the quantity used?
There is no hard data on the neurotoxicity of 5-mapb vs mdma only anecdotes and speculation.

The speculation - mdma has some toxic metabolites which 5-mapb doesn't have, but both release dopamine+serotonin which is probably neurotoxic on it's own. So depending on how much of mdma's toxicity is caused by it's metabolites and how much by the simultaneous release of dopamine and serotonin 5-mapb might be anything from much less toxic, to about the same.

The anecdotes - there are a few people reporting bad comedowns from doses/frequencies similar to the ones you suggested. There are more reporting less comedowns from 5-mapb than mdma.
I've gotten headaches any time I've done 6-apb. If anyone is similar to me in that regard and has tried 5-mapb, do you get the headache on the tail end of it as well?
Right, that's why I was kind of directing it to the people who DO get headaches from 6-apb. I know I'm not the only one.
Ah, sorry, thought you were asking me because your post was directly bellow mine.
I get a mild headache on the tail end of 5-mapb. It lasts for about the next day from what I can recall. Nothing too noteworthy. However, I haven't tried 6-apb.
Right, that's why I was kind of directing it to the people who DO get headaches from 6-apb. I know I'm not the only one.

How is 5-mapb in comparison with 5-apb and 6-apb? Would y'all consider it a step up, how longs the high and how does it stack with mdma vs 5-apb and 6-apb? Closer? More chill? More trippy? Closer stimulation wise?

My apologies if these questions have been answered previously in the thread but that's too many pages for my brain to read right now xD. Although I will start.
It's been said before, but since I can't be bothered to find the posts...
5&6-apb vs 5&6-mapb is kinda like mda vs mdma.

Also, 100mg 5-mapb, 25mg 2-fma, 5mg 4-ho-met is very very close to mdma for most people.
It's been said before, but since I can't be bothered to find the posts...
5&6-apb vs 5&6-mapb is kinda like mda vs mdma.

Also, 100mg 5-mapb, 25mg 2-fma, 5mg 4-ho-met is very very close to mdma for most people.

Oh, that's awesome! Thanks, I generally use "mdma" out in the rave scene so I think 5-mapb would suit my needs since real mdma seems to be so hard to track down. Definetly going to look into ordering some.

Thanks for the info, appreciate it!

Edit: can anything else be subbed for 4-ho-met or 2-fa? Preferably other research chems with similar effects.
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5-meo-mipt, any other normal 4-ho/4-aco trypt

2-fma .... anything that releases enough DA/NE
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