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Bluelight's image & what you can do to help...


Bluelight Crew
Oct 30, 2001
During a recent IRC conversation with Schizo, this is what came up...
<Schizo> I've had someone come up to me and say, "Are you a bluelighter?" I responded "Yeah, Schizo, are you?" Then I got "Nah, but I hear you guys get good drugs, do you have any to sell?"
Now, I was shocked and appalled at this. However, I can understand why they might have said that. The image that Bluelighters ourselves have been giving hasn't been the most positive as of recently. I've asked Bluelighters if they test their pills, and I've gotten responses such as "Nah, my dealer does", "Nah, I trust the people I get my stuff off", etc. I've asked Bluelighters of safe dosages for drugs, and even if they've got no idea, they'll give me some type of half-assed response, guessing or estimating.
Where has the Harm Minimisation gone? Personally, I believe that it's disappearing as a result of using Bluelight more and more for social purposes (frequently for only social purposes), and people becoming blase about their drug use.
Now, I'm a firm believer in improving Bluelight's image, so that we can be proud to be Bluelighters. And the only way that we can do this is by changing the way that we act.
Next time you ask a fellow Bluelighter if they test their pills, and you get a negative response, how will you react? As if it doesn't matter? Next time you ask a fellow Bluelighter if they've read up about a drug before taking it, and you get a negative answer, how will you react? Next time you read an post that doesn't fit the channel's guidelines, will you just forget about it, or will you press the "Report Topic" button, and send a quick note off to the forum moderators?
I know this has been said many times before, but think about your responsibility as a Bluelighter, and think about the reputation you are helping to give Bluelight by acting the way you do.
Definite thumbs down situation.
I just remembered that conversation that I had with some dude on the dancefloor at "Event X."
I think I blocked it out because it's doing my head in now thinking about it.
Wh0rd to Dante, couldn't have put it better.
I'm going to have a stab at replying to this, against my better judgement.
I think you're slowly starting to understand that bluelight is, for most people a primarily social thing, I'll be open and admit that it is for me. I post in Drug Discussion when I can add something useful. That isn't too often though, as the mods are fucking great storehouses of information.
So bluelighters have a rep for getting good drugs. Sorry to break it to you, but in some instances its probably true, others its just urban myth.
The harm minimsation is still here, it always has been. But its not the only thing.
I don't test my pills, I've never tested a pill in my life, why? Because I don't value my life that highly, evidently, I think the risks are acceptable. I've never pre/postloaded beyond taking a few basic vitamins. I don't do it very often so I figure its ok. When it comes down to it, harm minimisation is simply a way of legitimising and justifying drug use for many people.
Information is bluelight's most valuable resource.
Don't mean to tear a strip off you dude.
-plaz out-
I think the biggest problem with bluelights image is caused by the fact that if you're out at a party and ask someone where the bluelight group is they'll no doubt point to the corner of the room where all the totally fucking trolleyed people are.
I'm now going to throw some stereotypes at you about current bluelighters, which may not apply to everyone but is usually true in general. Most bluelighters are drug pigs. Most bluelighters are somewhat proud of that. Most bluelighters think that because they know the theory behind harm minimisation they are safer and so can afford to take more drugs. And most bluelighters think they have the best dealer in the world who would never sell them crap or dangerous pills.
It's OK to get totally fucked up - that's your choice. But don't advertise bluelight in that way. The "bluelight puddle" is a concept I really fucking hate, because it basically lumps all bluelighters together in the drug pig basket. So I don't care if you don't test your pills or snort 5 grams of meth in a night or pass out on GHB - just don't advertise bluelight while doing it. :)
[ 13 May 2002: Message edited by: Pleonastic ]
I couldnt agree with pleo more! what he said sums up exactly how i feel. i remember the knowing your limits thread and how someone came right out and called the then current sydney bluelighters drug pigs after one very large wreckovery. its true. and even tho we all sat around and said we are blers, we know lotsa stuff...people still fucked out. it makes me angry. bluelight is something positive, and we should be more active in telling people how to be careful, not the messy puddle giving the bad example. im not saying because we are bluelighters we should preach...but every bluelighter i have ever met in sydney, canberra and melbourne have all been sensible, intelligent people.
and plaz: even though you may only use it for social, there are some people who still only use it for DD
I don't test my pills, I've never tested a pill in my life, why? Because I don't value my life that highly
Plaz - you've said a lot of dickheaded things on bluelight, but that one takes the cake. What a fucking selfish attitude.
If it doesn't affect anyone else, what is so bad about being selfish?
But, I suppose you have a point, especially if others have to drag him out of the "puddle"
No one dies in isolation. Even Plaz's death would cause a lot of grief amongst friends and family.
Dying cause you didn't test? That has a huge impact on the bluelight community.
So wait up - these bluelighters are going to raves, taking shitloads of drugs, and spending most of their life/time fucked off their heads?
If u took a random sample of 25 people u see out, about 15-20 fit in that basket. I'd say the same applies to BL. Just because you have internet access doesn't make you any smarter, more responsible or image-conscious.
There are people here who don't give a fuck about harm minimisation, they want a social outlet to jabber shit and organise their "cyber-flings" and "Event X meet-ups". Same as the 'raving community' - how many people do you know that actually test their pills, know how they work, know more than urban legends about drugs and generally take care of themselves? A small percentage. They just want to know where the next events at, who's going, and what pills they're getting - woohoo.
As a side note - raves have always been modern day crack houses for a lot of people - they merely use it as a place to take a shitload of drugs, look absolutely disgusting, talk a heap of shit, make clique groups and delude themselves into thinking they're having the time of their life. If this is you, just make sure that you can handle it when the scene has finished chewing you up, and spits you out.
Raves and raving are great things - you meet a shitload of interesting and nice people, you hear some fantastic music, you dance your ass off etc - but, there are too many people consumed by the scene, totally caught up in it, the path of self-destruction - and there u have a part of bluelight social.
I wish ecstacy wasn't always associated with 'raving subculture'.
Well I'm rather not amazed to see the responses.
Ok I'll clarify, every pill i've taken bar one, has been tested by people other than me, and I've known people who've used them before me and had no ill effects.
Leecie : I never said I used it ONLY for social reasons, I read the drug discussion forums daily, occasionally posting when I can contribute. I read the dark side and contribute there, I read and post in fuckloads of the forums. Social isn't the same as Australian Social Forum.
-plaz out-
Originally posted by SupaspeeD:
I wish ecstacy wasn't always associated with 'raving subculture'.
me too. I know soooo many people who take pills but don't go to raves (or dance parties or clubs for that matter). There used to be lots of people like that on BL, the community was a lot more diverse. But they've all been pushed out by the ravers.
Yeah we definately ain't what we used to be are we guys?
Just because we know all this shit about drugs doesn't really changed the fact that a lot of us go out and get really wrecked, and think that knowing about the drugs and their effects is some kind of protection blanket.
Ive lived by this rule for a bit too long now, even though my consumption is nothing like it used to be - it's time to sit down and go over WHY we call ourselves Bluelighters.
I think maybe we should revise the current Bluelight situation and get everyone together to sit down and put some shit on paper, in person. Maybe a few meetings in different areas?
Bluelight is what WE make it. I say we show those buggers who think Bluelight is all about scoring good drugs a lesson or two. Push the HM message!!
Nice Werk Dante!!
If Plazma don't wanna test his pills that's their choice and i don't think any BL member should be one to criticisze... it's their choice, they wanna die, fine, their prepared to take a risk that's fine to, who gives us the right to go "you fuckwit/selfish/loser, fuck off" whatever.
BL is a harm minimisation site, people come here for info and advice whether they choose to take it or not is their choice, that one thing i've noticed on BL is that everyone jumps down people's throats if they don't agree, we're all entitled to our opinions but i think we all need to sit back and take a chill pill!!! (no pun intended) :)
I personally feel it is way too limiting and eventually debilitating to define myself as a drug user first and foremost, and i would think that this would apply on a group level as well.
Sure we may have come together through drugs, information, parties, or music, but can't we consider ourselves strong and developed enough to be the actual destination? I see a lot of interesting people, ideas, and energy being tossed around here.
To me there are two sides to this: the reference/information side, which is static and the people/network side, which is dynamic. Perhaps if we shifted our identity to ourselves and the people we are connected with, it would deemphacize the drug usage and perhaps smooth things out in the long run.
I have been practically drug-free for the last 5-6 months, yet in those months i've been on this site more than before. Perhaps it's different being a Yank, and it's probably way different when you have more interaction with BL'ers online than in person, but i think the whole basis of ecstasy/drug usage is nothing but a stigma that will end up biting us in the ass time and time again.
Assuming of course, that it doesn't fall out of vogue first and become an anachronism unto itself.
Same thing with the emphasis on 'rave culture'. I'd like to see things move in the direction of diversity, with raves/drugs as a vital yet peripheral part of our total scene.
bluelighters do tend to get good drugs. you know why? because bluelighters know what good, real drugs are, and don't buy crap. they don't tolerate shit from dealers. they tend to know all about various chemicals by sight, scent and other characteristics.
i'm quoting this from the faq which people have to read before posting in drug discussion... it's a guide to buying good pills.
1] Timing is critical. Chemists often wait for a pill to earn a reputation, then pump out copycat batches using garbage ingredients? Why? Because garbage ingredients cost less. And knowing full well that once a pill has earned a name for itself, they can ride the reputation generated by the higher quality batch. Case in point: Nothing after the first generation of Mitsubishis came out last August even came close to the first generation. Many of the ones circulating now are total bullshit. But still they were bought up readily because people actually thought they were getting their hands on the real deal. Colors, stamps, etc. mean little after enough time has passed. Furthermore some pill types have been around since the beginnings of the rave scene in England. Hearts, Diamonds, E-stamps, Doves, Butterflies, etc. are not exactly unique or hard to find pill stamps. So simply because you had a heart two years ago does not mean the one you bought tonight will be any good.
Anyone with a 2nd year knowledge of organic chemistry can perform the reactions necessary to synthesize MDMA. Getting your hands on the equipment and chemical precursors is not easy but not impossible. And it does involve the use of toxic chemicals [mercury, etc.]. So don't think that all pills come from one big factory somewhere and that they're all the same. It could be overseas, in an abandoned building, a suburban home or down your street. Anyone with a pill press and a stamp can punch out copycats. If you get your hands on pills within 3 weeks of it hitting the streets then you are in good shape. Anything after that point and that it is right when the copycats usually start coming in for good pills.
2] Read, read, read. Don't go by your dealer's assurances or what your friend heard or anything else removed from facts. Read the facts and studies yourself, know the bottom line, don't let someone else tell you what is right and wrong [including myself. I openly urge everyone to read the research themselves to verify what I'm writing]. "Don't worry, it's good." is not a guarantee. Drug dealing does not obey the same code of ethics real businesses have to face. There are no penalties for lying, no penalties for putting out a shitty product, no penalties for screwing people over to make a buck.
You may need an introductory understanding of physiological psychology, in which you should be able to turn up a good used textbook at your local university. I suggest the Physiology of Behaviour by Carlson.
Be forewarned that some spineless dealers post glowing reports from time to time to sell their shitty products. So if it's too good to be true, it probably is. Stick around, read everything that you can. Wait a week or two before you try digging up a certain pill to see if everyone's reactions are the same. Wait until others have tried things out. Don't trust everyone's reports, find people who judge hard and are intelligent about their usage and ask them.
3] Know what you want ahead of time, how much you want to pay for it, and don't settle for anything less. Your dealer needs you more than you need them. Period. If you don't get what you want from someone take your business elsewhere. As long as people tolerate bullshit from dealers they'll keep trying to pull it.
The whole reason why Mitsubishi's were pressed out was because over the past few years the quality of pills had decreased significantly. These days the average pill runs about 75mg of MDMA. In 1994 the average pill contained 150 mg of MDMA. In other words you could buy a single pill and split it between yourself and a friend and get the same effect as a single pill today. People grew tired of this trend and the business suffered accordingly. Mitsu's were pumped out in the summer of last year from Amsterdam to restore faith in E-trade in London. The first generation of Mitsu's were tested at 140mg+ of MDMA. For more info check out the article that Mixmag did this year on the Mitsubishi phenomenon.
The point is, don't tolerate bullshit and people won't feed it to you.
4] Buy ahead of time and never at a party. You will pay 5-10 dollars less and not have to deal with last minute mind fucks and dealer tricks. If you buy more than $300 at a time you should be entitled to a free tester from your dealer. Good prices - 300- 400 for 10, 40 - 50 dollars for any quantity less.
5] The taste of a pill is a good indication as to its content. MDMA has a characteristic bitter taste - very bitter. Scratch off a piece of the pill and put it on the tip of your tongue. If it doesn't make your face wince it probably doesn't have much good to it. It also has a characteristic "sassafras" smell, because of the use of sassafrole in the synthesis of MDMA. Pay close attention to the appearance of the pill - its color, how hard it is, the stamp, how thick it is, whether there is a score [line] down the back, whether there are speckles etc. It will help you distinguish between copycats.
6] Never depend on only one dealer. Dig for as many connections as you can find. Don't tolerate mind fucks. If someone plays mind games with you, walk away. Same as in normal business. Accept only the best and that's what you'll get.
7] Know your dealer, don't ever buy from someone you don't trust or don't like.
11] Handle your business yourself. Don't leave it to others.
see what i mean? that is nothing compared to the amount of information bluelight houses and links to on pills, all kinds of amphetamines, typtamines, etc.
of course we generally posess real drugs. we know so much about them. no one likes buying bad quality drugs. fuck, what's the point in taking drugs if you're not getting the real deal? what do you do when you're generally getting poor quality drugs, and someone you're talking to is always getting good ones?.. remember the old saying "there's no harm in asking"...
it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. all it takes is someone to sign up, read the faq in drug discussion ( http://www.bluelight.ru/cgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=10&t=000736 ) and alter their dealings accordingly. it could take hours for someone to go from posessing poor quality/bunk pills to posessing decent pills, simply because they became a bluelighter and changed their dealings according to our faq.
i'm repeating myself. i think i've made my point.
now it's time for another!
some people come to bluelight purely for the social forums and aspect of it. some seek no information on drugs, simply friends/going out buddies. these people are the types you speak of pleonastic. unless we close down the social forums, i can't see them going anywhere any time soon.
i hope i've been clear enough, this has been quite rushed... i might come back later to clarify a few things.
[ 14 May 2002: Message edited by: apollo ]
Apollo, top post
and i agree totally with one of your final statements.
unless we close down the social forums, i can't see them going anywhere any time soon.
Good posts, someone had to say it.
I think the real question is what motivated one to become a BLer?
i found this place by accident and read the interesting and informative information it had to offer me. I wondered through the threads for months before i decided to post and become a BLer.
what is a BLer anyway is it someone responsible enough to give harm minimisation or is it someone who has made enough post's to become a BLer?
I post information that i think or have good knowing to be of honest and true substance.
Yes i am a raver and yes i also like to sit at home and go out to normal (to me anyway) places.
I think being a BLer has gotten to the wrong peoples head's mabye as a sense of power either way the motive behind some of the peoples on BL need to be kept in check and those people need to ask the question of "WHY DID I REALLY JOIN BLUELIGHT?"
Are you just here so you can say "IAM A BLer"
i am not i tell noone of my BL status only one person i know accually knows i am a BLer.
Does one feel better to say to someone "O REALLY WELL I AM A BLUELIGHTER"
It is a privlage that we have this wonderful resorce and those who spoil it well what can one say!