Your Productions Go Here!

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Hey, I'd really like to get some stuff hosted but I'm looking for a no-nosince direct approch to geting some files up there. Any sugestions for a site with an extreamly easy to use interface?
This the first completed breaks track I've made so please don't slate it unless you really feel the need to, been messing about with FLstudio and Reason for about 7 months now.

Tracks here

Still needs alot of work I know, not sure if I should even be posting my tracks up here yet considering the quality of the stuff evryone else is putting out but any ideas on what i've wrong/right & how to improve would be cool. Cheers, Ras.
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Spinal said:
Hey, I'd really like to get some stuff hosted but I'm looking for a no-nosince direct approch to geting some files up there. Any sugestions for a site with an extreamly easy to use interface?
"The Lost Digital Episode"

You wouldnt believe the crap quality setup i'm using. An old Casio CTK-471, $10 RadioShack mic, old acoustic. I had to transfer back to another computer using cd burning, and recorded everything on mic instead of direct line. The mixing got all fucked up.
Let me know what you think anyways.

EDIT - Dammit, geocities keeps shutting this down. You cant link stuff from your site to message boards. Pricks. I'm signing up on a music hosting site. I'll put up a bunch of shit in the next few days.
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Ok, i'm up and running on

last edit. i promise
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pretty sick shit there aliens. All very ambient and surreal. I liked "make connections". But for some reason i REALLY dug "Army of Hobos." SOunds like some of the ambient experimental stuff i do. I wish i still had all my gear. I sold most of my setup. I need to start over and buy everything again.

EDIT - all i have is acip pro, a 10 year old bottom of the line keyboard, and guitars.
I just added another I put together tonight. Its a bit different; I was pretty on edge when I made it.

Rasclatt said:
This the first completed breaks track I've made so please don't slate it unless you really feel the need to, been messing about with FLstudio and Reason for about 7 months now.

Tracks here

Still needs alot of work I know, not sure if I should even be posting my tracks up here yet considering the quality of the stuff evryone else is putting out but any ideas on what i've wrong/right & how to improve would be cool. Cheers, Ras.
Thats pretty impressive for only 7 months. The drums are a bit repetetive, but other than that its quite nice.

DexterMeth said:
I got about 25 songs uploaded on soundclick.

There's a few different styles of music ranging from rock, acoustic, to electronic, hybrid, even oldies style "doo wop" vocals...>though i'm not that good. Make me happy. Check at least one song out.

You weren't lying... I didn't have time to listen to everything, but its obvious you've covered quite a spectrum of music. Roadkill is probably among my favorites. I really enjoyed the guitars in it. Dun is another all around nice track. Window and Crackin' Smackin' are also a couple notable tracks. Although they aren't really my style, I really like how you managed to combine heavier distorted guitar and clean and made it work. Vocals are alright in some songs, but need to be touched up a bit in others.

Oh, and being a Michigander, I really enjoyed the song Michigan :)
Thanks. Yeah, i didnt mention it, but alot of stuff was recorded in the wee hours of the morning and i couldnt sing or even play loud. I dont consider any of my stuff "polished" work. I call them rough cuts, because they are more or less just ideas to go back to and build upon at a later time.

"This is it". What kind of setup are you using? I would kill for quality audio like that. I have such bottom of the line gear. I cant do any direct line recording. Everything has to go through a mic, and a very shitty mic at that. I got a nice condencer mic, but I sold my Boss BR-1600 recorder, so i need to buy the correct hardware to get it to work on my comp. I used to have a decent keyboard (Yamaha PSR-740) but had to sell it to pay off bills. So now im stuck with some piece of shit casio keyboard that a little kid might use. I need a job.

I'm listening to "This is it" as i type this. Very nice. Very good job at sequencing and mixing mastering. This is definately an area i have to get better in., now i know why it's called this is it? It ends abruptly. Very good though.
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Another quick post before some sleep. :)

You've got some quality shit. I would like to see some of your final products when they come around. A lot of those guitar riffs (especially the Michigan one) are pretty catchy.
well all that stuff is over a year old too. My voice sounds a little different now, and obviously i've practiced a lot since then. I got like 60 cd's with 15-20 songs on each. Well not songs, more like "ideas". I'm really into the whole electronic music too, i just dont have the proper gear to make that type of music right now.
DexterMeth said:

"This is it". What kind of setup are you using?

I've got an Oxygen8 keyboard & I got on to audiofarm just before they started doing invites only so I got a whole load of software; for that track I was using FLStudio and VSTi Absynth 2, i've got Reason, Cubase and a few other softsynths that im all trying to learn to use aswel, FLstudio's my main one tho. Cheers for the comments :) it ends abruptley becos i didn't have the membership on soundclick to go above 10meg 8) 8(
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Those bastards! jk. You should split the song up in half with 2 seperate links next to each other so people can listen to the whole thing.
yea theres only like 20 secs or something left on it, its a pretty short track neways I might see if I can reporduce it at a lower quality tho. Was liking the tracks I heard that you made btw Dexter you got some really original ideas in you're music, I wish I had some equipment to record guitar stuff onto my computer but it seems so fucking hard to get the right quality when you're recording live.
You need a nice condenser mic and the hardware input to plug it into your comp. I've never been able to use my good mic with my comp, i used to use a digital recorder, and just tranfer the files via USB. I'll be getting a good computer setup soon, as well as a Triton keyboard hopefully. THanks for the comments.

EDIT - i just realized that the final mastering/mixdown on my tracks is fucked. I sounds fine on cd, but when i transfer it from one computer to another via cd, it gets jacked up. God dammit.
EDIT#2 - i've listened to all the tracks, and it seems like everything is the exacty oppositve of how i actually mastered it. The loudest stuff is supposed to be the quietest stuff and vice versa. wtf?
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