Your Productions Go Here!

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Dr. Seuss I like the tracks...good goa/psy

and physix good stuff too...ever hear of a DJ/producer by the name of Akufen? He's Montreal (Canada) based. Very similar.

yeah i've heard of Akufen. Great music!!
Alot of our stuff sounds the same b-c we
have some of the same base influences.
Akufen borrows heavily from Todd Edwards,
who basically created the method by which
Akufen samples (he i salso the grand daddy
of 2-step/uk garage, too). And Todd 'the Godd'
Edwards is one of my main influences,so, yeah,
alot of people hear that "afuken" feel. it's a good
feeling. ;) Thanks!


Thanks to you, too.
Each song was made dif'tly, but all have their
foundations in Reason. SO, Reason rewired
into LIVE for the one track, and Reason
rewired into ACID 5.0 in the other track. That
allowed me to use some of the ReFX synth
VSTs for added umph.

edit: oops, i realized that i posted the wrong
mix of IT IS LE FREAK. so that version that you
hear is all Reason.

i'm actually gonna post soe tips and tricks
for Reason here, pretty soon. Maybe I'll
try and convince the mods to make it a

thanks :) a lot of that stuff is really old now, but i'm slowly putting updating it. there's always new stuff there!

physix can't wait to hear some of your work... just waiting for an upload to finish & my neighbours to wake up :D then i'll have a proper listen.
Mattharder...nice track...I want to throw my Adidas track suit on and break out the cardboard...its interesting that there's a mix of sort of prog in there as well
(quasi proggy breaks with a downtempo feel...??? lol)

AleFillman1 I don't really know that genre all that well....sounds like good production though...good mellow d+B.
Here's a track I made when I was 14 for a young DJ competition on Radio 1. It was when Slim Shaddy was popular and he really got on my nerves, so i created a song that told him to shut the fuck up. Note: the voice telling him to shut the fuck up, is indeed mine 5/6 years ago.
I've got 5 tracks up right here.

As to what genre these songs would belong to, I am entirely sure. Dark ambient seems to be the most befitting title, but many of these tracks are far from ambient.
SonicNature. That was fucking sick. Very high quality.

EDIT - I like music with lyrics more. It takes skill to pull off vocals and make it sound good with the song, and have the whole project turn out good. You're a lot farther on than me in this respect. I'm still pretty young though.
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