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Your Personal Rules For Drugs

rules were made to be broken

dope all day everyday

high life for realz
No shooting heroin before 7:00pm, only use my morning dose of methadone to get me through day.

At night time, i shoot a 20 of tar.

Ive drastically cut back my usage, used to use 1,5g/day. These are my rules for keeping my use in check and has also saved me a shit load of money. I can actually afford perfume and clothes and things i enjoy.
1, Never drive car
2, Never see girlfriend... Although I'd like to meet her very.
1. Don't ever do a-pvp or mdpv again
2. Don't drink more than once a week, and never before 5 (I feel like shit the rest of the day if I drink early)
3. Don't ever IV drugs again (still have a spot on one of my veins even though I haven't IV'd for over three years)
1. Rules are for pussies.
2. I'm a pussy, so follow all the rules
1) Don't drink more than a couple times per week

2) Don't exceed prescribed dose of stimulants (I've broken this one a couple times with great "success", but it's usually a VERY bad idea)

3) Don't run out of benzos early. EVER. (Bad times)

4) Never do heroin, meth, coke, ecstasy, or any hallucinogen other than shrooms

5) Stay far away from "spice" (I've never had such a bad experience with something legal. My parents thought I was having a seizure and called 911. Massive bill.)

I basically just stick to my prescriptions.
I don't have many rules when it comes to drugs in general, if they're in front of me I'll most likely do it on the spot, with a couple exceptions.

1. Don't blow my entire paycheck on more weed than I need

Oxy's & Heroin
1. Never use before 8 at night
2. No obligations for the rest of the day (bc when I'm nodding I ain't doing shit)
3. Never use the same needle more than once
4. No drinking

Alcohol - I usually have a game plan every time I drink but always end up failing so no rules here except no drinking and driving.
no needles, crack or crank.
drugs should enhance life, not be it.
never go to work high.
always pay cash.
quality, respect and security are the primary concerns when selecting friends/sources
I don't do many drugs but
LSD - don't do it if its too cold to go outside, never drive, never post on facebook while on it, never do it at work, don't do it around people that annoy me, . And i never drop when i don't have weed, or do it when i in a bad mood.
1. I will never try heroin, meth, or ecstasy.

2. I will not touch benzos ever again.

3. I'll do barbituates, but only after I've gotten out of the house and exercised first.

4. No alcohol before 8am.
Just got me a new set of important rules concerning GHB after after a rather serious overdose this weekend:

- NEVER redose GHB within 1.5 hours; and only that fast if the dose was únder 2 ml and is very clearly wearing off.
- NEVER take more then 3 ml of GHB, which probably already is way too much.
- Don't ever mix GHB with downers and take proper care when combining it with ketamine; if doing that lower dose of both involved drugs.
- Avoid taking more then 1.5 ml of GHB when in public such as on a party.
- NEVER take GBL; its really very fucking nasty.
- Don't ever take GHB when alone.
- Only on the weekends and never all-of-the-weekend; one day a week is more then enough.
- Even though I already have a rule 'do not mix with downers', especially néver mix with alcohol or opiates.

I also have a bunch of rules for ketamine:

- NEVER again use ketamine daily; best is only on the weekends; occasional exceptions such as also using it on some random weekday are okay but not every week.
- Drink enough water when using ketamine.
- Don't use for purely escapist reasons, only recreationally because using ketamine for escapism is too addictive.
- This may seem insane and extreme for any individual without a significant tolerance to the substance but avoid using more then 3-4 grams in one day.
- Occasionally skip one weekend of usage to take a break of two weeks or so to keep tolerance in check.
- When in company pay some attention to not dosing too high, being under narcosis isn't very social.

Then there's a few rules for opiates:

- Only use opiates a few days in a row at max and take serveral weeks or even months breaks in between usage.
- Don't mix opiates with downers, especially not with alcohol or GHB.

And also two rules for speed:

- Do not use daily, weekly or even monthly.
- Never stay awake for more then one night.

I don't really think I have any rules for other drugs, I have none for cannabis and none for psychedelics other then try to avoid making HPPD much worse then it already is, although there are some general rules that go for drug use in general:

- Be sober of all drugs except for cannabis, nicotine and coffee atleast a few days every week.
- Avoid addiction, especially physical dependancy.
- Don't mix downers with downers in general.
- I never injected any drugs and I don't plan on every doing so.
- I never injected any drugs and I don't plan on every doing so.

Not even DMT? I have never IVed myself but CaptainHeroin got me intrigued about that method of administration. DMT is already so incredible when smoked and IV seems like it would streamline things even more.