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Your Favourite Fruit!

food is mostly functional for me, therefore i have to go with plums/pluots (high ORAC, ample vitamins, tons of electrolytes).
Oh I forgot about pluots! Those are amazing, sooo good. I also think the name is sort of cute :D
Wow there are alot of exotic favorites in here that I need to try.

My favorite would probably be Kiwi or Mango, with Pineapple and red grapes close after.
Mangos & oranges seem to be very popular! I love mangos but dont know what to look for in one?

I've had great mangos that looked like they washed up on the beach & beautiful looking ones that tasted like it so its always just random when i pick one. Tips?

Its hard to describe what to look for in a mango because it depends on a lot of things... the kind of mango you are getting, and where you are in the world... Here in the states we tend to get the mangos that are red and orange, where green would not be ripe or good. But in other parts of the world, green mangos are amazing. Theres also little mangos, we call them champagne mangos, that are small and yellow. I'd say universal rules would be firmness, you want firm but not squishy, and not too hard. Also, scent will never lead you wrong, the better it smells, the better it will taste. Assuming you know what the colors are supposed to be of the kind of mango you are buying, like here in the states since ours are the red and orange ones, I know that if it has too much green then its not ripe yet. Again though, that becomes a little harder if you are somewhere where green mangos are common.

Hope that helps! ...Now that I've written you a tl;dr all about mangos haha
During the summer, there is NOTHING that is better than a ripe, freshly picked tomato!!

Freshly picked blackberries and raspberries are a close second, though. :)
^ This reminds me, fried green tomato should be added to my list.
For Eating:
1) Mango
2) Ripe Plum
3) Pear
4) Pineapple
5) Pomegranate
6) Red Apple

For flavor:
1) LIMEEEEE!!!! Sooooo good on like anything.
Bananas- loaded with Vitamin B

Strawberry- Tastes awsome,

Apples- gives you more energy then a cup of coffee ;)
Wow thats a tough choice they're all so delicious! If I had to choose it'd probably be pineapple and carambola aka starfruit.
Fantastic responses so far! I've since rediscovered pomegranates & pears!!

Mulberrys are a childhood favourite, they grow on trees and in the summer yyou can fill up on delicious fruit; when my friend told me about them i was so excited, we ate mulberrys for half an hour straight off the branches : )
GRAPES! I could eat purple grapes all day!

ohhh I love lemons to just eatin them straight, never fails to make my mouth pre-water
I love fruit! apples, oranges, grapes, blueberries, tangerines, and plantains are my favorite. I also like mixed fruit juices.

Pears are good too. And peaches at the right time of year!

Just got some fresh picked apples that my friend picked in New Jersey. They were fantastic!
Bananas are my all time favorite food. I eat one every day.

I hate winter because it's harder to get nice tasting fruits at the store. Everything's kinda dry and gross. I need to move to Hawaii lol.
love passion fruit, kiwi fruit and mango.
all go together to make a nice smootie too.
and most taste nice with alcoholl if desired :p
I'm gonna sound really weird here, but I've never actually eaten a piece of fruit. I have Asperger's and can't tolerate certain textures...which sadly includes fruit and most vegetables.

If I were to try fruit, I'd probably go for a berry of some sort. I've often wondered what important nutrients I'm missing out on having not eaten fruits or veggies for 26 years, but there doesn't seem to be much I can do about my aversion to them.

In other news, that show "Freaky Eaters" makes me feel a lot better about my issues :)