Your Favorite Quotes..............

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“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” ~Jacques Yves Cousteau
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"“In a world in which we are all slaves to the laws of gravity, I’m proud to be counted as one of them freedom fighters. Skydive!”" ~ Unknown.. :)
"I must also have a dark side, if I am to be whole" -Carl Jung

"Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself.
They remember your beauty when you feel ugly, your wholeness when you are broken, your innocence when you feel guilty, and your purpose when you are confused." - Alan Cohen
within your own silence, without your own personal gesture, all else becomes apparent to you.

silence is honesty, with in your own silence truth can be realized.

to speak less is to know more of what is said.
I came to believe that all of life is one, big divine ocean with each of us as a distinctive wave. We are made up of the same divine energy and matter but are each as unique as a snowflake. I believe we are tasked with becoming the fullest expression of our “wave” as possible.

~Rachel Colel
I love Happy Feet 2 and the krill he's so philosophical, in the end scene where starts dancing on the ice floor and his friend is like "Wow! What is it!?" and he's like "I don't know, perhaps it's a momentary relief from the existential terror of existence." One of my favorite quotes. =D
"They danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn..."
- Jack Kerouac

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
Marcus Aurelius
"keep on playing our favourite song,
I turn it up while your gone.
Its all I've got when your in my head,
and you're in my head, So I need it"
A Timbered Choir

Even while I dreamed I prayed that what I saw was only fear and no foretelling,
for I saw the last known landscape destroyed for the sake
of the objective, the soil bludgeoned, the rock blasted.
Those who had wanted to go home would never get there now.

I visited the offices where for the sake of the objective the planners planned
at blank desks set in rows. I visited the loud factories
where the machines were made that would drive ever forward
toward the objective. I saw the forest reduced to stumps and gullies; I saw
the poisoned river, the mountain cast into the valley;
I came to the city that nobody recognized because it looked like every other city.
I saw the passages worn by the unnumbered
footfalls of those whose eyes were fixed upon the objective.

Their passing had obliterated the graves and the monuments
of those who had died in pursuit of the objective
and who had long ago forever been forgotten, according
to the inevitable rule that those who have forgotten forget
that they have forgotten. Men, women, and children now pursued the objective
as if nobody ever had pursued it before.

The races and the sexes now intermingled perfectly in pursuit of the objective.
the once-enslaved, the once-oppressed were now free
to sell themselves to the highest bidder
and to enter the best paying prisons
in pursuit of the objective, which was the destruction of all enemies,
which was the destruction of all obstacles, which was the destruction of all objects,
which was to clear the way to victory, which was to clear the way to promotion, to salvation, to progress,
to the completed sale, to the signature
on the contract, which was to clear the way
to self-realization, to self-creation, from which nobody who ever wanted to go home
would ever get there now, for every remembered place
had been displaced; the signposts had been bent to the ground and covered over.

Every place had been displaced, every love
unloved, every vow unsworn, every word unmeant
to make way for the passage of the crowd
of the individuated, the autonomous, the self-actuated, the homeless
with their many eyes opened toward the objective
which they did not yet perceive in the far distance,
having never known where they were going,
having never known where they came from.

Wendell Berry
“All that we are, arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we create our world.”
“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
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