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Your drug of choice

Drug of choice?

  • MDxx (please specify which with a reply post.. if you prefer one MD over another)

    Votes: 318 19.2%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 59 3.6%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 49 3.0%
  • LSD

    Votes: 231 14.0%
  • Shrooms

    Votes: 69 4.2%
  • Cocaine

    Votes: 123 7.4%
  • Heroin and/or pharmaceutical opiates

    Votes: 365 22.1%
  • Marijuana

    Votes: 323 19.6%
  • Meth and/or other amphetamine

    Votes: 115 7.0%

  • Total voters
MDMA is my favorite by a long shot...always has and always will be.

LSD use to be right up there and while I still hold a vast amount of respect for it, I no longer will touch it... I've become so sensitive to pyschedelics that I don't think I could handle it anymore.
i wish the survey had opiates in general as a choice, because i much prefer this type of drug in pill form (it is easier to regulate what i take than with less processed opioids) i have also found that adderall goes well with opiates during the day, i get the euphoria but not the nod, and weed mixes well at night helping me to relax.
why pick one? i prefer poly drug abuse, mix it up guys, dont pigeonhole yourself, thats how tolerance is built
MDMA for me, the only drug that made me a better person, that made me learn about myself and others. This drug changed my life for the better.
I picked LSD but now I tooo a little older, I'm all about OXY'S I'm retraining in school and a couple OC's a day and ready to learn.
Use to love pot but only at home To get out and hit Seattle little hotties it's all about railing an OC
There is no substitute for letter #8! That chemical warmth and feeling of security. The freedom of not having everything in your life follow you around, the perfect escape to a cruel world.
i chose MDMA but my mind changes sometimes and it switches to LSD. it's like choosing between abraham lincoln and FDR as being the greatest president.
I chose Marijuana simply because i could use it on a daily basis...

MDMA coming in second because i really feel the need to roll right now. I've had a 2 year break.
i was going to pick heroin since i love opiates but ive never done heroin, so i picked mushies :D next best thing lol (IMO)