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Your drug of choice

Drug of choice?

  • MDxx (please specify which with a reply post.. if you prefer one MD over another)

    Votes: 318 19.2%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 59 3.6%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 49 3.0%
  • LSD

    Votes: 231 14.0%
  • Shrooms

    Votes: 69 4.2%
  • Cocaine

    Votes: 123 7.4%
  • Heroin and/or pharmaceutical opiates

    Votes: 365 22.1%
  • Marijuana

    Votes: 323 19.6%
  • Meth and/or other amphetamine

    Votes: 115 7.0%

  • Total voters
also, i've used mdma for over a year now, and done more than a 100 caps or so in the last year.. i have to say there comes a time where you absoloutly HATE IT and NEVER want to do it cuz no matter how much you take you can never feel like the first time ( i do about 4-5 now in about 2-3 hours) i love having sex on e, i know a lotta people say its shit but you can keep pumping her for over an hour and you still have so much energy ! i love it! plus gotta love the trance... but for some reason i dont feel like i need to do it all the time anymore... i used to do it EVERY weekend, ANYTIME i could, but now a days im more like into doing it once every couple of months and not think about it as much, one time i was high on e and i was like " what the fuck are you doing mate this shit fucking sucks" but then again that lasted me about a week where i HATED e and now i just got a few caps again!! its a hate/love relationship you get after you use it a lot.. my advice is use it only at raves/trance concerts dont over do it. im not saying that cuz i want you to stop taking it, but i want you to never have the feeling that i have, where you HATE it and then love it and then hate it etc...

Take it once/twice a month you should be fine for a long time! take it once twice a week and youre fucked ( by once or twice i mean the whole experience in which you could do any number of pills you like.. like 5 in one night 4 in next, = 9 in a week) just dont do it!!

its fucking weird, I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, and I had never ever done anything except alcohol until last year... now i've done shrooms once and i didnt like the feelign as much as e for sure... bottom line is im no expert in drugs but i have a hate love relationship with e!

have fun. keep safe.
Mine isnt on the list, but it aint no more my active DOC- but it would be if I did it again!
MDMA all the way

I would have to say my Absolute favorite is MDMA and/or MDA. They have given me incredible insights into my life, have made my relationship with my girlfriend better because instead of arguing, we have a total loss of ego and are overpowered by intense love + caring, and allow me to have a good unbiased look at my life, all while having the most incredible time listening to music melodically reverberate through my entire body. I believe that MDA and MDMA were sent to us by God, so that we can better ourselves.
As for drug families, I LOVE hallucinogens, including MDXX, good clean strong LSD, Mushies (I feel like Im coming out of the earth), DXM, Mescaline. I also like uppers/ampetamine class. By that I mean adderral (straight non-methylated amphetamine), ritalin/methylphenidate (i study ALOT and both of these make me a studying machine), ephedrine, and coke (but only when its fire bc i hate getting my nose all fucked up blowing lines every 5 minutes bc im not high, and if its cut at all it doesnt last for sh!t and its way too expensive and sketchy).
As for my most widespread general purpose favorite, Mary Jane. Safe, effective, and research is starting to show that its not as bad for your memory (actually neuro-protective) as previously thought and it generally has no bad lasting side effects (even has anti cancer chemicals in it) other than making you hungry as hell and a little lazy at times, but for me it mostly perks my interest in alot of things so I get alot of studying done.
I do not like downers, just not my buzz, and I think smack is whack. Meth is the devil drug as far as i am concerned, and PCP just makes you go waaaaay too crazy, Ive heard too many stories of people getting wet and going nuts and just slaughtering their friends bc they bug out and are so screwed up.
I used to drink a shit-ton before I did any other drugs, but I find that it takes a hell of a toll on my body as im getting a bit older, but it is the most legal and widely accepted by society.
As for combinations, my favorites are: [E + weed + club trance/house + vicks (inhaler or rub)], [E + Acid + Weed + (same as b4)], [Adderral + weed + trance/house + study], [mushies + weed + electronica and/or walking in the woods], [lsd + weed + electronica], [DXM + weed (pretty wild - rocks talk to you)]. So yeah.
Also, Im not completely nuts - I dont do shit all the time or every weekend. I smoke on a daily basis - I do my work and then I smoke, watch tv and go to bed, its my motivation to study. I will usually drink 1-3 nights a week on the weekends, 1-2/wk recently. Hallicinogens every now and then when theyre around and I have time, used to do E like once a month or once every three weeks on average for a few months while taking 5htp and multivitamins and in moderation, still have my magic and plan to keep it that way for a long time to come. Dabble with coke here and there not more than in a few short stretches (a weekend at a time or so) 2-3 times a year. Other than that a completely normal productive member of society! :D Oh yeah, Im in NE CT check the name, u'll figure it out....

Opiates all the way. Even though they are so addicting they are the absolute most pleasurable drug on the planet.

If I could get my hands on some Yage or mescaline I might change my mind but opiates for now.

BTW alcohol and weed have to be the most dull drugs on the planet. I get absolutely nothing out of weed it just doesn't spark my creativity. my muse is opiates
Smoking chronic... But when I want to have a good time, I like to rip a few lines with my girl and who knows what the f*** we'll do. Not to much though, I hate coke d*** After a couple hours I will take an oxy to come down, actually it's not really coming down. Instead of feeling geeked out, I start to feel groovie and a little later I put something in the air (pipe, dube, blunt) and then relax....

Don't do it to often, but I must say it's great, ecspecially with a girl

Used to smoke a lot of weed way back in HS like before and after class, etc. Have no time for it anymore, makes me sleepy and/or makes me paranoid (which never happened back in the day).

Now that I'm old"er", the occasional E is like going on a little vacation. Day of receovery and I'm good for a long while. Also it's hard for me to get but that is a good thing.

It's weird, I have access to coke (tried twice never enjoyed) and great weed (not smoking anymore unless I'm vacationing somewhere tropical) but can't find decent E for sh*t. I only luck into them. But again that's a good thing though. Too busy to be partyin weekly - more like 5,6 times a yr at best now.
Voodoochild870 said:
I don't agree with that. Why should the only place I take E at be a concert or rave?

The only place one should take stuff like that, is at home. Pure and simple. Home is a controlled environment. Not to mention, you don't have to deal with every other person that you can't control at a rave or concert. Not to mention what happens when you have to drive home and the concert/rave doesn't laugh as long as your roll. Then you never know who might be at a concert or rave or if the entire thing is going to be busted. At least at home, you can prevent it some what. One should always keep to what makes them comfortable. It is safer all around for everyone.
my favorite would have to be ecstacy.
I smoke pot the most but if i could(I try
to be somewhat resposible) i would do
X every week. So if i had to put them in
order of drugs iv done it would be:

6.alcohol just too much effort
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Half the fun of tripping is going out into the world and having the unexpected happen. Home is great an all, but the the rest of world isn't half bad either.

It's good to be creative. Buy yourself a hazmat suit and gieger counter on ebay->paint E.P.A. (or international equivalent, check local laws of course) in bright neon green on the suit. Eat several doses of LSD (don't check local laws).

Now decide where to go. Possible options include:

1. nice hotel bar downtown, (there will aways be a few classy mid-thirties hotties having drinks on business trips) Tell them you are spearheading an effort to clean lead/asbestos/mercury or whatever from local daycares.

2. Sit in the waiting room of a doctors office...read magazines....try an keep a straight face...answer any questions by saying you are looking for an irishman wearing a vertical striped shit....keep straight face....they'll buy it...(oh, uh, yeah...I'll let you now if I see'em. Need any coffee?)

3. go to amusement park....ride the rides...

If anyone looks a little too freaked out just make a call on your cell phone and compain about having to dress up for nothing....

I saw a picture of a wookie wearing an aluminum foil hat attached to an 18in satellite dish....looked like fun, and he was not at home.

I'd have to say my drug of choice is LSD. I find it very easy to keep a clear head on 1-3 hits. I can go out in public and fuction in a non-concert/rave enviroment.
My vote goes to my all time favorite (and my first drug ever) Cocaine. I love its high and the only bad thing I can say is that I use it way to much.
MDMA (ecstacy) is my favorite........but having that as my favorite also invites myself to use it too much.
so I just say that shrooms are my favorite.
If I could only have 1 drug for the rest of my life, it'd be alcohol. Second is cocaine. i sually start out drinking then after 6 beers I will crave coke and then get that. Alcohol ftw.