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You Might Be A Junkie If... v. Oops, I nodded with the needle still in.

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Erikmen, you are clean right now, aren't you? I just wonder how you manage to constantly, over a long period of time, come up with all kinds of different "might be a junkie if" scenarios.
You can't hit anything but an artery in your wrist so you inject anyway and feel like you fingers might rot and fall off, and then you do it again... with a PCP-analogue RC. Mania-induced junkie psychosis
If you know this is not working and nothing is getting better but you feel you are to weak to do something about it.
You can't hit anything but an artery in your wrist so you inject anyway and feel like you fingers might rot and fall off, and then you do it again... with a PCP-analogue RC. Mania-induced junkie psychosis

This is what one arm did look like after a failed artery cannula insertion into the wrist and other places on the arm, not done by me of course, but by "medical professionals". It's now over 2 months past and I can still the remnants of that lol.

This is turning into a marriage.

Lol NO SIR!! That ass clown let me take the possession charge for some percs he put in my purse and neglected to tell me about. Then when we went to jail (he went for an outstanding warrant) he got out in 3 days and left me to rot and die with MRSA. Haven't heard from him since. Really nice guy huh? Oh the people you associate with for dope.
You might be a Junkie if you use your IV technique as an intoxication measure - more than 2 failed registry attempts and I know I'm too fucked to be shooting.


pause to contemplate
what sort of junkie knows he's too fucked?
a non degenerate one
they exist, yeah ...
Or not even high anymore. Just to avoid the withdrawals.
Always seeking for the next dose.
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I don't fuck with sharps if it's clear I'm just gonna ruin my physiology and miss the shot anyway - doesn't mean I don't just switch to vaping. ;)

You might be a junkie if you don't mind stealing from you own children.
You might be a junkie if you snort baby laxatives when you're out of coke because your dealer cuts them into your coke
Originally Posted by Blind Melon
You Might Be A Junkie If: You'd rather get off on dope than fuck a hot, available, woman.

So Would I.. Or I'd trade in the $1,000,000 escort for $500,000... 8o
When you can't remember if you lies are true or not.
Did I really sell my car or was it robbed?
"If so, how did I manage to get so high right after??"

You try to contact a friend or your family but nobody will take the call.
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If you do a rinse about 4-5 times before trying to convince yourself that there is no value left of it.
lmao... additionally* plotting if you ever figure it out you wont tell a soul so they don't take them off the market. The dream is real.

You can get high, it's just a shitty peripheral high with a massive risk of acute and long-term toxicity. I too sought that dream and found the pot of gold at the end of the Lope rainbow is fuill of shit, literally.

You might be a Junkie if you felt no shame shooting up on the steps of a church at 3pm.

^ Yep, if not into the church. Can't believe how many things we go through life thinking it's okay.

Remember being in a hospital on the drip for few hours and kept fantasizing how perfect the IV was settled. I mean, no worries at all. If something happens I'm already on the spot.
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I would feel no more guilty shooting up on the steps of a church than I would any other public building, really
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