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You Might Be A Junkie If... v. Oops, I nodded with the needle still in.

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yeah, for a start the terumo kits here dont have that cap whereas the BD's do. i've bought boxes from the chemist that have them, though theyre an inferior product and terumo are my needle of choice.

i've got 2 pill crusher. one crushes the morphine i boot and i use the spare to mix the solution. picked them up from the pharmacy as well.
If you have more than one spoon in your silverware drawer that's got a lot of black residue on the bottom.
Gel caps? Soda can bottoms? If you're using soda can bottoms, then am I wrong to assume you're heating your shots? (I'm only assuming this because otherwise you can just as easily mix up the shot in, say, a water bottle cap or even the "bucket" that comes with insulin syringes) What kind of dope are they selling you guys over there in Ohio?

No, I don't EVER heat my shots... I get brown/beige/grey/white pebbles and rocks of potent No. 4 heroin that tends to be served in weight or by the tenth in gel capsules *found at health/vitamin supplement stores. I've only gotten tar twice or 3x here and I prefer the usual ECP/No. 4 dope to that shit anyday. Once you put water to it, it melts like butter into a transparent, golden-brown solution. Some batches are almost clear; Especially, the notoriously strong "China White" batches that come around.

"Gel-Caps: Another Mid-West term, specifically the Dayton, Ohio area, where heroin is sold in gel-caps." -sixpartseven via Heroin Mega and FAQ thread. Dayton is the city I've lived in for 21 years aka my entire life lol. :)

I use the bottom of soda cans because it's a nice solid foundation with a nice amount of space to stir with and makes it very easy to visually make sure you've gotten all your dope dissolved into the water. It's also a habit/routine it's what I was taught by the older junkie cats that taught me. And I wouldn't want to make a shot with a pill form opioid any oher way. I've used spoons, bottle caps and what not, in the past, but I found soda cans that most effective. I make sure the can hasn't been opened so that there's significant weight to allow it to stand as a solid foundation; you want the pop-top intact so it doesn't wobble around. If I care enough, I'll sanitize it to the best of my abilities. I usually grab one right outta the 12 pack or if I'm thirsty, the fridge so that I can make a shot and crack open a soda or beer.

Just wanted to make sense of what I said, verso :)
I had a spoon I got from my work once; the handle was made to fold in. A lot like this, but metal:


I fucking loved it 'til the cops took it :(.

You might be a junky if you've had more than one conversation about the pros/cons of what to prep a shot in.
I could feel the depth of love you have/had for that spoon.
*sniff sniff* I love a bit of romance.
No, I don't EVER heat my shots... I get brown/beige/grey/white pebbles and rocks of potent No. 4 heroin that tends to be served in weight or by the tenth in gel capsules *found at health/vitamin supplement stores. I've only gotten tar twice or 3x here and I prefer the usual ECP/No. 4 dope to that shit anyday. Once you put water to it, it melts like butter into a transparent, golden-brown solution. Some batches are almost clear; Especially, the notoriously strong "China White" batches that come around.

"Gel-Caps: Another Mid-West term, specifically the Dayton, Ohio area, where heroin is sold in gel-caps." -sixpartseven via Heroin Mega and FAQ thread. Dayton is the city I've lived in for 21 years aka my entire life lol. :)

I use the bottom of soda cans because it's a nice solid foundation with a nice amount of space to stir with and makes it very easy to visually make sure you've gotten all your dope dissolved into the water. It's also a habit/routine it's what I was taught by the older junkie cats that taught me. And I wouldn't want to make a shot with a pill form opioid any oher way. I've used spoons, bottle caps and what not, in the past, but I found soda cans that most effective. I make sure the can hasn't been opened so that there's significant weight to allow it to stand as a solid foundation; you want the pop-top intact so it doesn't wobble around. If I care enough, I'll sanitize it to the best of my abilities. I usually grab one right outta the 12 pack or if I'm thirsty, the fridge so that I can make a shot and crack open a soda or beer.

Just wanted to make sense of what I said, verso :)

Well that makes sense. Thank you for clearing that up, and for not taking offense.

I was just having some fun with ya, but I was legitimately concerned that you might be heating your shots as that could be dangerous, and hey, you know that HR is still the name of the game around here.
when setting a nightly cap of 200mg IV morphine and 50mg of valium only to end up booting a half gram of the morphine, plugging the remnants for max usage, and topping out on 100mg of valium.

...and not even nodding because youve been up shit talking with the father all night, drinking strong ass coffee after the next, god dammit!

consolation is being bawlz HAI, muddafuckers!

robert - theyre some bomb ass mixers, too. i wish i could source them from my hospitals needle exchange. though, im more than happy and satisfied using my pill crushers to crush the pill and mix up in the spare. they really are bomb-diggity and stealthy to the general population as they look nothing like drug paraphenalia:)
If you've been to rehab more than once

If you've spent more than a year in rehab

If you get drunk & draw pictures of different molecules for people & try to explain bonding sites & basic nomenclature

If you've chosen to shove drugs up your ass rather than flush it

If you've ever shot up while driving

If you've ever shot up while someone else is driving

If you've ever taken one of your friends' word that they're clean before sharing a needle
If you'd been caught so many times before graduating high school your parents didn't even punish you when they found needles

If you're hanging out with someone who has almost no veins & you hit them in under 30 seconds

If you've ever told medical personnel, "No, don't hit in that vein" & pointed to a different one

If you come back from an OD & your first thought is to get fucked up

If you've had multiple people on different occasions cry because they were so worried about you

If you've ever shot dope to avoid feeling so fucking awful & being so low not even heroin can take away your feels
If you've been to rehab more than once

If you've spent more than a year in rehab

If you get drunk & draw pictures of different molecules for people & try to explain bonding sites & basic nomenclature

If you've chosen to shove drugs up your ass rather than flush it

If you've ever shot up while driving

If you've ever shot up while someone else is driving

If you've ever taken one of your friends' word that they're clean before sharing a needle
If you'd been caught so many times before graduating high school your parents didn't even punish you when they found needles

If you're hanging out with someone who has almost no veins & you hit them in under 30 seconds

If you've ever told medical personnel, "No, don't hit in that vein" & pointed to a different one

If you come back from an OD & your first thought is to get fucked up

If you've had multiple people on different occasions cry because they were so worried about you

If you've ever shot dope to avoid feeling so fucking awful & being so low not even heroin can take away your feels

How many do I have to tick to qualify ?
When your family knows about your drug use from how often your high or withdrawlin.
When every where you go your triggered to want to use.
Your constantly brike from your habit.
You have to lie about your where abouts money moods.
Your friends think your know everything for drugs.
You have connects for everything
Your eyes are always fucked up.

You have way to many examoles to ever possibly list

Also all the shit people mentioned here.

When your chin is on your chest the entire 10-20 minutes your trying to post in one thread lol
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When you're in an awkward position laying on the bed, and your limbs begin to hurt.. but you say fuck it, I'll move later.. and then you end up falling asleep minutes later.. only to wake up with your joints aching like a motherfucker.
Then you say to yourself.. "A shot of dope will fix it!"

Only to nod out & repeat the process again.
When you've fallen asleep during sex more than once.

When you've dropped your last OxyContin in a puddle of piss at a public bathroom and cleaned/consumed it before even thinking it over.

When you've shared a needle (NEVER, NEVER do this).

When you shoot up at your work party and wake up on your bosses bed with her laying on top of you with her shirt off and her hand down your pants.

When you're at a detox and a doctor is stroking your dick claiming to be giving you a physical even though he has no glove on and no physical ever has required stroking of the shaft.... and you smack his hand off and say, "wtf, man!" only to hear him say, "well you want Suboxone, right? We've gotta get through this physical if I can prescribe you something for your WDs". I didn't let him finish. He didn't give me shit, and I was coming off a daily habit of 1 gram cocaine + (most important) 180mg OxyContin + 2 grams of chronic + the occasional benzo, non-stop for 2 straight years.
If you fantasize about and romanticize dope STILL, even though you know better and even after having seen some awful things in your time as a junkie

If after years off the needle, you decide one day to say fuck it, & pick it back up

If at the doctor getting blood drawn, you carefully watch their technique, point them to possible good veins, and when they apologize for having to keep sticking you or for hurting you, you say its ok, I'm fine, because you really are-you learned a long time ago to tune out the pain of trying to hit yourself, because the bliss that follows is worth it
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