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You know you're an Etard when...

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when you go find out what lights and sound system the setupcompany uses and look it up on google
when you light the filter side of your ciggarette....and dont notice till the 3rd drag

I've smoked it the entire way through :( ... it was VERY dark outside... But I did it again and only took one puff...?

When you register an account just to reply to this thread.
you ask just about everyone you talk to if they want a massage or just randomly massage anyone near you.

when you give someone your favorite piece of kandy that you said you were gonna keep for yourself.

you give someone your jacket to wear cause you're too hot and they look cold, and tell them if they leave before you come back from dancing that they can keep it.

when you fall in love and have your heart broken in the same night lol.
when you give someone your favorite piece of kandy that you said you were gonna keep for yourself.

when you fall in love and have your heart broken in the same night lol.

Like all of them are good but for some reason those two especially that last one really hit home. Good job.
when you have to round out the times you've rolled in a given year cause you lost track after new years eve

more than half your friends have rolled and have test kits

you dream of rolling face

you listen to trance and go into a trancendental roll while sober

you have 20+ pairs of sunglasses and don't know where half of them came from

you own a strobe light

all good mdma isn't just good, it's hella good and hella legit

more than half your wardrobe is made up of raver shit and you don't even realize it. then someone points it out and it makes you smile

you have a ridiculous "emergency" stash of gum and candy on-hand just in case you go raving later
idk if this has been added already but..

when you have things like MDMA,kandy, PLUR etc. programmed into the t9 dictionary on your phone.
When you are writing an essay titled "Religion and PLURalism" and you think about a culture based around PLUR.

1) You spend all your time thinking about when you can roll the next time.

2)You think of X alot in hopes of felling what it feels like to roll again

3)You fucking forget your best friends names..
You are standing in line at walmart waiting to check out and the only stuff in your cart is assorted candy and lollipops, Gatorade, batteries, binkys, vicks nose sticks, and 5htp.
9 ) Happy Hardcore is your favorite genre of music. ( It is mine! ) lol _+1
you run your fingers through the salt at work and wonder how amazing it would feel on E
When at a music festival, you take your friend to the medical centre, then decide to dance there instead, you tell the nurse that she is reeeeaaaaly pretty, and return with bluuuuuu gloves XD
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