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Game Word Association Thread v. Let's Join Hands!!

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No kidding, I do drink too much soda. I'm changing to just water because it's like I'm taking out all these two liter bottles being furtive. But I love it and I want and I can't have it. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Figured it was just phrasing, erik. I sure never intended to get shitfaced, never wanted to or particularly liked it. I also didn't feel any compelling urge for more after the first. They just happen. Some kind of evil receptor dark magic.

Like coke. Do I even really like coke? I don't know, but it's been twenty minutes, I could use some more (repeat for a week).

Yes. Our mind functions differently from other people, mind does. We tend to always want more and it's difficult to understand it sometimes. I was once traveling with my family and became really sick, I didn't want them to know, nor to spoil their trip so I kept taking Tylenols to keep the fever down until I ended up in a hospital due an infection somewhre and they gave me really strong painkillers.

I remember clearly that I was feeling so comfortable, overwhelmingly happy and when the doctor asked how my pain was - from 1 to 10, I said it was almost 10, except that I wasn't feeling any pain at all.

Why did I do that? I was only 15! I had no idea what it meant but I keept going until they changed the meds to a stronger one, and while they were nuts trying to figure out what happened to me, what was going on. I felt I was a terrible person. It beats me to this date why I behaved like that.
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