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Game Word Association Thread v. Let's Join Hands!!

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My computer and this new chair forced us to rearrange all the furniture.
I never want a computer that forces me to rearrange the furniture or senses my attitude, unless it's in an airplane and I'm supposed to be a pilot. Then it can adjust altitude, pitch, yaw, and tray tables too.
Then you could make airplane noises and use a cologne reminiscent of avgas.
Somehow Dresden seems reminiscent of Cologne to me. Could be all that WW2 carpet bombing I'm thinking of.
Inflicting damage all the way, in every place they wanted to destroy. Such unguided bombing makes me think of how savage men can be.
Well, it was incendiary too. So even if you aimed, everything catches fire anyway. I've also heard Dresden wasn't nearly as bad as Vonnegut made it sound (ie., not even the same neighborhood as Hiroshima or Tokyo). I should go reduce some harm to someone.
Well, then it's spleen is recovery. Snarkily.
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Boofing is not a common Bluelight descriptive term for ROA (route of administration).
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What's your Drug of Choice ​(DOC)? Meaning that if you use something you don't like you don't really have fun, or get addicted to it. (?)
That's not how I understood "drug of choice". DOC is the one drug you'd choose if you had to pick only one; or, the one drug you spend the most time with or causes all your problems, or fucks your life the hardest.

Like before, I was drunk most of the time, with occasional nights with stims. I could say alcohol was my drug of choice, with police records to support that; or not, because really, fuck alcohol, it would not be my first choice.

What would be? I haven't tried them all yet.

(With cheap meth everywhere now, it turns out I was right, and clearly choose it over booze, not having a drunk since February)
I have never really had the time to get into booze. Went straight to opiates and benzodiazepines. I wanted to remain productive and "normal".. I really wish that wasn't as valuable as it was. When I drink a beer, I'm not compelled to keep drinking, that's what I figured DOC meant. Just like MJ, or LSD.
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My first choice would be to insufflate ;) high quality blow. Unfortunately it is too much wonderful for me. I've only done it twice because of that desperation for more. Yay me :)
Figured it was just phrasing, erik. I sure never intended to get shitfaced, never wanted to or particularly liked it. I also didn't feel any compelling urge for more after the first. They just happen. Some kind of evil receptor dark magic.

Like coke. Do I even really like coke? I don't know, but it's been twenty minutes, I could use some more (repeat for a week).
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