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Stimulants Why isn't methamphetamine popular in Europe?


Jun 29, 2017
Meth in the western world seems to be popular in the US and Australia not Europe. Most meth use is confined to Eastern European countries. I'm surprised given at how easy it is to obtain the precusor ingredients. Here in Ireland, you can get pseudoephedrine OTC very easily. There are no logs of who purchases it and you can go to several pharmacies that are within a walking distance of each other.
This is a good question.

I know my area took a long time to have meth come in. In fact, it wasn’t until the past couple years that it finally became common around here. This was due to access to plenty of other drugs combined with the idea meth was a hick drug that would turn you into an ugly monster.

I’ll tell you why, cuz it’s nasty addiction and a nasty drug to abuse as many in USA nicely demonstrated. It destroys people and we got plenty of other drugs for that and don’t need meth too.

In my country meth use is was totally confined to one city and seeing what it can do to people makes it spread very slowly and is looked upon as hardest of hard drugs even by many H junkies.

What I don’t know is why all the amph is racemic but suspect it is because there’s plenty of users loving “dirty high” and plenty of user preferring coke with caffeine etc. than a pure smooth stuff.

And I think users who would use meth if it’s available go for edgy, strong, sometimes even more euphoric and abusable RC stimulants and that’s keeping meth, mostly, out of Europe.

O yeah, I was fucking surprised when some moons ago friend mentioned meth is available along coke and amphs. I’m not a big fan of any of those but was kinda relived when he told me price, I’ll just tell you if it would cost that much in a USA you wouldn’t have many meth abusers.

It’s good for sex, it’s euphoric but it’s a hell of a drug that would cause huge damage if Europe speedfreaks would start using it instead plain racemic amphetamine.
I’ll tell you why, cuz it’s nasty addiction and a nasty drug to abuse as many in USA nicely demonstrated. It destroys people and we got plenty of other drugs for that and don’t need meth too.

In my country meth use is was totally confined to one city and seeing what it can do to people makes it spread very slowly and is looked upon as hardest of hard drugs even by many H junkies.

What I don’t know is why all the amph is racemic but suspect it is because there’s plenty of users loving “dirty high” and plenty of user preferring coke with caffeine etc. than a pure smooth stuff.

And I think users who would use meth if it’s available go for edgy, strong, sometimes even more euphoric and abusable RC stimulants and that’s keeping meth, mostly, out of Europe.

O yeah, I was fucking surprised when some moons ago friend mentioned meth is available along coke and amphs. I’m not a big fan of any of those but was kinda relived when he told me price, I’ll just tell you if it would cost that much in a USA you wouldn’t have many meth abusers.

It’s good for sex, it’s euphoric but it’s a hell of a drug that would cause huge damage if Europe speedfreaks would start using it instead plain racemic amphetamine.

The amphetamine is racemic mainly due to route used for literal generations by speed cooks over there. Leuckart on p2p is the go to for large scale production.

Nothing will ever beat amination of p2p for large yield, but unlike meth, there’s less desire to separate the isomers. L-Amphetamine has a bit more utility than l-meth which is more or less trash. I prefer 75% d-amp/25% l-amp over pure d-amp.

Yeah I know but I never, ever encountered d-amph yet did s-isomer K for example and ketamine isn’t even a big thing in my country and also looked upon as dangerous bad drug for hc junkies or occasional “infection” in trance community. I saw how supply and demand raised quality of countless drugs so no one stepping up the game is so surprising. Amphetamine just isn’t keeping up in that but it’s being very popular drug among all kinds of drug users. I think coke has to do with that definitely. You know weed & coke are natural lol..

Amphetamine at street level is nothing to brag with if you consider average purity at street level, even higher if you count leaving solvents in amph.. Kinda sad..

Interesting that you don’t love pure d-amph the most but I can see why. Body high of racemic stuff is pleasant indeed, that feeling going down the spine proper stuff gives. But I’ll still go with a notion that d-amph would take over if it was available along racemic simply because people who, use, mostly snort up, most of supply are regularly overdoing it. Someone from NL described it perfectly here. Something along lines how people in fact OD and get extremely jittery and some even violent. Speed + loads of booze tend to cloud good judgement even if you don’t feel booze really, just synergy and ability to snort more, drink more, snort more.. Hell, sometimes it seems like some people do it to be able to drink more and smoke more lol.. And for those and other doing bunch of speed (including salt of the earth hard working class) d-amph would be much better as they would get way less side effects. While normal dose or racemic or d with just some l-amph might be better for many or even most people I think in ridiculous doses many people snort d-amph would easily win.
Probably because western European mobsters don't really work with meth - and that's the most likely reason why it's nearly non existent in the NYC area - cocaine is also more commonplace and most ppl who do coke don't really want anything to do with meth because they're above it

It's definitely more popular now than it was a couple of years ago. A significant percentage is made in the Netherlands now and it makes complete sense because the dutch have pretty good underground labs and pretty much everything they need to make it on a large scale. I guess it just takes time for the cooks to transition from regular amphetamine to meth as the demand increases. Meth just requires a bit more work to separate the 2 enantiomers but the end product is so much better than euro speed (amphetamine sulfate).
Yeah but kinda like I.V. heroin is better than eating morphine. A lot better high but almost always worse outcome for users and community.
If I was a young person now then meth would certainly be my stim/party drug of choice. Meth very much reminds me of my favourite early 00's pills.

It's a wildly unpractical drug for us older folk though, we need our sleep.
While meth is def closer to MDMA than amph if it really reminds you of your favourite XTC you can bet they had some in..
right - the only reason why meth reminds you of old ex pills is because those old ex pills had meth in them

but meth and coke are really nothing alike other than they're both stimulants - and you never hear people who fairly regularly do coke say that they wanna do meth

and most of the people that do say they prefer meth over coke, it's either because they're in an area that the coke has been stepped on so many times, that by the time it reaches where they live, it's garbage - or - they started off their stimulant use in life using meth and prefer that high
why? because we have a better class of junkie in Europe esp in the UK
Probably because western European mobsters don't really work with meth - and that's the most likely reason why it's nearly non existent in the NYC area - cocaine is also more commonplace and most ppl who do coke don't really want anything to do with meth because they're above it
That has always been my East Coast USA impression. Tons of good cocaine came straight into the NYC area. Yet meth, at least by my dumb attempts to get any when i was studying, seemed to be nowhere around the NY/NJ area. I was given about 50 10 mgs ritalin to study in programmer school and realized I can use a stimulant for future work requiring flow charts. Never was able to find any meth. I had a cousin that lived in the Village in NYC that said on occassion he could call a number like they do with weed and a bicycle guy comes by. Yet we never achieved that either.

Now when I live in Southern California I could not get away from the stuff called crystal meth. In the apt area I lived in about every 5 doors would have meth. By that time I was using heroin and realized I did not want meth anymore. Only for studying. Probably a good thing I never really got into it. I did about 5-10 mgs of that meth from CA and was zooted far too long. My only time with meth. It took 2 additional shots of H to calm me down. Not my thing. I like sleep. lol Being awake can suck as we all know.
why? because we have a better class of junkie in Europe esp in the UK

Because it’s “synthetic garbage for poor people who can’t afford coke”.. They put it like that and stick to that and it's probably better it stays like that..

I’m no talking about junkies using needles or smoking crack; no crack in my country if you don’t make it by yourself but there are I.V. coke junkes and they would do meth I’m sure.

I’m talking about surprisingly wide population of people doing only weed, coke & booze, and doing coke only during weekends and when not working, those people don’t consider doing amphetamines and wont meth even if it was free.