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Why is this such a big deal?

She sounds insecure as shit bro. You need to have a serious talk with her about her self esteem
You guys are mean man.. I posted this like directly after she left the room. Our relationship is the shit, I'm so fucking happy with her. If I left her right now I know I would regret it for a long fucking time and there'd never be having any of this again.. Fuck SLR for relationship advice, apparently I'm not supposed to accept any of the bad in a personality with the good? She's jealous, sure. I can be too. Certainly not to the extent she is, but whatever.

Forget what I initially wrote. You guys seem perfect for each other.
I wouldn't mind if my guy looked at porn. Hell, I do!
I'm going to take a little more complacent position, because she's young and I think this is a part of growing up. Quasi, one question I had and I apologize if you addressed this already, but was this a purposeful look into your browser's history to find something or did she accidentally come across it. I really think it makes a difference. If she accidentally came across it, I agree with kytnism that she had a rush of emotion and just had a knee-jerk reaction. That's totally different than purposely looking through your computer trying to find some kind of incriminating evidence.
^ yes tht's a good point. Either she was snooping on yours, trying to find something she was looking at earlier, or trying to hide that SHE was looking at clown porn bwahaha.

Either way - it's still only ONE instance in a string of things which make it seem like she might not be ready for a committed relationship with the OP.
Whatever you do, OP, don't suck ass.

Being in a relationship is a delicate balance of emotions and trust. It sounds that, by getting upset with you, she's showing the distrust she has with you. You can look at women while you're walking and you can also look at women while you're walking that are top/bottomless.

I personally have never had a problem with porn, but it seems she does. Try to dig and find the reason for such a strong response that you received from her. Don't just ask questions, but make sure you can try to help her see that it's okay to look at other people.

There are over seven billion of us here. You almost can't go anywhere without seeing someone who's smoking hot and you most definitely can't completely avoid porn (Hell, Bluelight has its own section of beautiful women and men!).

Good luck.
allow me to put this into perspective for you.

if you explored your S/O's browser history and saw semi naked pictures of a man with a better physique than yours, or one where certain parts of him triggered insecurities within you and sparked a question internally if your S/O is seeking more than what you have to offer, would you be affected?

No. If her browsing history was full of black guys I wouldn't give a fuck either."People are people so why should it be" everyone takes themselves so fucking seriously they get butt hurt about others having varied tastes.