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Why are women attracted to men who are assholes?

I think this is what Twiggy was REALLY referring to, but Twiggy, please correct me if I've gotten it wrong. :)

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want

But if you try sometimes,
well you just might find...

you get what you need!

-Rolling Stones (of course)
Because women are stupid, and they don't dislike guys for the same reason other guys dislike guys. Of course, men are also stupid, and they don't dislike women for the same reasons...

For instance,

*My thoughts upon perceiving an asshole*
What a fucking transparent formulaic tool! It's all I can do not to bust that retarded uncleraper's face right open. He's so obvious, but it's gonna work for him...yep...yep there he goes with that dumb bitch...sheesh.

*A woman's thoughts upon perceiving an asshole*
Wow he's hot...he's so sure of himself and confident...oops he spilled his beer all over himself while gesticulating so forcefully! (hot) That's so cute and dorky haha! (hot) I really like this guy...oooh he's coming over. [Guy says uhhhh "nice shoes" or insert alternative inane sentence] Oooh I'm glad I wore the special panties tonight, I can't wait!
I treated my last gf great and she ended up fucking one of my mates, and broke my heart.

From now on I'm not going to bother being nice.

It gets you nowhere.
archie said:
I treated my last gf great and she ended up fucking one of my mates, and broke my heart.

From now on I'm not going to bother being nice.

It gets you nowhere.

^^ treat em mean, keep em keen =D

works without fail, all the time, every time :)
I was having a conversation with this about one of my female friends the other day. We both came to the conclusion that most of the men we have been out with in the past have been assholes (hence the reason we're both single at the moment). We were trying to determine WHY we had chosen these men to go out with in the first place.

Unfortunately, we couldn't come to many conclusions regarding the men in our past. One conclusion we did come to is that women are too complex to understand. If we can't understand ourselves how can we expect men too?! :) I think us women often expect men to be mind readers.

The guys i've been out with in the past who were "nice guys" just didn't seem to do it for me. If a guy is TOO nice I start questioning his sincerity and I become quite skeptical of his intentions. On the other hand, if a guy treats me like sh*t I tell him where to go. A "happy medium" is the best I think.. hence the reason why I am still single.. I have not been able to find many men who weren't too far along one end of the scale.
This topic is shallow, there are no definates, if a girl likes an asshole them maybe she sucks, or maybe you are the asshole... If i were a girl i would be offended, in the same way that i am offended when girls say "All men like dumb blondes with big boobs and who are easy and shallow". People can't be put into catergories either of "asshole" or "not asshole", its all perspective. "Judge not, less you be an asshole yourself"...

an added note:

I have never had a date in my life. I bitched about it in the past. Its my fault. I need more balls, but hell I got a while to improve, priorities change, relationships don't come to you you go to them and thats all people need to know. I really just don't get how you could be attracted to someone who likes assholes, they aren't worth your time, unless of course its purely a sex thing, and then who's the ass?
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this whole thread is fucked up, just be yourself and take what you can get, what more can you do?

if you're a nice guy and you all of a sudden start acting like an asshole to get chicks, then those chicks aren't interested in you, they're interested in the person that you're pretending to be.

why does attraction have to be this complicated?? despite all my experience, women remain a total mystery to me...
The topic may be shallow, but the thread itself is a gem :) I really do hope that all of you that are posting, are taking the time to read though most of everything first. There are some really great insights into what people of both genders think about this issue. :)
treat em mean - keep em keen.

give some examples of how in situations u should act "mean" to keep them keen.,

just curious, cos there is obviously a line between being "mean" which attracts against being an asshole.
heh. Thats true majority of really hot guys are assholes. I have dated heaps of guys who have been up themself and that was because they were good lookers and knew it. Anyways point is they cheated on mecos they could get any chick they wanted. However there is a small majority fo REALLY annoying ferral un attractive guys who think they are so goodand act like cocky bastards. Its such a turn off when there trying to act so good.

Meh yeah i want a nice guy but i wont just go out with anyone. I was dating this guy and he was SOOOO nice, but i dumped him 5 days later because he was so boring and i wasnt making any effort. He kept making the effort and chasing and it was a turn off. But i have to admit he wasnt no where near as cute as the other boyz.
The Word said:
Because women are stupid, and they don't dislike guys for the same reason other guys dislike guys. Of course, men are also stupid, and they don't dislike women for the same reasons...

For instance,

*My thoughts upon perceiving an asshole*
What a fucking transparent formulaic tool! It's all I can do not to bust that retarded uncleraper's face right open. He's so obvious, but it's gonna work for him...yep...yep there he goes with that dumb bitch...sheesh.

*A woman's thoughts upon perceiving an asshole*
Wow he's hot...he's so sure of himself and confident...oops he spilled his beer all over himself while gesticulating so forcefully! (hot) That's so cute and dorky haha! (hot) I really like this guy...oooh he's coming over. [Guy says uhhhh "nice shoes" or insert alternative inane sentence] Oooh I'm glad I wore the special panties tonight, I can't wait!

hahaha that's SO funny because it's SO true =D

but you know what guys can fall for the stupid obvious shit women do too, believe me 8(
Well also, our drunk, hot, formulaic tool would probably fuck a tree, (or a really ugly, tree-like girl) but our drunk, hot, formulaic bimbo is so used to getting fucked six ways from sunday that she STILL has high standards at all times...

...and for the ladies lacking in standards, enter the "we gotta go" girl. She sidles right up - they're all sidlers - and pronounces what may be the most shockingly saddening series of words mankind has ever known:

jenny! (or insert name here)

and whisks your bimbo off to some other bar/club so she can go home with a hotter guy. With guys you just gotta win over the guy, with women you gotta win over the whole bunch.
Cos theres no such thing as a woman whos truly pure at heart.

Women are just plain canniving deep inside. Every woman has a bitch inside.

And the only way for me to be truly happy as a man is own that bitch, tame it and treat it like a woman every now and then.

If yer just gonn be nice to a girl everytime, why would she crave for you, wait to see you, anticipate yer every move?

Girls want a man, and I give em one.

Ps- I'm not an alcoholic woman beater. All I'm saying is that women are attracted to more evil than they are to good, if that makes any sense.

PPS - My view of women hasn't always been this "bitter." It's through plain trial and error and examination of real life.

Geez, just look at sex, also called fucking.

Its not making love! Its just a psychological move in which man shows his power over a woman and a woman submits. Thats why guys are always ready for sex, and girls are more reluctant. This may sound too simplistic... but hey its how i see it
Thats why guys are always ready for sex, and girls are more reluctant.
It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that society preached for the longest time that men are studs when they sleep around but women are sluts? Or the fact that, if a pregnancy occurs, it's a woman that actually has to have (or abort) the resulting child? I'd definitely consider those factors far before thinking of it as some psychological move.
I have an asshole image and it works just fine with the ladies.

I had a 35 year old approach me in a club a few weeks ago. After talking to her for a while she told me to kick the asshole image but she admitted she was very attracted to me because I came off as a bad boy.

I'm 22 and I am far from a bad boy. This chic wasnt the first to tell me i had an asshole image. if they hated it so much why do they keep coming back for more
fizzygirl said:
It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that society preached for the longest time that men are studs when they sleep around but women are sluts?

Thats no society preaching!

That is something I believe in deep inside!!

It just IS ok fer guys to sleep around, but it isn't for women. To me, women who sleep around ARE sluts. It's just different.
Was looking for something else and came across this gem, so I thought I'd give it a nice bump.

I'll post in more detail when my thoughts are a little less scattered. For now I'll just say that a relationship that lacks a foundation of trust and respect can be an extremely scary, though perhaps exhilarating, experience, and sometimes it's better to follow your head (telling you that he's an asshole) than your heart (telling you he'll somehow magically change because of your adoring love).
I tend to get asked out more by girls I'm not attracted to.

I wouldn't say I'm an asshole to them, but I definitely give off vibes that say, 'no thanks.' I think some girls take it the wrong way, like I'm actually just a challenging asshole type. Honestly though, it means I'm not interested.

Girls I do like, tend to evoke a very open, honest and loyal side of me. I guess I like to show what I feel are my best qualities.

Consequently, these girls I do actually like (in the rare occurance they come along) aren't interested in those qualities. This is confusing and frustrating.

This is why I say, two people need chemistry right off the start. Otherwise, you get a reverse polarity effect - where one draws closer, while the other draws away.