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who tests their pills?

who tests their pills?

  • yeah, always with a ez-test kid it is a must.

    Votes: 51 26.7%
  • sometimes, if I've got time with a ez-test kid

    Votes: 24 12.6%
  • yeah, I get them lab tested

    Votes: 12 6.3%
  • never

    Votes: 106 55.5%

  • Total voters
mashead testing said:
lol who's the ez test kid? ;)

lol hehe I'd like to know this kid too ! He must be a freak ! I heard the ez test kid can easily say if a pill has mdma on it , it only takes a few seconds! He is awesome but shy ! I've never seen him!
Ahhh yes, I make sure we test the pills we get. We even have friends call and ask if we can test for them since they know we have the kit and it gives you an idea of whats in it. At first we didn't test and didn't even know that a kit was available. When we got pills that were DXM, we realized if this is something we were going to conitinue doing, we should invest in a kit. Since then we have gotten pills, that on pillreports said they were good and when tested were DXM or ones that had 2-CB in them. It can save you so I am all for a kit. Happy Rolls!
"Roughly, how many pills can you test with one of these kits?"

The basic test kit contains about 200 tests worth..
How can you get pills tested at a lab? I'm in Australia.

Bury my face in her wetness

Gosh, I knew there were lots of dummies out there but this many? 63% of people never test their pills? God, I really look down on the MDMA culture of today if this is survey, and bluelight in general, is in anyway representative of that culture. To see such a lack of respect for one's well being and health from so many people is sad. Real sad.
Well the X I munch are always brands (I know thats not the way to go) and people I know have eaten them before.
add1 said:
The box you get when you order one does not say "Ecstacy testing kit" in neon green colors with glowsticks taped to the side.

I know what you mean, I'd be very worried about customs realizing what it was. Unlike most other countries, customs in our homecountry (ég er líka íslenskur :)) is not concerned about stuff like civil liberties :(

I'd mail the company and ask them specifically what the packaging is like and what the content description will be, because they have the right to open any package and give you shit about it. A friend of mine got into some sticky situations ordering shroom kits...

--- G.
if i had the money for a kit i would. but i don't. i just try to go by what pillreports has and a few others
Strawberry_lovemuffin said:
Yes, I always test.

I also look up pillreports, often post a query in Aus. Drug discussion... in fact, I do a goddamn research assignment on practically every pill I get. ;)

I'm the same way. After I find out the stamp, color, if it has a bevel, and if it has a score, I pour over pillreports.com and ecstasydata.org. I also test it to be doubly sure there's at least some MDMA in there.

I've noticed something lately though, and I don't know if it's a trend or not, but it seems that more and more pills contain adulterants and then just a trace of MDMA. IE - 100 parts caffeine per 1 part MDMA, etc... Doing this obviously fools a test kit into reading MDMA. I know people have been doing this for a while now, but it just seems to me that it's becoming more prevalent.

Test kits aren't foolproof, but it's the best we've got. In the interest of harm reduction...use them, but remember to take their results with a grain of salt.
sadly i dont...

im still in the mindset im not a druggie, by having an actual kit..it would be like admitting to myself i do this on a frequent enougb basis to need this.:(:eek:
this is a good thread and i am really interested in more responses sooooo *bump*

testing always seems like a good idea but when it comes down to it it never gets done. I ussually just try to talk to someone who has experienced the pill and see what input they have. I mean what are you supposed to do if your pill doesnt test pure? Throw it out? haha whatever so why even bother testing unless you have some serious suspiciouns. I ussually only get pills from people I trust.

Just cross your friggin fingers and pop it!
I buy from reasonably reliable sources (i.e. not from some fool in a club selling Asprin) and I don't mix "brands". I don't bother testing.

all you guys moining if i had the money i would buy a test kit... fuck me if you can buy the pills can t you save a £2 a week or somet towards a simple test kit....

testing pills saved me from some nasty bunk ass crushed up and repressed strong opiate pain killers.

cpl of mates of mind ended up getting twisted on some K pills ....not nice if your expecting mdma and never gotten into a khole before (and in a club)
Ghost of Pantywise said:
I mean what are you supposed to do if your pill doesnt test pure? Throw it out? haha whatever so why even bother testing unless you have some serious suspiciouns. I ussually only get pills from people I trust.

Just cross your friggin fingers and pop it!

Alot of people now actually test pills before they even buy them... If the dealer confirms they are good pills, I don't see what issue they would have by you testing them before you fork over money... you are only scraping a minute bit of the pill anyway

Must admit we learned the hard way with a fair amount of cash and pills that were basically candy (literally). We always test our pills before we buy now...

BTW is there any difference between the EZ Testers or the Marquis test? I've read around that there isnt much diff, but would like to hear your opinions...:)
never tested... prolly a good idea though.. atm rely on pillreports and friends experiences