who here supplement with bone builders?

brah, carbonate is said to be found in rocks used to make those counter top tables, which is why I opted for coral calcium. Not sure what orotate is really derived from.

Coral calcium is comprised of calcium carbonate.

Carbonate rocks are a class of sedimentary rocks composed primarily of carbonate minerals. The two major types are limestone, which is composed of calcite (calcium) or aragonite (different crystal forms of CaCO3) and dolostone, which is composed of the mineral dolomite.

Out of all of the types of organic and inorganic calcium salts, calcium orotate is the most easily absorbed commercial calcium supplement available, providing 90-95 percent absorption. This is the mineral calcium bound with the molecule orotic acid.

Do more research, troll.

Seriously, nearly everyone here needs to study basic earth science and high school chemistry lol...
Im sorry but as soon as you said "dolomite" I thought of Chapelles skit lmao. But youre right about basic knowledge. Im gonna be taking organic chem soon and biochem this summer along with a few other fun classes to advance my knowledge.
Or google science...


I'm looking into calcium amino ethyl phosphate as well...

Yeah, because Youtube is where everyone gets their PhD, amirite?

If you want some calcium eat right or pop a few Tums. Like Genetic Freak said, your body will do the rest if you eat right.

Supplements are only needed if you are malnourished, have some kind of illness, or if you have some genetic defect that causes levels of a particular compound in the body to be low.
eh? then why are you on gear when "the body will do the rest". Get real.
eh? then why are you on gear when "the body will do the rest". Get real.

Your body can't produce supra-physiological doses of hormones..... But if you give it the correct nutrients, it will synthesise what it needs for general metabolic processes... Within the constraints of homoeostasis....
anyone here tried dicalcium phosphate (DCP) before? I read it's good for bone and muscle health and is to be taken before a workout. It's a combo of calcium and phosphorus if I'm not mistaken.

I had been looking for a phosphorus supplement but can't find one by itself. What's a good source of it other than this DCP product I mentioned? I guess anything with the word "phosphate" is a phosphorus source? Like Calcium amino ethyl phosphate (calcium EAP).
Your body can't produce supra-physiological doses of hormones..... But if you give it the correct nutrients, it will synthesise what it needs for general metabolic processes... Within the constraints of homoeostasis....

Thank you for that Genetic Freak.

Although I had a different choice of words lol...
Thank you for that Genetic Freak.

Although I had a different choice of words lol...

Just fucking eat correctly dumb arse..!!!............. He kinda gets to you after a while, eh' Guido...!!!!!
Have you looked into orange triad? Contains some vitamin D, various forms of calcium, among other things that make it amazing.
Triad is solid and a lil cheaper then some of the other multis. But do not let that be reflective of its quality.
Doesn't sound it has plenty of anything. I don't take multis. I take single vitamins for higher dose and better type of the vitamin.
Doesn't sound it has plenty of anything. I don't take multis. I take single vitamins for higher dose and better type of the vitamin.

I hear Potassium Cyanide is an excellent supplement for inhibition of food oxidation... 200-300mg...!!!! High stomach acidity is essential..!!
Single Vitamins are fine, so are some multis. The best thing you can do is source as much of your nutrition from food, proper diet is key to functioning at a high level of any sport or activity whether its playing football, bodybuilding or working on a unified field theory, if your diet sucks your body and mind will be sluggish, if it is a solid well balanced diet you will see gains in what ever your field is.