who here supplement with bone builders?


Aug 9, 2011
Everyone seem to go for the calcium and vitamin D. Does anyone here use chromium, zinc, and boron? What else did I miss? These seem to be underrated. The ones that come in a multi vitamin are cheap ingredients. Buying these in single form seem better, and they're cheap. Curious who in here have used these and what are the best form? i read zinc picolinate is the most bioavailable form.
My multi covers most of this, but I supplement with a joint support, that has cissus quadrangularis an herb that has been shown in studies to help build bone and speed the recover of broken bones as well as helps the joints out so its a multi-tasker. I also take a calcium supplement but I take coral calcium as it is by far the most bio-available form. Buying in bulk is the best bet for specific supps: real nice and simple and a hell of a lot cheaper then buying individual supps or blends that are commercially available. Vitmin D helps but, seriously between Milk and getting lots of sun you should be kosher. Besides milk is a great source of protein. Boron, chromium, zinc you can get either in bulk or just via your diet if your not eating crap. In fact all of your vitamins and minerals you can get directly from foods and it is better if you do get them this way. The small amount of supps you should get put the money out for the best you can buy, but the cash is usually better spent on better quality food and more of it.
I guess no one supplement with higher dosage of what you can find in a "multi"? Who supplement with calcium at higher dosage while on cycle (or off cycle)? I would guess it would help with growth wouldn't it as it builds bones?
No it wouldn't.
I take a gram of calcium a day. Either from milk or supps.
Most people are not going to take a calcium supplement, unless they are deficient or have a bone issue. I happen to supplement like I said with coral calcium it has a higher bio-availability, I take two 600mg tabs a day once with breakfast and then again with lunch. I break all of my sups up in that fashion. An interesting aside, pieces of coral are used in implants for bone in surgery with covering the screw and like in a coating of it, and it is being used by piercers in making Horns. The body recognizes the coral as bone and begins to coat it with its own calcium. It speeds up the process of healing, I have a few of these screws in both knees, and compared to traditional healing they healed better faster, and with a smaller percentage of forming an improper covering. My mother has several of a newer generation of these screws in her spine where they are made from an artificial matrix of a coral like ceramic. So yeah if you would have read the post a little closer you would have gotten the answer mate. But Like I said if you are eating the proper amount of food, and high quality food that is less processed you will get all the calcium you will need mate, but if you have bone issues supplement with some calcium, coral calcium. Also don't buy into all the hype around calcium supplements, a deficiency can lead to problems but not the wide spread claims that many people make here is a little list debunking some of the myth around calcium. http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/DSH/coral.html

Hope this helps.
ok thanks for clarifying. I guess you and your mom have bone issues? I don't have it, so I probably could skip the supplemental calcium for now but that was some interesting story about coral calcium. Last I checked calcium is the most mineral found in the body. I think phosphorous and or magnesium is second.
yeah post surgical osteoarthritis, common issue after surgical procedures that change the shape of the bone. It is the most common but if you don't need it don't take it.
ok thanks for clarifying. I guess you and your mom have bone issues? I don't have it, so I probably could skip the supplemental calcium for now but that was some interesting story about coral calcium. Last I checked calcium is the most mineral found in the body. I think phosphorous and or magnesium is second.

Almost correct: Calcium 1.5%, Phosphorus 1.0%, Potassium 0.35%..

Followed by: Sulfur 0.25%, Sodium 0.2%, Chlorine 0.2%, then Magnesium 0.1%, Iron 0.005%

Trace elements: Aluminium, Boron, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Fluorine, Iodine, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Silicon, Tin, Vanadium, and Zinc...... 0.2%
by the way, I just realized most of the vitamins and minerals are usually just added to cereals ("enriched"), meaning they do not come naturally as its ingredients. My question is: is the calcium provided in cheese natural calcium or was it "enriched" (or added) to it? Seems like Parmesan cheese has the highest source of calcium having 35% daily value per serving compared to others which only have 20% daily value per serving.

I can't find coral calcium as a single supplement. It usually comes with D3, magnesium and other stuff, which I already have as single vitamins. I'd like to find a single coral calcium supplement.

I read phosphorous is usually plenty in colas/sodas as phosphoric acid. I don't drink sodas.
Calcium is natural in natural cheeses processed cheeses have all kinds of shit added to them. Yeah soda contains phosphoric acid, look at the label it there. You can get it as a single supp. Keep looking, they sell it. Considering the wide variety of chesses globally I cant answer as to what has what in it. Saying that par is the highest is just a shot in the dark mate. But it is a great source of a lot of things, hell it was a bulk and staple of the Imperial Roman Army, so that should give you an idea as to how cheese can be a vital addition to a diet, in moderation of course.
Goddam I fucking love cheese. Mmmm super sharp cheddar.

As per op, I get all my bone stuff from foodz. Drink tons of milk and I eat cheese, lots of it. Yum. Im part of the few that can eat what I want and as much of it with very minimal consequences.
Lucky bastard. I am a cheese fiend. Serious serious cheese fiend, It is rather shitty that unless you know people getting your hands on raw, unpasteurized cheese, damn government says its not healthy. I say Fuck all, its delicious and as long as the Cheese maker is running a sanitary shop it is safer then the franken food that is the average processed food and food like product. But in all seriousness small artisana cheese, from any where, from any kind of milk, cow, sheep, goat, fuck it yak, it doesn't matter cheese is just tasty. Damn now all I want is some grilled cheese. . .

Sero if you like Cheddar, there is another type of cheese made in the Cheddar style called Cheshire English of course just like cheddar, though there are many really good Americana cheddar's and a few Cheshire's. Any way back to the cheese Cheshire is a butter creamy cheese, that age dependent like cheddar picks up a very nice piquant bite. There is a really good fromagère near where I work, that I have been slowly acquiring my cheese knowledge from, a wedge at a time.
^id be doomed if a had a cheese place near by: broke and fat lmao. That cheshire sounds perfect for making homemade cheese sauces (yum) or my personal favorite poor person bulking food: mac n cheese with tuna. Using a healthier less processed cheese (I use these noodles that arent half bad health wise) along with cheap ass tuna and wala protein carbs and fats in a semi decent ratio. And for someone like me that lived off of shitty college food and eating junk food from the munchies for 3 years, never went over 150 lbs at~16% bf.
Back to cheese though. When I lived ib europe as a kid I remember having different cheeses in different countries we visited: the best cheeses were fron germany, Switzerland, the netherlands, and I believe it was the Czech republic (Prague specifically if memory serves right)
Mac with Tuna ugh donno if I could do it. Yeah I try to limit my cheese purchases, to a small 1lb or so, though around the holidays I but in bulk more, Though it coincides with my yearly bulk ^-^ But yeah if I had it around the corner from my house id be SOL, and bloated my self. Yeah man Prague has this fried cheese sandwich thing you see it in street stalls, fucking hell mate so tasty. Yeah the nordic countries have killer cheese The Danes have this stuff called Fudge cheese it is slightly sweet, fudgy texture, so fign good, hard to find too I have been looking for it ever since I had it on a cheese platter a few years ago. LOl nice I would say your metabolism is set to blast furnace. Hell I was out fro 18 moths with the knee, and went from 210lbs to 350 at like 25% fat. Granted though, I had moved back home and my mother cooks for like 3 people like they are 30 ppl. And low fat is not in her vocabulary.

I will have to try to make Cheshire into a sauce, I have never used it like that before, usually because I just eat the shit with fruit and nuts, as a snack, great afternoon snack fruit, apple pear some grapes or figs with some cheese and nuts big ass glass of milk some honey skip the bread and it is a pretty decent snack.
Calcium is natural in natural cheeses processed cheeses have all kinds of shit added to them. Yeah soda contains phosphoric acid, look at the label it there. You can get it as a single supp. Keep looking, they sell it. Considering the wide variety of chesses globally I cant answer as to what has what in it. Saying that par is the highest is just a shot in the dark mate. But it is a great source of a lot of things, hell it was a bulk and staple of the Imperial Roman Army, so that should give you an idea as to how cheese can be a vital addition to a diet, in moderation of course.

Studied Roman Archaeology for over 10 years..... I've learned something today.... :)
ok I've tried some really good cheeses lately that I have not tried before, like Gouda and Gruyere. Not sure exactly if these are "types" of cheeses but rather which part of the world they originated from, etc. They taste like cheddar to me. These are not one of those "sliced" cheese. These are those giant round or square varieties.

Is calcification still possible with using coral calcium? I'm looking for it as a single supplement. Still can't find any. Everyone sells them with D3 and vitamin C added.
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D3 is needed with calcium... And vit C is a plus. Most calcium supps come with d3, it's a good thing.
true you can get it with out but D3 comes with most. If you cant find it dont stress over it.

... the romans brought cheese making every where they went. try talking to a modern roman, see how long they go with out cheese lol
D3 is needed with calcium... And vit C is a plus. Most calcium supps come with d3, it's a good thing.

Both Magnesium and Calcium require each other for their absorption and utilization and must be provided in adequate amounts
The recommended dietary allowance for magnesium is 300 to 450 mg/day. There are several factors including pregnancy, rapid growth, or a high intake of protein, vitamin D, calcium, fat, carbohydrates or alcohol, that will increase the requirement for magnesium.