who here supplement with bone builders?

Ok so here is where I get to learn some, thing, the protein / magnesium connection under what condition/s is it necessary to increase or decrease your intake of magnesium? Because right now I am doing 2.5g Pro per pound ( 562.5g total though I fall short unless I add in a third shake, and I eat a shit load of lean meats) But I digress.
How much potassium is really needed? My potassium supplement (as potassium citrate) has 99mg per capsule, that's only 3% daily value. I only take this 1-2 times a day so that's only 6% daily value. My observation is that all potassium supplements only come with 99mg per capsule. I think it has something to do with some type of FDA regulation. Of course I get potassium from foods as well.
Both Magnesium and Calcium require each other for their absorption and utilization and must be provided in adequate amounts
The recommended dietary allowance for magnesium is 300 to 450 mg/day. There are several factors including pregnancy, rapid growth, or a high intake of protein, vitamin D, calcium, fat, carbohydrates or alcohol, that will increase the requirement for magnesium.

they raised magnesium to 450mg a day now? I thought it was 400-420 max. I only take about 300mg of magnesium aspartate. I might step it up to 400mg. Plus the foods I eat have good amounts of magnesium, not sure how bioavailable they are since foods usually are "cooked" so it diminishes the amount or quality of its nutrients, from what I've read.
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I found a phosphorous medicine on amazon and another site. It's homeopathic and not sure if this is a good product: http://pureformulas.com/phosphorus-9c-udt-by-boiron.html#sthash.J6VXQ7IV.MgSG07h0.dpbs

I just ordered a coral calcium supplement, a brand from Olympian Labs. It's 100% coral calcium at 1 gram, but the calcium yield is only 380mg, the magnesium yield is 190mg. Does this mean this magnesium came from the coral calcium itself? Should I cut down my magnesium supplement intake since this supplement have magnesium as well? Should I drop my magnesium aspartate supplement from 300mg to 200mg since this calcium supplement already have 190mg? I wasn't able to find a just coral calcium supplement purely. At least this one does not have other stuff like D3, K2, Vitamin C, zinc, boron, etc. I already have those separately with higher quality ingredients. Here's the product info: http://www.drvita.com/product/olympian-labs-coral-calcium-1-g-90-capsules/7818
your over thinking things. Get a good multi-Vit, and eat well. Just take the dose of calcium you are looking for. Most of the vitamins you are taking are going to be eliminated through your urine, any way. The only time you need to be supplementing heavily is if you are training very very heavily. Most of us even with hard daily training get every thing we need by eating correctly. Focus on your diet the rest will follow.
What's the best supplement to help with arthritis? I have lower back arthritis and the only thing I'm taking is Spring Valley brand for Calcium ( 1000 mgs ), Magnesium ( 400 mgs ) & Zinc ( 15 mgs ) with Vitamin D3 ( 600 IU )
I have a bit of an issue with arthritis in my knees from a shit load of surgeries, and I have found that Cissus Quadrangularis ( it is an herb used frequently in traditional Vedic medicine) it has been shown to increase the healing rates in broken bones as well as aid in just general anti-inflammation of the body. Glucosamine HCL, Chondroitin Sulfate, and MSM. This combo wont reverse the arthritis, but it will help prevent future joint issues, as well as help with the inflammation. Look into getting a nice Omega 3/6/9 oil, and some fish/krill oil caps, this will help with the lubrication of the joints. Try yoga, I hate to push it because it sounds ass backwards when you are in some pain from the arthritis but it will help the blood flow in the area as well as help build back your flexibility and strength in the area. Hope this helps mate .
I have a bit of an issue with arthritis in my knees from a shit load of surgeries, and I have found that Cissus Quadrangularis ( it is an herb used frequently in traditional Vedic medicine) it has been shown to increase the healing rates in broken bones as well as aid in just general anti-inflammation of the body. Glucosamine HCL, Chondroitin Sulfate, and MSM. This combo wont reverse the arthritis, but it will help prevent future joint issues, as well as help with the inflammation. Look into getting a nice Omega 3/6/9 oil, and some fish/krill oil caps, this will help with the lubrication of the joints. Try yoga, I hate to push it because it sounds ass backwards when you are in some pain from the arthritis but it will help the blood flow in the area as well as help build back your flexibility and strength in the area. Hope this helps mate .

It does.. thank you brother! I appreciate it!
your over thinking things. Get a good multi-Vit, and eat well. Just take the dose of calcium you are looking for. Most of the vitamins you are taking are going to be eliminated through your urine, any way. The only time you need to be supplementing heavily is if you are training very very heavily. Most of us even with hard daily training get every thing we need by eating correctly. Focus on your diet the rest will follow.

I looked up phosphoric acid and it is said to contribute to low bone density but another study showed that it does not (the other study was of course funded by pepsi, lol). I think phosphoric acid in colas is not the phosphorous I had been looking for.
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Diet first fellas. Golden rule, if your diet is consistent and filled with the proper foods, you only need to supplement very little.
calcium orotate + 20.000 iu d3

I hope this isn't a joke. I was told 5000 IU of D3 every day was a bit high considering the half life of D3 itself was longer, so I dose D3 every other day for now. Someone told me 5000 IU weekly is even sufficient but this vitamin is so cheap, it's affordable to take it daily.
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I think I'm forming new bones in the form of wisdom teeth. I think this has something to do with the coral calcium I had been taking in the past few days. I could feel new wisdom teeth forming. I know this feeling as I had formed wisdom teeth before.
What's the best supplement to help with arthritis? I have lower back arthritis and the only thing I'm taking is Spring Valley brand for Calcium ( 1000 mgs ), Magnesium ( 400 mgs ) & Zinc ( 15 mgs ) with Vitamin D3 ( 600 IU )

I keep hearing and seeing this blend of glucosamine chondroitin. What's the deal with that supplement? I haven't looked into it that much.
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I think I'm forming new bones in the form of wisdom teeth. I think this has something to do with the coral calcium I had been taking in the past few days. I could feel new wisdom teeth forming. I know this feeling as I had formed wisdom teeth before.

Teeth are not bones bro and calcium supplements do not cause bone growth.
orotate is expensive, hope to find it being sold in bulk powder. PM me if you know of any supplier. DOB your inbox is full.
You don't have to use orotate! Carbonate will work just fine.

brah, carbonate is said to be found in rocks used to make those counter top tables, which is why I opted for coral calcium. Not sure what orotate is really derived from.
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