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Which type of Oxycontin is sold in England - OC or OP??

^I'm not from Europe but I believe France is just as bad as the UK, very minimal pain treatment. I believe Holland was recommended because they're actually a little more compassionate.

Yeah no doubt, fucked up really. Hard to know whether we're further off the mark than the yanks.

Very hard to say. And it's not like they're just handed out like candy in the US anymore. But if you've been a regular patient for a long time most GPs would write a one-off Vicodin script as they send you for physical therapy for whatever pain you have...

The pill mill days are mostly over, though there's certainly still doctors out there who will write whatever--and the way the whole system is set up makes it easier to get on and stay on strong opiates.
Maybe I should cancel my trip. Its a very real option at this stage. I've never had issues travelling interstate in Australia if I needed to stay longer than expected and wanted a script but this is the first time I will be going OS on pain medicine after my injury, I am so very depressed by it all I have stopped preparing for my holiday, I dont know what to do. I really regret agreeing to go. I didnt plan the trip, and the people I told - what dates to book it - ignored me completely when I said I cant stay that long due to scripting issues. No one understands how serious this is for pain patients, how serious it is to never miss one day of medication or put yourself in vulnerable positions. Which is whats happening here. Fuck it all.
I have never came across anything other than original Oxycontin. Odds of getting a prescription are akin to winning the lottery....
Explain your concerns to your local doctor - they will issue you with x2 (or how many you need) scripts (depending on your relationship with your doctor you may need to provide proof your goin on vacation). Get your pills from your local pharmacy and take them with you - just ensure you have a copy of your script with you. There really is no issue travelling with legitimate medication if you have the necessary paperwork.

Saves all the worry and hassle in the UK trying to find a doctor etc
Oh ok, thats great, it should make it a lot easier for me then. Well if anyone can recommend a Dr (PM me) or if you cant do that/not allowed if you coule let me know what its like (are there GPs or specifically many/any pain patient prescribing GPs) in New Castle, Choppington, Shropshire.. Holland Park? Thank you

Look, I am so sorry if your early summer trip was ruined by some of the garbage posted here by many usually decent posters who unfortunately have no idea what they are talking about when OC is discussed.
I have been on OC for well over twelve years at doses up to 120mg bd (strongest tablet available in the UK). And Oxynorm capsules 20, 10 and 5mg IR, which are subjectively a lot stronger than US-style TABLETTED Oxy whose bioavailablility is hindered by binders used in tablet processing.
I do NOT have cancer, my pain is non-malignant.
Where does the idea that nobody gets OC prescribed here come from? I know personally at least seven or eight (and I live in quite a small town) people who are prescribed either OC, ONR or both.
What do you mean, no generics? What about Lannacher OXYLAN/OXYDOLOR? And Actavis RELTEBON (MR) and LYNLOR (IR Caps)? I do NOT recommend either generic MR tablet but the ACTAVIS. Capsules are just as good as branded Oxynorm.
Now as for 're formulated' if you re talking about the 'OP' GARBAGE (have tried them) sold in the USA since Oxycontin was banned there five years ago, do not be daft. The USA is the only place where they are made. And the only place that patients would tolerate them! I do not suppose that this replacement for Oxycontin OC tabs sell many at all, and that most have switched to IR Oxy, even if it is vastly inferior to the UK capsules for the reasons given above.mof course we have proper OC, OP being an American con trick. And it is EXTREMELY commonly prescribed. Certainly around here and in Scotland in general, Oxycontin is prescribed a lot more than morphine as it is more effective and has a far higher bioavailability, and is available in so many more strengths - 5/10/15/20/30/40/60/80/120mg, and the OxyNorm caps in 5/10/20mg. AMERICAN friends tell me that ONR 20mg capsules feel like about 40mg of tabletted Oxy à la USA.
Sorry again, but members here should really know better than to give false or u researched info. Just because they themselves have been refused a script does not mean that OCis not commonly prescribed. I wish I had seen this before you came to the UK (PLEASE do not ER call us 'ENGLAND'!) so that I could have told you how easily you can be given an Rx for OC and that only AMERICAN people would be so dumb as to accept those plastinated things that give you dreadful gastrointestinal side effects and about half the analgesia of real OC tablets.
Still I hope you enjoyed your visit.
And hope you actually went to a doc and got yourself a wheelbarrow load of 120mg OC to take back to the States with you before you left, as well as a lot of OXYNORM tablets.
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I get NAPP pharmaceuticals OxyContin (Original formula) and NAPP oxynorm concentrate 10mg/ml orange stuff
just finished off a bottle of oxynorm 5mg/5ml, very different buzz to gear. is there difference between oxycontin and oxynorm?
Yes...oxynorm is instantly release. Oxycontin is 12 hour extended release.
I used to exclusively snort mine but now I chew them.

With my tolerance it's quite a lot of powder to sniff as much as is needed, even an 80 is quite a bit of powder in one line I usually split in two and put one up each nostril.

But I eat them now, don't really get mashed off them anymore unless I'm taking a heroic dose so I just opt for the ROA with higher % BA.

When I first started using them snorting them did produce a little rush that chewing did not but it does diminish after time.
It always used to make me laugh when I was scripted them and I used to hear about yanks snorting them. I was scripted 5x 80s a day and sometimes took more if the pain was bad. The thought of anyone attempting to snort what would have looked like a half-hundredweight of powder made me smile....not much else made me smile at that time in my life though.....or now for that matter....fuck I'm depressed now :(
Oh ok, thats great, it should make it a lot easier for me then. Well if anyone can recommend a Dr (PM me) or if you cant do that/not allowed if you coule let me know what its like (are there GPs or specifically many/any pain patient prescribing GPs) in New Castle, Choppington, Shropshire.. Holland Park? Thank you

It doesn't work like that in the UK. Oramorph is the best you will get, but as has been said if you arent from the EU you aren't going to be able to get into a doctors anyway. So short of breaking your leg and ending up in hospital you've no chance of getting any medication much stronger than paracetamol.
It doesn't work like that in the UK. Oramorph is the best you will get, but as has been said if you arent from the EU you aren't going to be able to get into a doctors anyway. So short of breaking your leg and ending up in hospital you've no chance of getting any medication much stronger than paracetamol.

That's not right I'm afraid. Foreign nationals (non EU) ARE allowed to see a doctor although they may be charged for some services and the idea that you need to suffer a traumatic fracture to get anything stronger than Oramorph is bollocks.

Besides have you seen then date when the OP posted that? I doubt its gonna matter much now somehow when it was that long back.
That's not right I'm afraid. Foreign nationals (non EU) ARE allowed to see a doctor although they may be charged for some services and the idea that you need to suffer a traumatic fracture to get anything stronger than Oramorph is bollocks.

Is the UK really good on pain meds now then?
Is the UK really good on pain meds now then?

No I wouldn't say that. It's not 'really good' but there has been loads of posts suggesting that the situation for patients with GENUINE pain is absolutely terrible.....left to rot, offered an aspirin etc. And this is the bit that's just not true. The vast, vast majority of people suffering genuine chronic or.acute pain from organic or traumatic causes will be offered satisfactory analgesia. Of course you'll get the odd case of someone not being treated the way they should but they are the overwhelming minority. Where the system is tight is people trying to scam a doc into giving them a huge oxy script when there is fuck all wrong with them.

...I now tend to chew a whole one (oc80) and snort a 1/2 but tollerance build quickly with them so i usually only take em for a week or so - alot more convenient than smoking gear but the high is not quite as good , takes time to adjust to it but I have never really worked out the equivelent in gear terms but reckon x2 80's is about the same as 60mg of methadone maybe slightly more - the tables that you see seem to vary alot and I always think its a personal thing.
I get NAPP pharmaceuticals OxyContin (Original formula) and NAPP oxynorm concentrate 10mg/ml orange stuff
The 10mg/mL concentrate is superb, yes indeed. I am sitting with a couple of boxes of IV amps both strengths, 10mg/1mL and 20mg/2mL, which are extremely rarely found (not that I am going to say how I came by them, since doctors do not ever prescribe them for home use!) and exceedingly useful to have.
The 5mg/5mL I find is far too weak for me. The large bottle hardly lasts at all. But there is tolerance for you, and my doc refuses to see how even a month out of every four or five on something equianalgesic would change a degree of the tolerance built up over the years.
The difference is that gear (heroin base/hydrochloride) is a natural opiate and Oxycodone is a semisynthetic, and certainly no two opiates/oids I have ever had are the same feeling. The only difference between OC and ONR is that the first has a modified release system, they are identical otherwise and OC can be powdered to something almost as fine as talcum powder for intranasal usage. Unlike the American things, OP.
Processing from opium to morphine base to heroin base removes, unfortunately, some of the more euphoric, dreamy effects of pure smoking opium which I have to say is my favourite of all and the stuff whence all opiates and semisynthetic opioids come. Actually that isn't quite true, Oxycodone is made primarily from thebaine. Or so I believe, correct me if I am wrong on that.

Being at my latitude it is only just planting time, around a month to six weeks later than 600 miles southwards. Hoping for a good crop this year after the disastrous past two years here. I wonder if there is a cultivation thread? I don't think I have ever looked!

Is it true that just GROWING Papaver somniferum is a criminal offence in the USA? It is rather a commonly grown garden flower here, and seeds for some superb varieties are cheap as chips; I see websites which advertise P.somniferum seed based in the USA which charge about fifty times what the seed catalogues do...
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