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Which type of Oxycontin is sold in England - OC or OP??

Can tell you if you were resident in the UK you wouldn't get within a country mile of an oxy script short of terminal cancer. What they do with overseas patients already scripted it I have no idea but would seem a bit extreme to cut them off or drop them to co-codamol (or perhaps morphine if considered to be half-dead). I'd like to think they would trust a colleague's judgement but the more you can find out in advance the better cos we basically don't have pain treatment in the UK. Stiff upper lip and all that - live with it is the standard response.

All branded OC if you are prescribed and yes original formula. No idea what you'd have to pay for them though - might also be worth looking into cos I presume you won't get a subsidised script if you're not resident or from an EU country.
I have no terminal illness - spondyloarthritis and osteoarthritis - & I have been prescribed OxyContin since about a year after they were introduced, which would make that (correct me if I'm wrong) 1997.
I know PLENTY of people who are Rx'd OC who also are not terminal. Where that idea came from I don't know; they can get a little funny when you ask for hydromorphone (we do not have high dosage IR here, only 2.6mg and Palladone SR) but otherwise OC scripts are far from uncommon in moderate to severe pain.
As for generics, as of the beginning of this year there are generic iR capsules by Actavis branded LYNLOR, m/r tabs by Actavis, RELTEBON, m/r by Lannacher OXYLAN, and m/r tablets made by Bard & branded LONGTEC, and IDENTICAL to brand name OxyContin, but distributed by Qdem.
Napp, by the way, are NOT the manufacturers as one or two of you seem to think - the same Bard tablets are distributed on mainlamd Europe by Mundipharma. They are the largest Oxy m/r and IR manufacturers in the world. Never buy any made by Purdue - they are about half strength, are a horrible, unuseable gummy gel inside so can not be used as required, and give awful gastric side effects. Some people have told me they also cause other clinical problems as well.
The original OC tabs in the LONGTEC Qdem box are half the price of the same tablets in the Napp OxyContin box.

Oxylan are dreadful, Reltebon (imprint 'OX/80' are OK but feel a bit weaker than Bard, but LYNLOR are practically indistinguishable from OxyNorm original brand, apart from being printed with OXY 20 instead of ONR 20.

Only Napp-distributed OC come in all strengths from 5mg to 120mg - the others are limited to 10, 20, 40 and 80mg.
I see you are in scotland. The spondyloarthritis must be bad for you to get that kind of script.

I have osteoarthritis and get nothing for it. Like Shambles says I've to get on with it, no meds for it. It's really bad in my hands and elbows, at my neck too. I put it down to age and 20+ years of computer use. I also have carpel tunnel and again I get nothing for it apart from a steroid injection twice a year in my wrists - which is fucking agony.

I get duloxetine for nerve pain to treat fibromyalgia that comes with the "works" above. Surprised you don't get something like that. It works well.
Ever had the NSAID meloxicam (generic name), it's super cheap, came out almost at the same time as Celebrex etc. but patent is over even in the US, it's more like the classic nsaids but I never had stomach issues from it, and it works for arthritic pain in my wrists and lower back, it's not a shot of dilaudid, but it helps. My ex girlfriend had ankyloid spondyolytis and she was scripted something in its family, Tenoxicam, it's rather rare but considered the best nsaid for that condition. 20mg capsules if I remember. She'd get the typical Empracet + NSAID combo we get here (.ca) though, Empracets being 30mg codeine/300mg tylenol.

These euro 120mg oxycontins make me salivate btw, I didn't believe it at first but since the patent is done for Oxycontin, companies do as they please, here in canada we got 8 different generic brands of oxycontin which are called Oxycodone-CR, cost less, and since province's insurances don't pay for the useless OxyNeos which are pretty expensive if you take more than say the 10mg ones, so playing the money card since you'll pay it all of your own. Anyway, pain sucks and I can't wait to get off bupe as I am promised 60mg generic oxycontins since I got all the MRI's, CT's and X-ray's in the world to prove my TMJ disorder and TN type II. That with some Lyrica and I'll be pain free. Suboxone works kinda for pain, but it works better for those who never needed strong opiates, the BuTrans patch is for medium chronic pain and is the patch often given to people between 60 and 65 here who have to work still but have a lot of problems with pain. Heh, 20ug an hour for those 24 patches is the biggest dose, I take 20 times that for 24 hour relief of just preventing withdrawal.
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In england here without a doubt I can testify to the fact that one doesn't need terminal cancer to get scripted OC80s. I got moved from those for long term knee injury (mind you, I've had surgery on it, and spent most of my childhood in pain after getting a big fuckoff piece of glass through the tendon, into the joint, as well as having the knee used for a trampoli [ snipped for repeated letters... Just clean up. Xx ] not long after), so they knew I wasn't fucking them about.

Didn't find meloxicam much use, piroxicam was a little better, but I prefer indometacin over any of them, bar flurbiprofen,
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In the UK, and Europe, where they have 120mg ones, in germany anyway, it's like the old formula or the canadian generics.
Oops, thanks for the cleanup. I kinda fell face first on my keyboard, courtesy of a mixture of prope and oxy. The former packs one styx of a wallop=D I was absolutely fucking hammered.

Anyhow the oxy I had, 80mg pills were the bona fides, no gelling or turning into glue. They powdered just fine when prepping for IV use. And the goods followed through into the water as they should do. MSTs on the other hand, now those were absolutely bloody awful, I had those originally after requesting a switch to mainly morphine with lower dose IR oxy, but had to change to zomorph instead, as they have very little in the way of solids, and prep really well for shooting with just water/saline addition, whilst the MSTs turned into a revolting looking ball of slime. Best that those could be used for was to finely grind, triturate under alcohol, evaporate alcohol from its water solution, then add a ton more water, up to 20ml for a 420mg dose of morphine, and plug the damn thing.
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I thought as much baby bunnie, just worried that you'd mind me doing so. Obviously edit again should you wish to.
Meloxicam is used as a veterinary medicine in the UK (trade name Metacam), but I haven't heard of it being prescribed to humans .....
Uh, it is, often. There's 7.5 and 15mg pills. Just look up Mobic or Mobicox, in canada it's called Mobicox, it's called Mobic in the US (brand name). There's morphine for kitties and dogs, mostly just Vetgesic though, or Buprenex where it's available which bupe. Buprenex in the US is also scripted to humans for chronic moderate pain.

http://chealth.canoe.com/drug/getdrug/Mobicox (info site)

Anyway, it's said to be much less harsh on the stomach than most NSAIDs and it's true, 400mg ibuprofen will give me a crazy stomach ache.
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In england here without a doubt I can testify to the fact that one doesn't need terminal cancer to get scripted OC80s. I got moved from those for long term knee injury (mind you, I've had surgery on it, and spent most of my childhood in pain after getting a big fuckoff piece of glass through the tendon, into the joint, as well as having the knee used for a trampoli [ snipped for repeated letters... Just clean up. Xx ] not long after), so they knew I wasn't fucking them about.

Didn't find meloxicam much use, piroxicam was a little better, but I prefer indometacin over any of them, bar flurbiprofen,

Indocin is nefarious for the stomach and guts, only comes as long painful to insert suppositories...I hated them, at least I was given Statex 25mg x 20 when I needed it (Statex is another kind of MS IR here, better than MS IR too).
Indomethacin also comes in the UK in capsule form, intended to be taken by mouth. Never encountered any that was meant to be shoved up the chocolate starfish,

Flurbiprofen was probably the best antiinflammatory I got to use, although I don't know if its prescribed here since it came from some foreign pharmacy online. It has additional effects on the endocannabinoid system as well as the NSAID type effects which made it quite a good pain reliever for my fucked up leg and hips (bursitis of the hips, impaled through the joint with a long piece of broken glass, recovering, got the shit kicked out of me by chavscum, stanped on my knee and my head) Its never been right since that. Was a little kid at the time. Had to break the glass off as I couldn't pull it out and walk several miles home, since at the time I didn't own a mobile phone and was a long way from anywhere.

That combined with the assault by pikey trash really messed up my knee, I was left with sharp fragments of broken bone in the joint, plus the patellar tendon, plus some calcification of the tendon, resulted in my gait being altered for the worse, and over time my having to compensate for the injury due to pain (kept being told I could have no help at all with the pain. because I was 'too young' (in the BNF it specifically states that being young should be no barrier to being given pain relief if needed, age should be a factor only in dose and never a reason to refuse analgesia in and of itself), resulted in bilateral trochanteric bursitis, which believe you sodding well me is absolutely agonizing.

I had surgery on the knee but it did nothing good, in fact fucked things up worse, and I was given again, absolutely fuck all for the pain during the recovery phase on crutches, I had to rely on some non-medically supplied DHC 30s and walk round the pharmacies all over the city, on crutches, in serious fucking misery, to round up cough mixtures containing opiates. Operation failed miserably, made the joint worse and left me with nerve damage, its never healed and for many years, I walked with the aid of a staff. Although at times it could be a pain, because it was difficult to get a 2m+ tall staff with me on such things as the city tram lines. There was definitely one plus however. I got very little grief from pikey trash, and the few times some filth of that nature DID try anything, it'd pretty reliably drop the bastards; if some dirty little charvers were a big enough set of cretinous inbreeds to try beating on someone they might have despised, but who happened to be walking, painfully or not, with a staff about 2-2.25x as tall as they are. Gave me quite a range, to say nothing of enormous satisfaction if ever I saw bullies, either someone trying it on personally, or giving other kids trouble, since it gave an enormous reach, and of course being so good for sweeping legs out from under such bullying verminous arselickers, was absolutely hilarious at time=D

But at a price. The surgery damaged at least one sensory nerve supplying the side of my leg, plus one that must have been involved in inhibitory signalling where muscle tone is concerned, because now I have permanent, unceasing spasticity and tightness, a severe, constant cramping and clenching of the calf muscle that never, ever leaves me, as the muscle can no longer relax on its own. Its really, really painful, the only time I ever get any downtime from it is when I use the strong prescription muscle relaxers that are on my list of rx meds. The oxy I get for breakthrough pain does help a little, but I don't like it much at all. I use it because its all I've GOT for breakthrough pain. I think I'm going to try and get something different for my breakthrough med, as I don't like oxycodone. Either that or try to demethylate some by means of the same rxn that can be applied to DHC or codeine, rxn at -10'C with potassium dodecanethiolate, and KOtBu. On codeine its meant to be almost quantitative in yield. Not sure if it works to demethylate oxycodone to oxymorphone, but worth trying at least.

Sadie darlin' why would I mind. Not as if your removing posted content, just the results of my going ov

And otherwise, my main pain med, morphine sulfate, helps, although not as much as prope, which I've more or less switched to now, because I find it has less negative side effects, but best of all is the great increase in duration. My problem used to be that morphine as I got it came as zomorph XR caps. Very little fillers so it was at least injectable and filtered well, doesn't gel up etc. But even taking cimetidine for my stomach and to inhibit CYP-P450-3A4 and P450-2D6 I still get a dose insufficient to take by mouth, so it has to be extracted from the XR beads and either injected or plugged. The docs won't take its piss-poor oral BA into account whatsoever.

And when I do, natural duration is about 6 hours, with cimetidine (I was on ranitidine to start with, but got my doc to switch me to ranitidine so I could take advantage of its enzyme inhibitor properties. He had no idea what I was talking about to start with, claimed the two drugs were more or less identical, so I explained to him that it would let me get more time out of and more total bang-for-buck out of the morphine and why, and he was alright about that and switched me over) a few hours extra. But converting my weekly morphine allowance to prope, each dose lasts a minimum of 12 hours, 15 is more usual and with larger dose it can go nearly all day from early morning to late evening-early night time; its as long acting as pod tea. And not to mention its easy to KO myself with DPM, for those times it gets too much and I just want to blank everything out for a bit and forget the damned thing that hangs fom my waist to one side of my nackers and aches constantly, the prope dope lets me forget all about it and for a proper, respectable length of time; especially with a couple of heminevrin caps opened, and beaten into an oil-water emulsion then plugged with a disposable syringe (forget using one twice for that stuff, its insanely aggressive towards plastics, welds the barrel to the plunger in no time flat.

Thankfully for the muscle cramp I get a real, working muscle relaxer. I've found most of them to be shitty, and I am a total nonresponder to baclofen, at ANY dose orally. And theres no way, no way in hell I'd willingly try an implanted spinal pump for baclofen. (baclofen is one weird ass drug, some people get nothing at all, at any dose, even at ridiculous levels orally but some of them do respond to the drug delivered intrathecally by implanted pump. But some of the people who get it by spinal infusion pump get no benefit, yet a subset of intrathecal nonresponders find it works for them orally. Odd or whatnow? as for me I was more than happy to switch drugs, and eventually was tried on tizanidine, an imidazoline alpha2 adrenergic autoreceptor agonist thats very similar to clonidine, although its less hypotensive and more of a muscle relaxer, shorter acting than clonidine but its probably the most powerful myorelaxant I have ever tried. Its strong ass stuff, and at first even half a 4mg pill knocked me unconscious. But got used to it enough for that only to happen if I want it to, and say, plug it. It is a true blessing from upon high, though for giving me some relief from the agonizing calf hypertonia. The opiates only relieve the pain unless I go with a knockout dose of DPM and-or oxy,

For the guy speaking of oxynorm-its available in IR capsule form and as liquid. I've only had the liquid twice however, both times it was a bottle given to me on discharge from hospital (the local hospital reliably treats me like shite whilst in there, forgets or CBF maintaining me on my rx meds, but typically, I don't know why, see, to think 2x60ct bottles of heminevrin, a handful of morphine 100mg caps plus a couple of boxes each of oxynorm 10mg caps, 30mg and 10mg zomorph caps, and a massive stash of zanaflex and clonidine and some cimetidine and cyclizine. They are quite irresponsible actually in giving even a highly opiate tolerant patient that much chlormethiazole in particular, but gave me bottles of oxy liquid, one time it was one bottle, another two. And unlike regular dr prescribing they didn't give partial bottles but if needing even a tiny bit over the quantity in one, gave me the entire other bottle. Nice stuff too, works well thinned with water and plugged. It can be shot up but theres so much sugar in it that extraction is likely safer.

What I still don't get is why they usually hand me out quite so MUCH;. Least of all things like the morphine 100 XR caps, which I;ve never had on prescription. Or giving out one, let alone multiple ones of those hospital pharmacy stock bottles of chlormethiazole, as it on;y a;es a few caps over the native tolerance of the user to kill em off.
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Indomethacin also comes in the UK in capsule form, intended to be taken by mouth. Never encountered any that was meant to be shoved up the chocolate starfish,

Flurbiprofen was probably the best antiinflammatory I got to use, although I don't know if its prescribed here since it came from some foreign pharmacy online. It has additional effects on the endocannabinoid system as well as the NSAID type effects which made it quite a good pain reliever for my fucked up leg and hips (bursitis of the hips, impaled through the joint with a long piece of broken glass, recovering, got the shit kicked out of me by chavscum, stanped on my knee and my head) Its never been right since that. Was a little kid at the time. Had to break the glass off as I couldn't pull it out and walk several miles home, since at the time I didn't own a mobile phone and was a long way from anywhere.

That combined with the assault by pikey trash really messed up my knee, I was left with sharp fragments of broken bone in the joint, plus the patellar tendon, plus some calcification of the tendon, resulted in my gait being altered for the worse, and over time my having to compensate for the injury due to pain (kept being told I could have no help at all with the pain. because I was 'too young' (in the BNF it specifically states that being young should be no barrier to being given pain relief if needed, age should be a factor only in dose and never a reason to refuse analgesia in and of itself), resulted in bilateral trochanteric bursitis, which believe you sodding well me is absolutely agonizing.

I had surgery on the knee but it did nothing good, in fact fucked things up worse, and I was given again, absolutely fuck all for the pain during the recovery phase on crutches, I had to rely on some non-medically supplied DHC 30s and walk round the pharmacies all over the city, on crutches, in serious fucking misery, to round up cough mixtures containing opiates. Operation failed miserably, made the joint worse and left me with nerve damage, its never healed and for many years, I walked with the aid of a staff. Although at times it could be a pain, because it was difficult to get a 2m+ tall staff with me on such things as the city tram lines. There was definitely one plus however. I got very little grief from pikey trash, and the few times some filth of that nature DID try anything, it'd pretty reliably drop the bastards; if some dirty little charvers were a big enough set of cretinous inbreeds to try beating on someone they might have despised, but who happened to be walking, painfully or not, with a staff about 2-2.25x as tall as they are. Gave me quite a range, to say nothing of enormous satisfaction if ever I saw bullies, either someone trying it on personally, or giving other kids trouble, since it gave an enormous reach, and of course being so good for sweeping legs out from under such bullying verminous arselickers, was absolutely hilarious at time=D

But at a price. The surgery damaged at least one sensory nerve supplying the side of my leg, plus one that must have been involved in inhibitory signalling where muscle tone is concerned, because now I have permanent, unceasing spasticity and tightness, a severe, constant cramping and clenching of the calf muscle that never, ever leaves me, as the muscle can no longer relax on its own. Its really, really painful, the only time I ever get any downtime from it is when I use the strong prescription muscle relaxers that are on my list of rx meds. The oxy I get for breakthrough pain does help a little, but I don't like it much at all. I use it because its all I've GOT for breakthrough pain. I think I'm going to try and get something different for my breakthrough med, as I don't like oxycodone. Either that or try to demethylate some by means of the same rxn that can be applied to DHC or codeine, rxn at -10'C with potassium dodecanethiolate, and KOtBu. On codeine its meant to be almost quantitative in yield. Not sure if it works to demethylate oxycodone to oxymorphone, but worth trying at least.

And otherwise, my main pain med, morphine sulfate, helps, although not as much as prope, which I've more or less switched to now, because I find it has less negative side effects, but best of all is the great increase in duration. My problem used to be that morphine as I got it came as zomorph XR caps. Very little fillers so it was at least injectable and filtered well, doesn't gel up etc. But even taking cimetidine for my stomach and to inhibit CYP-P450-3A4 and P450-2D6 I still get a dose insufficient to take by mouth, so it has to be extracted from the XR beads and either injected or plugged. The docs won't take its piss-poor oral BA into account whatsoever.

And when I do, natural duration is about 6 hours, with cimetidine (I was on ranitidine to start with, but got my doc to switch me to ranitidine so I could take advantage of its enzyme inhibitor properties. He had no idea what I was talking about to start with, claimed the two drugs were more or less identical, so I explained to him that it would let me get more time out of and more total bang-for-buck out of the morphine and why, and he was alright about that and switched me over) a few hours extra. But converting my weekly morphine allowance to prope, each dose lasts a minimum of 12 hours, 15 is more usual and with larger dose it can go nearly all day from early morning to late evening-early night time; its as long acting as pod tea. And not to mention its easy to KO myself with DPM, for those times it gets too much and I just want to blank everything out for a bit and forget the damned thing that hangs fom my waist to one side of my nackers and aches constantly, the prope dope lets me forget all about it and for a proper, respectable length of time; especially with a couple of heminevrin caps opened, and beaten into an oil-water emulsion then plugged with a disposable syringe (forget using one twice for that stuff, its insanely aggressive towards plastics, welds the barrel to the plunger in no time flat.

Thankfully for the muscle cramp I get a real, working muscle relaxer. I've found most of them to be shitty, and I am a total nonresponder to baclofen, at ANY dose orally. And theres no way, no way in hell I'd willingly try an implanted spinal pump for baclofen. (baclofen is one weird ass drug, some people get nothing at all, at any dose, even at ridiculous levels orally but some of them do respond to the drug delivered intrathecally by implanted pump. But some of the people who get it by spinal infusion pump get no benefit, yet a subset of intrathecal nonresponders find it works for them orally. Odd or whatnow? as for me I was more than happy to switch drugs, and eventually was tried on tizanidine, an imidazoline alpha2 adrenergic autoreceptor agonist thats very similar to clonidine, although its less hypotensive and more of a muscle relaxer, shorter acting than clonidine but its probably the most powerful myorelaxant I have ever tried. Its strong ass stuff, and at first even half a 4mg pill knocked me unconscious. But got used to it enough for that only to happen if I want it to, and say, plug it. It is a true blessing from upon high, though for giving me some relief from the agonizing calf hypertonia. The opiates only relieve the pain unless I go with a knockout dose of DPM and-or oxy,

For the guy speaking of oxynorm-its available in IR capsule form and as liquid. I've only had the liquid twice however, both times it was a bottle given to me on discharge from hospital (the local hospital reliably treats me like shite whilst in there, forgets or CBF maintaining me on my rx meds, but typically, I don't know why, see, to think 2x60ct bottles of heminevrin, a handful of morphine 100mg caps plus a couple of boxes each of oxynorm 10mg caps, 30mg and 10mg zomorph caps, and a massive stash of zanaflex and clonidine and some cimetidine and cyclizine. They are quite irresponsible actually in giving even a highly opiate tolerant patient that much chlormethiazole in particular, but gave me bottles of oxy liquid, one time it was one bottle, another two. And unlike regular dr prescribing they didn't give partial bottles but if needing even a tiny bit over the quantity in one, gave me the entire other bottle. Nice stuff too, works well thinned with water and plugged. It can be shot up but theres so much sugar in it that extraction is likely safer.

What I still don't get is why they usually hand me out quite so MUCH;. Least of all things like the morphine 100 XR caps, which I;ve never had on prescription. Or the heminevrin pharmacy stock bottles. Doesn't take much of that shit to kill.

Why would I mind sadie babe? all you did was clean my post up and get rid of the evidence for me of habing gone to sleep face first on my compute keyboard in a prope dope induced haze=D
The dose of Indocin I needed was very large and it only came as a suppository at that dose, otherwise it's very likely it would pierce one's stomach. I forgot the dose, but it was something over 100mg for sure, something like 150. I was scripted Tramacet with it, oh god I hated it, walked back through a snowstorm in the middle of the night yelling and screaming about the Tramadol (I can see why its not popular in Canada at all, doctors laugh at it generally) and he replaced it with 60 Empracets (30mg codo/300 apap). Reacted to the tramadol just like I react to all SSRI's/SNRI's...

I wonder why they don't just script Ketoralac more, same painkilling strength as oral morphine. Ketoralac when I had a really bad sinus infection removed all pain from my head.
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Never had ketorolac. I loved indomethacin though, was taking it about 300-350/d per os, and its one of the only NSAIDs that did anthing at all,it, and flurbiprofen.
Not sure we got the latter here. Hell, there's a bunch of nsaids (its a boring subject, but since at first when I first put on pain treatment regimen by my maxilofacial dentist (jaw specialist, I had to try a bunch before the CodeineContin 200mg + Percodan (2 per day as needed), like I never saw anybody with a Ketoprofen script, we have it it in Canada, it's not particularly stronger than ibuprofen, same thing pretty much, yet it's rx only). Anyways, I'll finish by saying that there's lots of stuff in a vet's office that can get you high, opiates, some benzo I only ever saw on a picture of a Ketamine+benzo...I'm thinking medazepam, but I'll let those in the know tell me if that's right, barbiturates (pheno), ketamine itself, of course, then there's chewable pills of hydrocodone and morphine, likely some midazolam and propofol too (gotta be crazy to need that to sleep, like MJ near the end of his life, apparently it's actually pleasant, as in it puts you to sleep so deep, like when you were a child and had no worries. I couldn't sleep way past my bed time as a kid, I had insomnia as old as 6 years old. The 1988 5.9 earthquake we got in my hometown, where earthquakes never happen (and had a depth of 30km...which tells me its natural..I won't go into why I just said that though) turned me into a very scared and ADHD ridden kid, there was a small quake the night before, at 2 am or so, my mom was working at night so I slept on my dad's bed with him, took me a while to be able to sleep alone, slept with my little brother until we both got too old (he's 4 year younger than me), my dad woke up, had one of those powerful flashlights with a 9v red rectangle battery at the bottom and I asked him what he was doing, he didn't say anything, but I followed him to the basement where the oil furnace (we'd use wood when it was cold as fuck, that fireplace, it's surprising no one ever fell on it while it was turned on, 400C fire, it was all coke (the material), the kind you can cook on it.

So my dad, who thought maybe the furnace was having a problem..there was a barely possible to feel 4.3 or something. But seeing my dad worried which was so uncharacteristic of him, caused me to get really bad insomnia, and the night before the big quake (thank god for the Canadian Shield, nothing broke down) I started to pop my pinky, and by age 20 I could crack my all of my fingers joints in multiple directions, some that were painful at first, but once it cracked...damn, apparently it releases endorphins to pop your fingers. Problem is I expanded it to my toes, wrist by pulling on my pinky, the original one makes that little round boney thing over the wrist, then when there was incredible fucking stupid arguments with my parents which I tried to ignore, thankfully they divorced and in the last 6 months at our house, there was no problem, my mom continued to make her lunch (he's a trucker). But in grade 11, the verbal abuse, screaming and throwing things in the walls from them, made it so I started to pop my jaw joint (TMJ) on both sides, and made such a huge fucking pop and made people laugh. It hurt as fuck then turned into pleasure. And with the crappy small wood chairs we had in high school, I managed to learn how to pop my hips. All of that was called nervous ticks my by mom but didn't bring me to a doctor for it, we get a mandatory paediatrician until the age of 12 if your parents don't have a GP themselves. Well they had one, but the dude died of brain cancer 6 months after helping deliver me to this world, apparently he was an amazing doctor, the good die young, that's for sure.
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*Mods* - I understand the rules on trying to access narcotics from doctors, I'm trying to explain more about the system in England and how the OP should access the services they need, and what to expect. If you think there's anything in my post that is not in alignment with the rules, please feel free to delete any/all parts of the post. Thanks,

Hi, I'm from just outside London and have chronic spinal nerve pain which I take Oxycodone for so hope I can help...

How long are you planning to stay? If it's a short time, just bring your own meds in packaging that clearly displays your name and details. That's fine.

If you're staying for an extended period...

Initially I went to my local doctor (as said, you will need to find your local doctor's surgery and register as one of their patients, either as a temporary patient or a permanent patient. Once you're registered you can make an appt. to see a doctor.) Waiting time will vary on what your problem is, and how the surgery manage their appts. My surgery have 'drop in appts.' Mon-Fri 8AM-9AM where you just pop a long in the morning, ask to be seen by a doctor and then just sit in the waiting lounge and wait for the doctor to call you. It's like a first-come first-served kinda thing. During 9AM-4PM they only see patients with a pre-arranged appointment. At 4PM-5PM they have another drop in surgery, but only for 'emergency patients.' i.e. something so serious it cannot wait until the next morning. Every doctors surgery is different in how they manage their appts. so it's important to ask about this when you are registering.

If you have no prior history of using opiates for such problem, they'll start you off on codeine/dihydrocodeine/tramadol with NSAID's like naproxen/ketoprofen/diclofenac. They may also give you something like baclofen/methocarbamol. It will take a lot to convince a doctor to p/x you oral morphine, or extended-release tablets morphine, you'll have to have tried all the weaker opiates first.

Since you do have a history of medicated opiate use, I urge you to print out literally EVERYTHING you can about your past history. What you've been prescribed, when, by who, what for and for how long etc... Doctors in the UK are very strict about suspected drug abuse, compared to the US and other parts of Europe. If possible, I would contact your current doctor and ask them to write and a 'to whom it may concern letter' that you can give to the UK doctor stating your past history, what you currently take, and what your US doctor would like the UK doctor to prescribe to help manage your case. Obviously an original signed copy, with contact details so that if there is any problem the UK doctor can give the US doctor a quick call/email/fax to talk about your case.

The UK doctor will then decide whether they want to manage you themselves or refer you to a specialist. If they are happy to follow the instructions of the US doctor and just keep on px'ing what you take, they'll do that. If they're not comfortable they'll most likely refer you to a pain clinic. When I was referred, the waiting time was 2 months. For me, that was too long and I couldn't manage my day-to-day life on the weak painkillers the doctors were prescribing me. The pan was abhorrent and intolerable. I asked my doctor to refer me as a private patient to a pain specialist consultant (he's an anaesthetist who also deals with pain management, particularly spinal nerve damage) and I saw him 4 days after asking to be referred, in a private hospital. Also, just a note, the private pain specialist that I paid to see also works at the pain clinic I would've gone to on the NHS. So you don't necessarily pay for a 'better doctor'... you just pay to see a doctor quicker, and in a private hospital. Most private consultants will work in a local NHS hospital/clinic part time, and practice privately part-time.

Again, he doesn't liberally prescribe opiates, no doctor here does. He's asked to taper off my MS Contin, start taking Dosulepin as a means of long-term management. He did prescribe me 56x10mg Oxycodone immediate release tablets to help with the breakthrough pain, whilst making my transition from MS Contin to Dosulepin. He was INCREDIBLY hesitant to do this. He wanted to give me Tapentadol instead, but said I could use the Oxy until the Dosulepin had started to work *hopefully* and next time I go, we will stop the Oxy and try Tapentadol instead.

I'm just trying to let you know how conservative the doctors here are with opiate use.

So pretty much:

1) Register with local doctor and make an appointment
2) Provide medical history

Then either:

a) They will treat you.
b) They will refer you to see a specialist on the NHS.
c) You can 'go private' and pay to see a private pain consultant.

Just FYI, my consultant charges £200 for an initial 40 minute consultation and £100 for 20 minute follow up consultations.

By the way, if you can't get a prescription on the NHS, you'll have to pay for it yourself.

I've had Fentanyl and MS Contin in the past on a private prescription. They didn't cost a wild amount, but the extended-release formula's of these meds are more expensive than instant release meds such as Oral Morphine and Oxycodone that I've been prescribed. They're branded, but just a generic formula and cost only a few pounds.

The best thing you can do is prepare as much as possible before you leave and bring over a printed history of your problems and the medications you've taken. Again, I can't stress how conservative the doctors here are, they wont hand out opiates/benzos willy nilly unless you genuinely need them. If you do need them, it's no problem. At the end of the day, they're effective medications used for real conditions to help improve people's day-to-day lives.

If there's anything else you need to know, please post in this thread and I'll try and keep tabs on it. If I forget, do feel free to nudge me via PM as a reminder.

Hope this helps,

Propably a bit late to help said oxy looker but yes private drs are the way to go the nhs wont even give you diazepam unless your a long term user -having used privated dr s for over the last 20 yrs ive paid between £35-£40 per week you then pay the chemist the cost of the drugs your prescribed-most likely place is to go on the net and look up harley st. theres certainly a lot less clinics than when i started and the doses you get now are like half what youd of got 10yrs ago(plus obviously) if your looking for long term prescription the only substance abuse clinics left i know of is the stapleford in belgravia(victoria) (joining is a long thing and costs a few bob(think approx £400 inc first 2 weeks script) also 1 on calidonian rd other than thse two you want to just google private drs around harley st area and ask if 1 cant help youll soon be put on to 1 that can .Now as for "pain clinic" i dont think you would get anywhere barking up that tree but better to go down the substance misuse rd(although it may not be if your taking for pain)
My old man was always prescribed the Purdue ones, old formulation every time.

That's till they switched him to Morphine (Zormorph) and slashed the dose by 70% to save money!!

Gawd I miss the Oxys.
I actually used to be on OC80s, but asked my doc to switch me to zomorph. Morphia has a rush when injected whilst oxy just has a nod.

I get the best of both worlds, got zomorph in two dose types for my main analgesia, and lynlor (IR oxy in capsule form, shootable easy enough if first cigarette filter-filtered then micron filtered to strip out particulate crap)

I far, far, FAR prefer the zomorph though. Either on its own, or after things have been done to it.

I have thus far tried dipropionylmorphine, dibenzoylmorphine and alpha-chloromorphide.

Next on my to do list are propionylbenzoylmorphine, 6-monopropionylmorphine, 6-monobenzoylmorphine and both desomorphine and just to see if its active, tetrahydrodesomorphine (both desomorphine-D that is, and tetrahydrodesomorphine-D)

Have tried also 6-monoacetoxydihydromorphine, which is AMAZING stuff, right up there on a level with, or even just possibly, even better than my beloved opioid of choice, prope dope!!!, seriously, only had one dose, a shot of 300mg or so IV, and Mein Gott! Mein Mutterficken Gott!!! it blew my mind. Even with a tolerance equal to shooting a gram and a half of morphia (intravenous injection route) that 300mg 6-acetoxydihydromorphine had a rush that carried on for a full half fucking hour! and the nod...jesus H christ shit on my bastarding motherfucking cunting pancakes and call me mary mother of judas priest motherfucking bitchass mother theresa! that 6-acetoxydihydromorphine....astonishing. I am going to have to have some more whenever I can.