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Which drugs would you legalize?

Which drugs would you legalize?

  • Marijuana/Hashish

    Votes: 540 56.1%
  • Cocaine/Crack Cocaine

    Votes: 110 11.4%
  • Heroin

    Votes: 146 15.2%
  • Opium

    Votes: 201 20.9%
  • MDMA(Ecstasy)

    Votes: 366 38.0%
  • Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate(GHB)

    Votes: 118 12.3%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 206 21.4%
  • Dimethyltryptamine(DMT)

    Votes: 243 25.2%
  • Psilocybin Mushrooms

    Votes: 371 38.5%
  • LSD

    Votes: 374 38.8%
  • Mescaline

    Votes: 277 28.8%
  • Phencyclidine(PCP)

    Votes: 88 9.1%
  • 2C-x Family

    Votes: 213 22.1%
  • 4-AcO Family

    Votes: 152 15.8%
  • 4-HO Family

    Votes: 151 15.7%
  • DOx Family

    Votes: 138 14.3%
  • I would legalize all drugs

    Votes: 449 46.6%

  • Total voters
simplytaylor said:
Marijuana and psilocybin. I don't panic cuz they're organic :)

So is cyanide.

I have so many friends that think this way, and I find the attitude totally incomprehensible. It's simply not the case that natural compounds are better, safer, or healthier than artificial ones, in general. The vast majority of the chemicals produced by plants and animals evolved for reasons that were either unrelated to consumption by other animals, or (quite often) specifically to discourage that consumption.

Most drugs currently have organic origins, not because there is anything superior about that, but because we have had many millennia to discover natural drugs and only a couple of centuries to make our own.
goatofthenever said:
I wonder if those who vote only weed, or only weed and psychs, are only doing those drugs. Like is anyone not voting for the legalization of a drug because they have been addicted to it and know how bad it is? I suspect most of those that don't want to legalize everything don't have much experience with a wide variety of drugs.

I consider my addictions to have been light/moderate. What do the people who have had long and/or heavy habits think about it? These people with the most experience have the most legitimate claim, in my opinion.

Those that voted for a limited number of drugs: Do you have much experience with the drugs you support being prohibited? If not, how do you support your opinion? A lot of nondrug users support prohibition because they are afraid of the drug, are you afraid of the drugs you have chosen to prohibit?

Afraid? No. Realistic about the downsides, for ourselves and for others? Yes.

It sounds very idealistic and honest to say things like "you can't protect people from themselves" and "let everyone make their own decisions". Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way in the real world. There are a lot of people who will do stupid things, things they can't handle, that will screw up not only their lives but the lives of other people, including their own kids. We need to debate where the lines should be drawn, but the idea that there should be no lines at all is very unrealistic. It's one of two canards I hear from supporters of across-the-board legalization (the other being "anyone who wants drugs can get them", which is flatly ridiculous). Society does have the duty and the responsibility to tell people they can't do certain things, even when there is no immediate victim. Libertarians need to understand that people who disagree with libertarian views on the overriding primacy of individual responsibility are not closet fascists or fearful sheep, they are people who "get" a basic truth of human social life -- which, I might add, has been practiced by every civilization in history, especially with regard to drugs and sex.
^^ What *cough*elitist*cough* truth, pray tell is that? That people are all stupid, barbaric, out-of-control, self-serviant assholes? If, so, how then are such said assholes benefitted by having other assholes attempt to control them.

BTW, I honestly do not think it is rediculous that "anyone who wants drugs can get them", its not precisely true, but anyone with enough money can get whatever they want. The drug "war" furthers capitalistic greed-based agenas quite well.
Society does have the duty and the responsibility to tell people they can't do certain things

That's why you educate people, so they can be trusted to take that responsibility into their own hands.

BodhiSvaha33 said:
It sounds very idealistic and honest

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^^And also why you provide certain other social supports, such as healthcare and counseling available to everyone. Also, why you provide a system that is fair and profitable to all, intead of only the wealtiest few. People who use drugs are looking for something. Be it that they are self-medicating, or freely seeking happiness, the goals that society should strive for are that everyone can be healthy, educated and, indeed even happy.
ppl need to replace addictive with habit forming i guess
even tho it must cause some physical dependency
how could it not?

marijuana does produce physical dependency, the withdrawal is just generally much milder than the withdrawal from opiates or alcohol and you can't die from marijuana withdrawal.

please no one try to argue this because it's been debated on bluelight many times before and the people who say that marijuana is addictive always win. just open up one of the old threads and you can see all the arguments and studies in there.
legalize all of it, it would get rid of the cartel and most other ppl making mad billz off of drug distribution (including USA government) Hence the problem legalizing it. They honestly are huuggeee hustlers, the 1#. Anyone whos actually been on a loaded boat notice how they stop off at oil rigs. Bush is just a pawn tho so who knows.
mulberryman said:
^^ What *cough*elitist*cough* truth, pray tell is that? That people are all stupid, barbaric, out-of-control, self-serviant assholes? If, so, how then are such said assholes benefitted by having other assholes attempt to control them.

Not all, no. And I think you've read enough of my posts to know I'm not an elitist. I'm a realist.

What this whole debate really comes down to is an argument over how many people would become junkies (who wouldn't have otherwise) if all the barriers to access to highly addictive drugs were removed. I think it would be a lot of people. I'm aware that many posters here disagree.

mulberryman said:
BTW, I honestly do not think it is rediculous that "anyone who wants drugs can get them", its not precisely true, but anyone with enough money can get whatever they want. The drug "war" furthers capitalistic greed-based agenas quite well.

Your last sentence is quite true but irrelevant. It's an ill wind that blows nobody good.

There are substantial barriers to access to drug acquisition in the USA. This fact is impossible to dispute -- otherwise why would forums like Bluelight have to devote so much time to smacking down people who ask for sources? Anyone who wants drugs, and is willing to endure the risks and sacrifices, can get them. That's a significant caveat.
No reason to start a fight over who can or can't or how to get drugs... Keep the conversation civil...
I almost chose Cannabis, MDMA and Ketamine. But then I thought, "hang on, there just the drugs I like". That doesn't seem the smartest way to decide.

I think Cannabis is a no brainer, it should be legalised.

With Psychedelics and MDMA, I think we would need education programs, harm minimisation would have to be introduced properly first.

As with Alcohol and Cigarettes, I think people should be at least 18 before they're allowed to do or purchase any psychoactive. In fact, I would like to see the whole drug education system revised. Minors should be educated objectively of the dangers and benefits of alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, MDMA, psychedelics.

Opiates, should continue to be used as prescription only pain killers. Amphetamines, could possibly still be used as prescription ADD/ADHD medication, however this should be much more monitored than it currently is.

Benzos, Anti-depressants, should remain as prescription medications as well.
hey now.

how many people would become junkies (who wouldn't have otherwise)

I was a junkie regardless of legality before it was kool. so i reserve the right to binge out hard if all drugs ever become legal overnight. w00t
Allthough I voted for legalising all drugs... Since I believe in freedom of choice (as long as does not harm others)... I think the legalisation and ready availlablity of ALL drugs would have a very negative impact on the world for at least a few generations...

I think it is very optimistic to believe that humanity could cope with such an abrupt change.... we simply are not mature enough on the whole... this however does not mean I believe the "war on drugs" is justifiable... it has caused more harm than good...

Conclusion: a more tolerant approach towards drugs and drug users is a good start...
I'd be happy just having it back like the times when cannabis, morphine, cocaine were all legal. What was it the 40's? I'd wager mushrooms and things like that were okie dokie too

Society is a lot more fucked now. Drugs really just aren't our biggest problems.
I voted for marijuana and most psyches, i have tried alot of addictive drugs. I had my fun but i'm glad i stopped and i know myself well enough to know if i could drive 2 blocks away to my corner drug store to pick up a G of white i would be in trouble. I guess I'm just pessimistic about human nature or maybe just biased because of my ultimate will power. For those who smokes cigs, would you still smoke if you had to drive to the shittiest part of your area to cop a pack everytime you wanted one? not a dead on metophor, but close

just a though
I don't support the legalization of heroin and cocaine (but am all for the natural extracts; opium and coca), simply because they are bastards who put their parents to shame.

Oh, and you forgot the stimulants.

IMO, complete legalization (besides cocaine/heroin/meth) would be perfectly fine in society if there was a positive attitude towards altered states, plenty of free treatment options, and slight regulation on the limits that one could have. Also, the selling of drugs would need to be illegal. Curse my socialistic tendencies of thought!
I support legalization for cannabis and mushrooms. Cannabis because it so so wide-spread and i dont see how they could have alcohol be legal before pot. Mushrooms because it is "mind-enhancing" (fun as hell).
I would legalize everything. The fact that some can't use reponsibly shouldn't make what i choose to do with my body a victimless crime.
Theres ALOT I would legalize, but I'm not going to lie, theres also alot that, the drug being illegal, makes it a little more exciting and increases my addrenilin!