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Which drug do you wish you NEVER tried?

methamphetamine, its just so addictive, good thing the high isnt that good or i dont think i would stop myself
havent used it in about 10months, :)
I don't regret doing any drugs, but I definitely regret doing certain crappy ones


is that a contradiction or is it me?

I have had positive experiences and negative experiences from drugs. I don't regret doing any of them as i have avoided the ones like deleriants and SSRI's and all that shit.. there bad news.
I don't regret ever using drugs, I do however regret using drugs whilst not giving them the full respect they deserve when I was younger. Namely, salvia. Prior to Australia, I was living in NZ where salvia was still legal (I'm not sure about the current state of legality). I was young then and only began smoking cannabis, eventually becoming more interesting in psychoactive substances. One thing led to another, and I'm trying out all the OTC stuff I can acquire easily.

Nothing could have prepared me for Salvia, after the lungful bong hit I was transported almost immediately to another world. My physical body replaced with a table. I was unbelievably depressed and scared, especially living out a whole life time as a table with people just putting stuff and overloading their crapon you. It's hilarious in retrospect, but as a 15 year old at the time it scared the shit out of me.
Definitely cigarettes - it's the drug that's jammed the longest hooks into me and that I get the least from (except relief from cravings!). Smoking makes me tired, degrades my health, and I've got family with lung cancer. I only really took it up as a young teenager because I wanted to be able to smoke weed when I came across it (didn't take long!). I'm pretty much down to just tobacco in jays, plus the odd weekend cigga - down from a pack and a half a day in my 20s.

Immediately after I did it, I regretted having an amyl cone (few drops amyl down the stem of a bong, then rip a cone through it). No regrets now - a funny story I can tell people that involves drinking nose-rinse water. And I hadn't actually popped my brain (which I thought I had at the time!!).

And no regrets for never having datura - did my research and said no when offered, then spent the next 2 days looking after my dumb mates ;)
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phenazepam and fags, both serve no useful purpose, besides low doses of phenaz for panic attacks, but that isnt one of my afflictions so its pointless

but mostly cigarettes my damn throat hurts right now :|
hot shot madness

the drug I regret the most is the one I didn't even know really what it was.

I was 18 and a friend gave me a needle with a solution premixed in it. She had told me she had some from that batch already and said it was good. she left.

i injected it. I knew straight away that it wasn't a good idea. I only took half. I tasted coke, smack and some other things in the back of my throat. I jumped a cab to go to a party. I get to the party and am struck by the worst headache in my life. Like elephants are stamping on my head. I start losing it (fluid wise, wasn't pretty). my friends take me to RNS. got ugly after that. guess i survived.

lucky i didn't take it all.

doctors said i had a cerebral hemorrhage
a part of me wants to say meth; but i don't regret it. I just try to make sure people i care about avoid it or avoid using often because i have seen many people on the dark side of it and i can see why - just one of the lucky ones who won't let it disadvantage my life in any way, and its starting too look that way - i cut back. controlled meth use, and i believe even more so after a period of abuse, builds a very strong minded person with a very good aspect on life and what its all about. Meth has taught me more than anyone else ever has.
Oh and definitely G, but its hard to say no when it looks like this.

10g here.

Sorry jacks, taken back in 2003.

Duromine!!! Worst shit ever, people say its like speed but I just felt depressed, suicidal and like id had too much caffiene but also something else I can point out. I didnt have too much either, the rescommended dose for something my size. Never again.

I dont regret IV'ing ritalin(or other pills for that matter) but I do regret IV'ing them more often than not without a micron fiter, I worry about the damage its caused but I can only wait to see if something happens or not. Ive njoyed most drugs, I cant think of any that ive had such an experience that I dont want to touch the stuff again but I take many precautions and am very careful with certain drugs i.e Meth IV, Coke, had some bad "MDMA' pills, pot is bad for my mental state if im not already on drugs. And alcohol I guess, never had a problem with it I just find the negatives outweight the positives.
Even when I really wanna do meth I know the comedown has hit when that regret sinks in, I wonder if that plays a big role. Never had that from opiates.

Never seen it put into words like that but soo true.

I never regreted trying meth, I guess because it never sucked me into that life destroying abyss. But in saying that if I ever have the cash to blow and the oppportunity to score I find it incredibly hard to say no to it... and usually when that happens I find myself heading to the ATM at 5am and calling the dealer to score more... and more... until it turns into a 4 day bender and then once I finally decide enough is enough that regret sinks in and I think what the fuck am I doing??

I hate that feeling of depression that I get for a few days after meth use... and everything that used to make me happy in life suddenly seems so extremely dull and boring...
mephedrone- purely negative impact in my life

cravings, despair, chest pain, isolation, too easy to get, waste of time and money

it came along at a bad time in my life and got a grip on me like nothing else bar speed

also speed, but if i had the option of both at the same time i would have picked mephedrone hands down as the high was hugely superior so meph wins
SSRIS AND SNRIS. although the snri I felt saved my life, I should have tried other ways first. I am still paying for the nasty side effects that it had on my body. Well only 1 side effect. Not wanting sex as much as I used to. Not having the urge is a better way to put it. Fucken anti depressants.

And liquid morphine. Almost oding because you dose your self wrong is never going to go down well.
Well, I love being high, but at the same time wish to christ i'd never tried diazepam, xanax, clonazepam, lorazepam, temazepam, codeine, and alcohol.

It's only diazepam, codeine, and alcohol which I still struggle with today, but partly thanks to abusing the absolute shit outta all the above (and about 6-10 others), my life is pretty much just full of depression, anxiety, up/down cycles. Benzos have screwed with my head big time.
i sort of regret taking methamphetamine because it lead to a massive downhill junkie lifestyle slope for a period of my life , but at the same time i was having a great time ... lol , since blacking out from psychosis because of it , after not sleeping for 9 with a deadly infection . it made me alot more scared of tripping which only took me about 2 trips to get over again .
this is exactly the thead that suits: Methylphenidate
60mg, instant release, no previous stimulant use (except caffeine, guarine, taurine.)

that was 3 months ago, I still get heart palpitations (just before i had one) and i get panic attacks daily after that.
I gripped my sheets in shear horror that night, as my heart fluctuated between 180 - 200BPM, along with arrhythmias.

my heart has never been the same...
I try to avoid drugs which give fast BPM, tachycardia, but it seems so many of them do.

It really fucked up my life, in a big way.
I might have a heart problem, or I might have panic attacks, I just don't know! :(
I need help, seriously.

EDIT: thanks for the replies below guys, I'll try to see a doc.
I need to battle this, it's becoming out of control for me.

^I'm glad i saw this, how long did you use it for and just oral? cause my first drug is Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin), I was scripted 10mg 2X a day my sophmore year of highschool and would snort them errrrryday. That shit is horrible and i wouldn't doubt i'm in a similar position to you (I might shoot you a PM). I found this d-isomer of methylenidate to provide a very specific high when snorted and i'm convinced it was the cause of me kinda losing hair around that time, as well as creating this mental factor that I think has really fucked me. and unfortunately i still have some and had to write a bunch of papers last week and was snorting that shit again (I've gotten bottle sporadically since then) and it reminded me of how much I hate it.


-MDMA > used to be my favorite drug but i'm really not a stimulant person
-Cocaine > its just so much goddamn fuck to do and it tastes great and its fun to do with people at parties, but i don't really like the high & its overrated, anddd i'm really not a stimulant person
-Oxycodone/opiates... > i still use them all the time and need them for pain but i mean i've taken then way too much soo... i guess i with i never did?

-Benzos & LSD > these are by far my favorite drugs of all time but i have jsut done them to the point where i really cant anymore unless i wanna fuck myself over for life/kill myself in w/d's. So i mean i really can't picture life without these as part of it but since i've liked them so much i wish i never tried them... if that makes sense haha.

and thissss is exactly what i meant by negative opiate effects even thought i love the drug (aside from the money part cause i always had script, etc.)...
Well for me with opiates I regret the time I wasted isolating myself from my friends and family.
I regret the huge amount of money I wasted.
I regret the time I should have spent getting ahead in life rather than being on 'hold' for all that time.

¡Well put!
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Nicotine. Such a useless drug that lures in first time users what you think is a "high". Things like head spins, light headedness and a kind of pleasant feeling is what it felt like at first, from what I remember of it anyway.

Unlike other drugs such as say crack, meth or heroin, it offers nothing at all once you're addicted. Heroin certainly has a diminished rush and effect now that I'm dependant, but I still feel good when I inject it. Smoking does absolutely nothing for me, well except for keeping my hands busy, making my breath, house and clothes stink on top of the fact that it's slowly killing me. Plus it's damn expensive. I'd much rather spend that money on smack than smokes.