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Which drug do you think is essential for spiritual developent?

The thing about psychedelics is they really make the present moment quite enjoyable. That's all spirituality, and wisdom itself, is at the core.
Hard drugs make you desire something for the future (redosing, copping, etc.), psychedelics can make you totally content with the present moment. Both of them can give you essential lessons though.
I say both because psychedelics are so utterly different than hard drugs. IMO a hard drug is "rat push button" type drugs where lab rats will choose drugs over food every single time: coke, opiates, alcohol, MDMA, speed, even marijuana at times. Then a truly psychedelic experience is something totally different.
Lots of people can push themselves further away from spiritual progress with psychedelics though. Be mindful.

I still say that NO drug is essential and that the question is stupid to be honest. But that's just me.
Ancient Buddhists didn't do psychedelics to come up with their legacy of wisdom about enjoying the moment and being present and mindful, but they lived in a different day and age.
Dxm helped me notice what life Is about and changed my view on everything but that goes for any substance that can produce upsered and profound realizations.like buddy said above drugs create a window to clearly see your "goal" but to achieve it is a different story.
all of the psychedelics share similar pharmacological action that can induce mystical experiences. for some lucky people (like me), this includes even cannabis. psychedelics/entheogens are not "essential", but a hugely important part of my spiritual life. i definitely would not have advanced as far as i have without them.

all other drugs have not had any "spiritual" (i prefer the term mystical) impact on my life. (and i've tried them all ;))
There is no ultimate essential imo, but I think DMT in some form really is worth checking out at some point in your life.
Psychedelics. They strip away millions of years worth of biochemical insulation which aids our survival in the game we call life. However, underneath all that is pure existence, which is something many people never experience.


food for thought ,
is what , they are ,

mind ?
its not about mind
the mind is illusions
its not about using your mind to be free,
that is a paradox
its about freedom from the mind
and unity with light

there is a pill and if you don't take it , and say you are high
that is one way religious people, are,
then there is the pill that you take
and those types say , no no no no , that is wrong, you are not supposed to
even though the teachers of all human history have said the same thing
heaven is inside you

so then, a guru is indispensable in the journey , yet if you wanted to get higher , in a more legitimate way , mantra is a drug, it exists in sound formation, and yet it is a drug, and yet it is "legitimate" whereas a physical drug is a manifestation of various principles, emphasizing possibilities to supreme amplification

remember that fasting gives you the experience of being on LSD, as in always having joy

this is hard for some because we are so addicted to compulsory eating when there is no hunger to be had at all ,

the kriya yoga purifies your spinal cord and activates all of your brain leading to super consciousness, so that is nice

not an old skool guru of an ancient path , but a modern guru who took the best of everything, from being upraised by those sorts of gurus , and found the simplest way ,

truth evolves with us

drugs ? i don't know ,
i think mescaline may be one of the greatest to each his own , different scenes on planet earth , different expressions of art, different preferences, freedom .
Essential? I think not. Beneficial to those who can handle it, during times in which we can handle it...learn, gain, use as a tool to occasionally transcend 'spiritual' obstacles, ect...most certainly!

Personally, psilocybin mushrooms have been a pivotal moving force in self-discovery for me—very powerful awakenings, as well as one equally as powerful (yet ultimately beneficial), ego death type experience.
I've heard alot on the potent effects of DMT (always wanted to try), as well as things like 6-apb, some kind of dissociative and of course cannabis.
lsd... I find that is stimulates intelect while mushrooms leave it alone and stimulate only religious part of brain.I find the balance between intelectual boost and spiritual satori to be essential in long term benefits