Which drug caused you problems?

MDPV. Back in the days of quasilegal, the store didn't have what I wanted, so ...

Fast forward a few months, and my friends and family had a surprise party for me.

I would not wish that period of my life on anyone, but the counseling that followed that intervention resulted in some very positive and seemingly permanent changes in my life. For the first time in my life, I dug in to try to find why I was so damned unhappy.
started meth in my later half of 15. was introduced to the needle at 16 and the rest is history. the fun ended by the time i was 18. ended up homeless by 19 with no friends no family just the sketchy sneaky lying cheating people i had surrounded myself with. meth can take a bright life and turn it into a fuckin mess. thankfully that is all behind me now. fentanyl took me for some time although it never left me with any permanent damage. detoxed off suboxone 27 days ago and haven't looked back. i think it's all finally behind me. *sigh of relief*.
Cocaine firstly.... then learning how to wash it up into crack, spent thousands I got from a work injury, after that heroin, 10 years clean then like an idiot started using again last year , ended up with a habit again , now currently on the subs , tapering down ,near the end but have no experience of what to expect from buprenorphine etc.
you be okay bud coming off suboxone isn't the worst thing in the world. shoot me a message too any time! i've made my way through the worst of it man and i know that's the people i was looking to talk to about what i was feeling. it helps a lot
Benzos. Cocaine. Mdpv. All those were better off avoided at least for me
Weed - Drug induced psychosis resulting in schizophrenia. (13)
Meth - Drug induced psychosis Addiction. IV age 14. Brain damage, ticks.
Heroin (15) - Vomiting, being unconscious. Only lasted a week on that.
Alcohol - Countless bad decisions, hangovers, addiction.
Sniffing paint Age 13 - Brain damage.
Benzos and alcohol primarily (this damn taper I’m doing is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life and benzos were the only thing I never actually abused - sometimes feels like I won’t ever manage to get off the benzos, been tapering for 2 1/4 years from 20mg to 1.6mg currently and I’m over it) but MDMA and mephedrone abuse really messed my life up for awhile. I was usually okay with psychedelics although I don’t know how I am alive with how much 5-MeO-AMT I used to do.
All of them to varying degrees, but for me stimulants (coke/crack, methamp, cathinones) have def wreaked the most physical and mental havoc.

ROA has a lot to do with it as well. A lot of sloppy shit you do when you have an obsession, and it'll fuck you up quick.
Weed got me interested
MDMA got me hooked on seeking out harder drugs
Opiates taught me a lesson that I never learned from
Cocaine just added getting hit by a truck repeatedly during all this
Alcohol....is what ruined me.

Summed my life story up pretty well with this one
Pretty much everything apart from mushrooms or LSD (apart from the very occasional few hours of a bad trip which I don't really consider that bad, more of a learning curve)

Benzos the worst, nearly killed me. 400mg+ a day of diazepam habit. Don't touch them anymore for about 3-4 years now apart from the last 2 weeks I've actually done them for sleep but I've ran out now and not getting more.
Ketamine 2nd, nearly lost my bladder from 10-20g a day habit and landed me in rehab. And I still do it. Alot. But not as much. But now I also I inject it. The needle fetish/ritual is probably(definitely) the worst and most shameful problem. And the most harmful aka losing veins.
Then probably cocaine (had a 2g a day habit for a while ended up with a hole in my septum) and then opiates, used to use oxy/tram/codeine/dhc/morph etc daily for years. Luckily I only smoked crack a few times and never liked it very much compared to a nice line (or 10) of good coke, especially if the coke is mixed with ket lol. Also luckily I only tried meth once too, although amphetamines were never really my thing tbh...
Weed was pretty bad for me when I was younger. Don't touch it now. At one point smoked 7g a day easily.
Alcohol. Which had had its ups and downs, and is still running its course lol

Ahhh drugs. Don't ya just love to hate to love them 😂😂

Edit: I forgot RCs, daily Mephedrone and mxe caused me alot of problems too.

BUT! Do the good times outweigh the bads? Probably yeah, with everything bar from benzos. I can't remember the good times lol. That and pissing blood constantly with ket and the rehab, rehab was borrrrring.
Alcohol started it all ( Alcoholics we Drink 🙈)
add freebase to alcohol, and huge damage can be done
opiates now after medical procedures, and dependent
Every drug has caused me problems except marijuana, mushrooms and LSD. I just don't like psychadelics. I've never used heroin or a lot of speed or meth, either...but have gotten heavily stuck into the pharmaceutical equivalents. In recent years for legit medical reasons I've been on opioids like oxy and tapenadol and Bupe. Luckily I have been able to stop using these by replacing them with Tramadol, but I know this doesn't work for everyone.
My ex-partner got me into Dexamphetamine, and right now I'm non-functional unless I have at least a bit.
Way before that, I was on Valium for years. Not an obscene amount - (rarely more than 15 mgs per day) but enough to cause seizures if I tried to stop suddenly. I did finally get off Valium for purposes of being able to pass random drug tests in context of custody dispute (that was a laugh ...my daughters dad had an obscene cannabis problem which was never looked into, but my moderate diazepam use - which was motivated by a desire to avoid alcohol altogether - was regarded as a major menace!)
Then my mother committed suicide and I was back on the Valium.
Finally, alcohol has been in my life since I was about 13. Good ole booze. Many people, for sound reasons, don't like AA, but AA is on the ball when it describes alcohol as "cunning, baffling and powerful". Maybe because it is legal and socially acceptable, booze will easily persuade you that it's benign, that it's your friend, and that you are damned well entitled to its very loyal friendship, even if your life has been ruined by things you've said and done while drunk. Fuck that, and fuck what everyone says, booze loves boozers and loves to get its way. Booze is the only drug that seems to me to have a "personality". "O thou invisible spirit of wine/if thou hast no name/let thee be called Devil!" (misquoting from Shakespeare, but you get the drift).
How poetic of you miss. I would say psychedelics have personalities as well. Narcotics are really boring motherfuckers. Do you have synaesthesia? Do you interpret days or years or situations as personalities too?
Yeah I do. Is that what synaesthesia means?
I don't exactly "personify" them consciously always, but even certain times of day are my "enemies". Like dawn ("busy old foole, unruly sun .. "- a Donne poem .. "not the fucking birds again .. " that's just me)
Also sunset, which has become an adversary ever since my mother's suicide... she died sometime between sunset and early dark.
Then there's summer itself, in my case Australian summer, which is a sadistic motherfucker. About 3 months straight of 100 degrees-in-the-shade conditions. Tolerable if you've got air-conditioning or at least a car so you don't have to walk everywhere (I have neither). Summer includes the torture of "the festive season". Summer's Henchman No 1 is the month of February. February is a holocaust.
It's not just me who hates it. The suicide rate peaks in February.

Do you have any "foes" or "friends" yourself along these synaesthestic lines? and thanks for the word "synesthesia" btw