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Where do you like to take pills, and why is it so great there?

where do u like to drop


im fairly new to all this and the only places ive had e's are at house parties and raves/clubbing

I was chatting to a guy the other day who said that he did them at bars aswell , also sometimes just drops some at night and then does random stuff around the neighbourhood haha

any way i was just wondering what sort of situations do u like to drop in
and if you have even more time how do u rate each situations

cheers lads and ladies
keep droppin'
yeah rate all of the above plus I enjoy droppin on me own as well or with a good friend when wer just sit and chat pretty deeply.

I dont like doin the same thing over and over as i think that would be boring so im always up for new ideas
ta for the input mazdan

I would really like to hear someones opinion on going to a bar on one , or just going out with some friends at night

plz if you have the time post =)

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Gay bars are fun...cause everyones on IT.

Regular bars are full of 'drunk' people which don't often mix with pillers. One drug heightens awareness...the other diminishes it.

Guess if ya found a really chill cocktail bar it could be nice...but otherwise some good ole home googing usually hits the spot!:)
agree with bars being full of drunks and people look at you a bit weird when pilling in a pub kinda situation, i prefer dance kinda clubs where alot of people are doing it, as i tend to wander off and just chat to everyone, so i dont think the "at home" would be my kinda thing.

I've dropped at a bar before, by accident, i had planned on going to a niteclub beneath a pub, and had dropped on the way there in the car but when I got there and the niteclub was closed.I was spewing. Because it was a crowded bar, and there were 100's of conversations going on, when the pill kicked in i could hear all of them pretty clearly at once, my ears were just on overload (does this happen to anyone else?). It was cool just floating around the place, and starting up randomn conversations, i even had a go on the pokies, i must have been drawn there by all the pretty lights and sounds, put $5 in and won enough to buy 5 pills. so it was pretty good end to a nite that i thought would be a dud.
pubeman said:
Because it was a crowded bar, and there were 100's of conversations going on, when the pill kicked in i could hear all of them pretty clearly at once, my ears were just on overload (does this happen to anyone else?).

I've had the same thing before, or at least something similar, and generally it tends to freak me out a little.
It's normally when i'm havin' a little sit down or something all of a sudden I get this feeling like i'm overdosing on the extreme amount of audio input rushing to my ears.
It's wierd.
If I can control it it's kewl but others I usually have to get up 'cause I start to freak out... my brain's overloading maaaaan.
I have dropped at a pub once before and had a good night. I have done it at home a couple of times as well, with a few good mates which was also quite a good experience. But like I assume most people do, most of the time when I have dropped has been at nightclubs. I reckon as long as you are in a good mood and surrounded by people you want to be with, chances are you will enjoy yourself.
Hahaha... how easy is it to pick up when ur droppin and everyone else is drinkin? My mates and I do this quite often, we go to bars and clubs where most of the clientelle (spelling?) are drinkers, and we just work our way through the crowd. :)

Anyone else find this? When ur pilling and others are drinking you get this sense of superiority and ur confidence goes through the roof. The chicks love it!
this thread is a bit suss to me... maybe i'm just paranoid ...*shrug*
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I usually like drop one or two in my mum's backyard pool bbq parties, because I just love floating on waterbed with a beer or cocktail in my hand in the pool under the wonderful tropical sun while I am too floored to do anything, just peak and swim in the pool, its so relaxing and fun!

Feels so different being in water/pool when you are peaking, as long there's someone look after you so you wont drown :D
I've found that ANYWHERE is, generally, the perfect place to drop.
As long as the surroundings (including other people) aren't hazardous you can have a wikid stix time.
The problem/benefit seems to lie within the drugs themselves (I.E. Price, side-effects) rather than where you choose to drop.
dark studios with lots of flashing lights and LCD screens.

Sitting in a studio full of gear with hundreds of fucking bright things is an experience and a half.

Then start playing around with some synth sounds 8o WOAH... especially gurner-synth sounds commonly found in trance and stuff. Thats crazy
My favorite is at the cinema. I recently saw the matrix while peaking off my dial, it gives you a different perspective on the movie
climbing trees while you are peaking off your tits is the most fun ever
Perth crowd - where do you roll??

Just wondering where a majority of the perth crowd choose to have their fun??
Personally a quiet one with some good friends near the beach at my house is the region of choice but after that its always the rise!! lousy place if your straight tho :|

there are a lot of other spots too..
whatta bout you?
Waste of a Pill...

Ok..this might come across odd to a lot of you, but me and my mates have never pilled at a club... its always just sitting around at people's houses doin shit all and lovin it... however we are goin to a club in a couple of nights and my mate doesn;t want to pill in there cos he thinks he will just get lazy aand do what we do at home and ruin the night.. i think this is stupid cos its a totally diff. situation and hence totally diff. sort of peak and it would be fucking awesome but thats just my view.. What do you think? If we get lazy normally on pills will the same happen at a club and we waste our pills and our night
I don't understand. So it's NOT a waste of a pill to sit at home and do nothing, but it IS a waste to do exactly the same thing at a club?

It's hard to say what will happen in the club environment, but if you want to get less lazy from your pills, why not have them in halves? A lot of people find that lower doses are better in clubs, since you can still talk and move around, but also feel decent enough.