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What's your favorite tea?

A tea made from locally found flowers and herbs. I don't even know what's in there. I like to add chamomille and a couple fresh mint leaves.
Yorkshire tea. Milk in first. Freshly, once-boiled water, brewed for 2 minutes, teaspoon of your finest silver spoon granulated sugar. Thorough stir, one slurp, then 30 minutes of slow, warm dips of the lip.
I love Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea at night. It's really tasty, just needs a wee bit of sweetener, not much. Minty and seems to get me to sleep more quickly, which I always need help on. :) It's an herbal tea. I like to sweeten my teas with raw unbleached sugar.

During the day, I love Bigelow's Constant Comment. It's redolent of orange, spices and just smells divine. It reminds me of nice times drinking it with my Grandma years ago. It was her favorite afternoon tea. It's a black tea.
My two favorites are Bigelows Orange & Spice tea as well as their Cranberry Apple tea, followed by their Mint Medley.

Out of my Ashbys variety pack I like the Cinnamon Plum and Cinnamon Orange Spice teas.

Tazo makes some good ones but their names don't necessarily describe the kind of tea, so I'm including the description on the box. My favorite one of theirs is 'Passion' which is "a blend of exotic hibiscus flowers, natural flavors of mango and passion fruit, lemongrass and tart rose hips." I'm not sure if they have a variety of 'passion' flavors, but the one I like is the one in the purple box.

Notable mentions are chai tea, 'sleepytime' tea (a blend of chamomile, spearmint, west indian lemongrass, tilia flowers, blackberry leaves, orange blossoms, hawthorn and rosebuds), lemon zinger, chamomile tea, and the 'Wild Sweet Orange' tazo tea which is "A juicy blend of lemongrass, citrus herbs, licorice root & orange essences."
Lately I've been drinking lots of black tea. Yunnan gold black tea, Darjeeling black teas, a coconut Assam black tea that has slivers of coconut in it, Nilgiri black tea, Earl Grey, and pu-erh black tea.

I drink black tea instead of coffee since I've cut back on coffee. I still drink espresso but just not daily. I had a cafezinho with panela and milk a few days ago in the morning, and I had an affogato with plain espresso for dessert tonight after dinner.
Lovely except for the price. Delicate new leaf buds, best made with water of 80 degrees C. max. a few minutes after boiling in other words, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baihao_Yinzhen

i've said it before and i'll say it again, white tea is the best beverage on planet earth. i'm glad you are familiar with it, upset in that i seem to be alone in my obsession.

aaand i just realized i am responding to a year old post.
I'm actually sippin more jasmine tea and it's soothing and relaxing specially after a long and stressful day at work
Peppermint Mate' for stimulation, Lemon Balm and/orSkullcap for a nice chill. Lemon balm stops the breakdown of GABA! Excellant relief from Occasional anxiety.

Celestial Seasonings' "Bengal Spice" is intensely flavorful, almost too much- could use 12 oz or more for 1 bag!

Throat Coat by Traditional Medicinals- Best commercial Sore throat tea I've found.

Maya I am gonna make some jasmine tea Right now, it's been too long since that sweet seductive smell : D

Hi Tea Lovers!
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I've tried a wide variety of teas and I don't see how people can stomach the taste.

My favorite tea is sweet tea.
^how bout chai tea? I love the Indian chai tea the slight spicy taste and creamy sweetness yum!
The past few days I have been drinking oolong and Chinese green tea in the afternoon or very early evening, and I start the day with 1.5-2.0 cups of a Darjeeling black tea. I enjoy white tea but I do not have any with me now. For herbal drinks I like yerba mate, guayusa, peppermint/spearmint, rooibos, jasmine, lavender, Jamaica/Hibiscus, and chamomile. Tulsi also tastes very good I have a small amount of that blended with ginger and dried cranberries. I used to love Japanese green teas but I no longer drink them because of Fukushima.
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I put a large teaspoon of kratom iin a regular coffee filter, twist it up, seal it with two staples, and then brew kratom tea along with all sorts
of other teas. I like Earl Grey. Also I typically like teas with shizandra-berries. I dislike mint teas.