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What's your afternoon fix? are you missing anything today?

Been off the opiates and crack for 2 weeks now.
I go to 12 step but had 2 Ksalols and stiizy THC vape pen hits for the afternoon.
Not too much, so I feel p normal finally, merry weekend y'all.

Not wanting to dip into the cannabis, not that I have any on hand anyway, because I start a new job later today, here in just a couple hours really, and want to be clear headed. That said, will be beginning a staggered black coffee and intranasal bupe regimen here shortly to ensure I'm nice and.. peppy when I report for duty lol. 😜
Today's afternoon fix:
A couple 30mg oxycodone IR..one or 2 turned into 4(damnit).
Vape- THC-A
Zyrtec (because it feels sooo damn good.....to not have crazy sneezes from allergies.)
Otherwise here in a couple hours..
Probably turn in for 2-4mg kpins and possibly another 30 but let's hope I just don't..otherwise definitely edibles d8 is on my menu along with THC-A moonrocks.
Might eat 2 500mg amanita gummies for the nightcap.

Just woke up, gonna take my kratom. It's Sunday so no mail and therefore no dissociatives until tomorrow. Will probably take a hit of weed here and there throughout the day
Nothin but puffin on dis stuff
am I missing anything? no but I would like to have about 100mg of real oxy.
Forget those days.
Rear mirror days it looks like.
Damn it's hard to stay a gangsta. :p
It's 4pm here in Cali and I'm missing nothing.
I took my usual 2 ksalol's, THC vape and just for today I took 2 Adderall 30s.
I don't have to work tomorrow and have benzo's for comedown .
Feeling good.
Luckily got my opioid and benzo tolerance back to zero before this but I had to get oral surgery to get 4 molars out at 1:30 today

got home and immediately popped 600mg cimetidine and 120mg DXM and painfully waited the 45 mins then-

Several cigarettes
25mg doxylamine
100mg dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
16mg ondansetron (hate the nausea from blood in your stomach🤮)
15mg hydrocodone and definitely got my tolerance all the way back down thank god

Gotta say taking the hydrocodone with the fentanyl still coming down slowly was blissful though I don’t like fent by itself really all that much

Gonna try not to touch the benzos too often especially before tolerance sets in at least

Hope y’all being careful 🙏🏼
It's almost 8pm CA time and I'm kinda overdoing the benzos tonight.

afternoon fix:
3 bars taken within one hour
Camel Turkish Gold cigs
lots of weed which in California is almost free on the black market
One Rockstar

I'm staying off adderal in the afternoon . I need my sleep damn.
Gonna try not to touch the benzos too often especially before tolerance sets in at least
I have a like experience with benzos.
I wait til 11am to noon and 8pm at night.
If I am not rigid in my usage of this substance it never fails to land me in hospitals, jails or other unfavorable situations.

Hope y’all being careful 🙏🏼
:group hug:

Not quite afternoon here yet but close enough
Bout to down 300mg pregabalin, .25mg brmzlm, coulple grams of kratom, coffee and a few puffs of thc end with a cig
I figure by 12-1pm I will be feeling some relief from what I am feeling atm.
Today: I bench press stress so as follows 60mg oxy
2mg kpin
50mg d8 edibles probably eat 5 or 6 as usual and that ought to do it
had a realy good day today face timeing my friends and especially enjoyed my brother dropping in and saying what’s up with his baby mama and his baby boy

Wish he could’ve stayed longer but he was only in town to re-up on bud from his plug so I completely understood him not wanting to stay in town any longer then he had to plus customers were already hitting his line

Anyways down to business lol

Several cigarettes
2-3 Gs of high quality bud
200mg dimenhydrinate
16mg ondansetron
120mg DXM
800mg cimetidine
2mg clonazepam (couldn’t help myself)
20mg vicodin

Decided I’m gonna dose another 10mg of vicodin to boot when I get back from getting Gatorade and buying some more weed

Feelin really fucking good for just having my molars removed yesterday lol couldn’t tell ya why I just feel great🤷‍♂️😜

Hope everyone has I nice evening
I’ll have to say I’m truly missing some meth in my life lately. Completely disappeared it seems and I’m very sad. Addies and loads of coffee just aren’t cutting it anymore lol. I’m gonna go pout now 😭
am I missing anything? no but I would like to have about 100mg of real oxy.
Forget those days.
Rear mirror days it looks like.
Damn it's hard to stay a gangsta. :p
Yeah man I suppose I'm lucky to know a bunch of real oxy plugs they are all old folk(young ppl don't seem to get prescribed shit if anything)
if it wasn't for these ppl that I have known and done bitness wit for a decade or longer, I'd be fucked chasing fent everyday or even dead. OR maybe I would be alive, clean with more paper to my name(fuck money, never been one for preserving).

Just sayin I hear ya and when drought comes(bc pain management dr's lower the milligram or amount on these elderly folks, which is fucked up and sad.) That's when everyone scrambles and ultimately taking fetti if bupe is not around or on hand.. so I stay stocked up as well as possible, for what its worth.
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