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Whats the worst Jacking you've had, heard of?

I was talking to a guy that told me a story about how he fronted a guy for a pound of weed. Then the kid, runs off. And when I say runs off, I mean they went to his house and he didn't live there anymore. I laughed so hard.
A semi-large dealer friend of mine told me this story a few months back about his surprise find one day.

He was walking down the street here in the city and noticed some shady guy in a construction area with a duffle bag. The guy looked around, hurriedly stashed the bag, and split the area without seeing my friend. He walked up, grabbed the bag, looked in it and found a couple boats with of ecstacy. Needless to say, he got out of the area pretty quickly. haha man...he even gave me a ten pack of those for free. To top it all off, they were some bomb ass pills too. Nice and clean!

Felt kinda bad for the guy who lost a few grand worth of drugs because someone couldn't hide it worth them shit, but oh well.
my bros friend was given a car by some relative. traded it in, got like $5000 back. him and one of his guys decided they were going to buy a pound of weed and sell it. so they just gave some guy like $4000 (idk exactly how much) cash and never saw him again. surprise, surprise. 8) 8) 8)

i hate when people are just given stuff and then they go and throw it away like fools. end off topic semi rant. :)
A friend of mine was jacked like 100 e pills and 100 hits of acid when he was at work. His dumbass roommate was selling some of it for him but pulls out the stash from its hiding spot in front of like five people. They are still not sure who took it.

Kinda my friend's fault. Especially since this is like the fourth time he has been jacked. If it were me, I would trust nobody and keep that shit locked up 24/7. If someone is going to jack me, they are at least going to have to take the whole safe.
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$100 for X and Xanax...its been 2 years...I wonder where this kid is...oh wait...he's in jail...thats what you get faggot...finally realized why this kid's parents wont even fuck with him...bitch

oh and in 2003 someone (oh i know who, i fucking know who!!!) sold me a pound of fake weed...needless to say it was useless aside from smoking dirty's (yes, i know, i was 19) and rolling really fat blunts (of course with REAL weed in them too)...theres more to the story, but thats not something i'm posting on the internet
Okay, heres a couple
I was from a group on the northside, and I knew a gang leader in a different area, through one of my best friends,long story short me and the gang leader used to trade shit.....alot (Whats cheap here, expensive there, vice versa)
Well I cut out my best friend about a month ago and realize the coy motherfucker was making 100-200 e and 200-400$ EACH TIME

Long story short-Baseball bats.
Someone I know got severely duped.

My friend J meets this dude X who tells him all these fairy tales of how he can take $4000 and make it into like $10,000 through the drug trade. X shows him how he can get all this bomb ass coke, good rolls, etc. so my friend starts to believe that he'll be able to make a purchase and sell it for profit.

Keep in mind J has known X for only like 5 days. I saw J after he got back from the bank with the $4,000. that was a lot of cash. He hands it all over to X.

The next morning I get the bad news: a supposed friend of X calls J to tell him that X was arrested last night with rolls on him and needs bail money. The friend of X tells J not to worry because he only lost like $500 worth of stuff to the cops, it would be no problem to make it back, blah blah blah... the kicker: X needs $1500 bail money.

You guessed it, J was so worried about losing his entire investment that he hands over the additional $1500 to X's friend.

This time J never hears from or sees X or X's friend again.

couple other short ones that are just straight up jackings...
* guy gets robbed at gunpoint over a pound of weed, pistol whipped, and is left handcuffed to his steering wheel
* another person I know got a sawn-off shotgun pulled on him by his friend and robbed for I think also a pound of weed
* this idiot I know handed over $2,000 to a middleman to go get him a quap of headies. the dude was probably a crackhead and just took off with his cash. the guy was so embarassed that he just got straight up got like that that he made up this weak ass story about getting robbed at gunpoint but his friend spilled the beans and told me what really happened lol
Someone I work with stole like >9000 vials of ketaset from the medics.
rangrz said:
Someone I work with stole like >9000 vials of ketaset from the medics.

Damn I wish that could've been me. I would be rich and permanently k-ed out.
Yeah he got away. It was a pretty scummy thing to do to tho. (stealing from legitimate medical supplies is not that cool)

it was just a delivery of ketamine had been dropped off, for distribution around the forces, and it was just sitting on the drill hall floor. So he just got his van, and loaded it up. Kind of lulzy, but still scummy.
...I've seen them leave brand new rifles and boxes grenades also sitting on the floor for like weeks on end before they get moved to their proper places.
I met a guy I know (know is a pretty strong word for our relationship). I went to get in his car as I would usually do, and he said "nah i gotta be moving, just hand me the money." Not really thinking this was a scamster (or not thinking at all), I handed him about 300 dollars. He proceeds to peel out of the parking lot and I never see him again. I think he moved to Minnesota very soon afterwards. :\
I am shpongled said:
There's a dumb ass kid in my school who is about 5 feet tall and thinks its cool to deal alone. He has been busted once and robbed several times, totalling more than an ounce of weed. Yet he continues to deal 8)

That don't mean shit.

Some people out there, like that, who would shoot you over a twenty sac...........
rangrz said:
Yeah he got away. It was a pretty scummy thing to do to tho. (stealing from legitimate medical supplies is not that cool)

it was just a delivery of ketamine had been dropped off, for distribution around the forces, and it was just sitting on the drill hall floor. So he just got his van, and loaded it up. Kind of lulzy, but still scummy.
...I've seen them leave brand new rifles and boxes grenades also sitting on the floor for like weeks on end before they get moved to their proper places.

I dunno what unit you were with but any forces base i've been on that shit doesn't fly and thus I'm skeptical to believe it, only time I've ever seen a rifle laying around is when someone leaves it sittin in the shacks and thats only till the warrent jacks the fuck out of them.
Billnye said:
I dunno what unit you were with but any forces base i've been on that shit doesn't fly and thus I'm skeptical to believe it, only time I've ever seen a rifle laying around is when someone leaves it sittin in the shacks and thats only till the warrent jacks the fuck out of them.

+1 on that one. Rifles being left around without any serious jackings or charge books being whipped out does not compute. But then again, I could be seriously wrong on this one.

Still I can easily see some bin-rat leaving out a crate of ketamine though, lol.
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A couple years ago, I was pretty bad off (dope sick) and my usual connect would not be ready until 8pm, and it was early morning still.. I called up a "friend" (more like fellow junky) who said he could do somethin' for me. He showed up near my house with his GF saying he needed the money upfront, as he was a little broke. I gave him enough for 5 bags, 3 for me, 2 for them for doing the deal for me.

Guy disappears for 2 hours, and I can't get a hold of him, thinkin' I'm completely beat. He calls back and says he's doing the deal ATM and will be back at my house in 20 minutes. I'm stoked, figuring if he was gonna beat me, he wouldn't of called me back. An hour passes by and he hasn't showed up. I call his phone, and his GF picks it up. She says they got pulled over and the cop caught her BF with the shit. She needs $750 to bail him out, and he was arrested because of me (as she so eloquently put it). I just said "Fuck you and your scumbag boyfriend," hung the phone up and punched a wall. Lost a little bit of money, luckily I saved enough so I could get a bundle later that night (had an idea something like that could happen), but the bitch had the balls to repeatedly call me back yelling at me to give her more money for his "fictitious" bail.

Found out from a friend apparently he was gonna do the deal straight, but his "girlfriend" convinced him to beat me. Well, he has called me since then asking for me to "help him out" but apparently he never realized he was burning bridges. I just laughed at his dope sick, broke ass. He was arrested a few weeks after this happened (for possession, lost his pick-up), and heard his girlfriend was gettin' pimped out for the diesel... heh.. Karma is a bitch.
they're left out when brand new...and usually sans bolt. (and usually not for too long...and usually supervised) but people fuck up now and then, and there often are charges laid when it happens. I.e whe we get a new skid of rifles from Diemaco, and the supply techs and weapon techs need to invintory them and get them sent to the right places. They are usually thus attending them...but now and then, idiots do leave them

In this case...medical supplies are not under any specific orders to be secured/locked up... However, due to the negligence of the whole act, the supply tech at that medical unit was charged...
one time my friend, was jacking, and it was taking longer that usual, and things got a bit rough. Anyway, he started to bleed, so he put some NewSkin type product on himself to stop the bleeding to resume the jacking he was engaged in, which had some alcohol in it, which made him scream. Anyway his mom thought he was hurt, burst into the room expecting to see him hurt or dying, but he was just jackin away.
I should add.

Its always awesome when the medical unit is getting rid of expired meds...dumpster diving has never been so fruitful. :p
the only time ive gotten jacked was when i was stupid and fronted $20 for a g of weed, obviously i never saw the dude again

but it taught me to only buy from people i personally know, no "girlfriends friends friend" bullshit